They absolutely nuked barb according to Rob

These are new nerfs, from after the ptr. They will announce them soon but some of the youtubers got an early look



Sorry but I don’t they are going to balance with eternal or pvp in mind.

PVP, I understand, but eternal is literally the base game.

If you can’t balance the stuff at the base, how do you expect it to be balanced at seasons. The seasonal mechanic is supposed to ride ontop of the eternal base game.



It’s a “fails at math spectacularly” issue. A team or B team shouldn’t matter if your math skill is decent enough. Nothing knocks players off of the pendulum more than making it swing so wildly they just give up and let go. They should be aiming for every class and spec loadout to get to X level of endgame content as a soft ceiling, with the remaining levels currently available above that as a buffer for those with the skill to perform at a level that is more than the sum of their gear.

If the nerfs to some allows buffs to others to bring all of the classes and specs as close to each other as possible, that’s what should be done. And frankly we’re already in dire need of a numbers squish in the form of nixing some of the grossly obscene multipliers. The game is barely more than a year old now and is already closing in on Diablo 3 levels of numerical ridonkulousness. That needs to be reined in, and in a hurry.


i hope this is fake, barbarian core skills already hit like a wet noodle, barbs only deal damage because of gushing wounds and berserk ripping. Just look at the dust devils builds without the mechanics i mentioned before they do no damage. Bloodrage node already capped at 30% and soon the hemorraghe or what ever is spelled at 45%.


You can wait for the official blog post for changes going into S5 but what you are hearing are all real. D4 partners are just releasing some of these updates now as they were not able to prior due to NDA.

But yes, Barbs got most amount of nerfs. I mean come on, barb does trillion of dmgs and dominate every season might as well call this game Barbalo 4…


Four words: Eight tempers on weapons.


Tempers for barb have been nerfed too. It’s most likely the weakest class now.

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They would then have to buff all the content across the 4 difficulties + each progression step after. Makes much more sense to nerf. But the nerfs should be delicate, which is why we used the word “Nerf” - softening, like the toys they make/made. This is more like a solid hammer to an anvil, though (from what I’ve heard from Slaydra)

Keep hoping!

Remains to be seen but it does sound brutal

Umm… Eternal is not base. This is and has always been promoted as a seasonal game. Eternal is the graveyard. Just like it is in D3.


Good news for all other classes though. Some good buffs. Rogue looks promising for s5

Interesting point of view.

I of course disagree with it but i can see how youd think that.


i mean, i agree barb needed a nerf, but they nerfed everything not the thing that was making builds doing barbillions of damage. We are literally back at pre season one when barb was trash outside bugged hota and bugged berserk ripping, many of you may not remember but unconstrained was buffed because we dealt no damage with core skills, you were forced to use umbriled rage.

Maybe the changes to uniques can make up for the heavy nerfs but i doubt it, blizzard devs have shown 0 knowledge of how they own game works.


i’ll take ‘click bait streamer over reacting’ for 100, alex.


He’s not alone <…>

I am sure Rob will come up with S tier build for barb , likely more than one. I wouldn’t sweat it cuz you guys got Rob. Rob got you barb players lol.

oh no, barb might not be top class for a 5th season in a row!

time to riot!


thats the thing, i don’t follow robs builds, i don’t like them because he always finds the most broken stuff. Nothing wrong with that but i find unfair that because some top meta players and streamer find some busted build people like me, that likes to do their own humble theorycrafting gets punished.

Not worried about barb being on top, or not. Concerned they are showing no skill toward balancing classes so they are within say 5-10% of each other.

with so much changes going into seasons after seasons, not saying you do your own theorycrafting is wrong or anything, by all means if that is what you enjoy. But all these changes sometimes massive, how do you keep up needing to rework the math for many skills, dmg bucket all the time.

Man, If I were you I just go with one of the Op S tier broken A#@ build and dominate the season to have fun lol.