The time it takes to level

What? In D2 you had the message board. You could easily find lvling groups and since the game was instances zones this made a clear progression path very easy. If you used the message board you could lvl 1-75 in a single day meaning 8-10 hrs, something like that.

But DIV has no message board, and no clear leveling path, no instanced zones, and it’s a nothing like leveling in DII. I don’t know where you guys come up with this “It’s to much like DII” stuff.

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I simply will not buy a battle pass. I will get my characters up to lvl eventually. But DIV will not be my main game soley due to the slow leveling process. It will quickly be the back burner game.

What gets me is how many streamers make these “how to level fast” video, but every single one of them is for power leveling and high end levelers that are already at end game. Most of the rest of us have found the current player experience to tedious to want to grind the same dungeons for days.

Seriously we got better things to do with our time.


100% agreed. I’d rather a tight experience and a fun action packed end game where I can hit cap in a reasonable time and by doing that makes alts level 100% faster. This is the worst kind of time wasting. It’s artificially slow. I hate this idea of a “main game” you play the game until you complete the content and then we stop. Maybe we come back when new stuff is added. I don’t want a 100 hour game, I want a tight and fun 40-60 hours where I can see all the content, get all classes capped and then stop.

The crazy thing is Krip said 90-100 takes at least 150 hrs. Asmon, Ziz and Wuldji did not disagree. For a casual I’m pretty sure its a 300hr 1-100 game. No way in hell I’m doing that.

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150 hours is probably correct if you’re running non-nightmare dungeons. in my experience, it’s quicker, even as solo, to go from 90-100 in nightmare dungeons. with that said, 100 isn’t a requirement to enjoy most of the endgame activities. only reasons for hitting 100 is personal goal/achievement, fighting uber lillith, or pushing up to tier 100 nightmare dungeons on your way to level 100.

In terms in over all speed. Everything is slowed down to a crawl and D4 feels like watching paint dry.

you do not need to hit lvl 100. this meta game style of video game era ruins video games with all the content makers and websits posting builds and guides and everyone just copy paste an learns nothing for themselves

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I suspect this will change when they actually unfold the shop, right now it is too slow and yes, you do need to hit lvl 100 and 2 months of 8 hours per day to get there is not right.

Why do you need to hit 100?

In d1 and d2 you didn’t need to hit cap. Usually your class felt complete around 50 or so and everything above that was just to make things faster. D3 did you need 2k-5k paragon to feel complete? D4 is no different than any other Diablo games. You don’t need to hit the cap to enjoy the game. If you feel you do, this isn’t the game for you. Hell, this isn’t the genre for you. And theres nothing wrong with that.

I understand, so because I feel the need to get to lvl 100, and to eventually push to the highest NM dungeon difficulty, ARPG is not the genre for me, makes sense.

So also lvl 100 is when people are supposed to quit because they beat the game right?

I need to reach lvl 100 to unlock the full potential of the class I am playing and push the harder reasonable content I can, what kind of half assed ARPG player would stop half way lol

Paragon in d3 and d4 are 2 different beasts, once you get all the main stats like atk speed, CD reduction and so on, the rest of the point that go into vitality and main stats are not as important of unlocking a glyph in D4.

Please forward all Ideas to the master thread :slight_smile:

Good thing they gave us build variety… oh wait i mean meta builds that work and everything else left behind.

If they did appeal to the D2 crowd we would have a good game. They didn’t and insted we have hot garbage.

Actually you can have most of the best gear around lvl 70-75. Lvling up beyond that is only going to make you weaker most of the time. Mob scaling doing what it does best, making sure your progress is stuck.

You aren’t unlocking glyphs at level 100. You’re likely unlocking your last glyphs / rare / legendary nodes much much sooner than that. More importantly though, if you’re playing a game for the competitive aspect of it (completely min/maxing as you suggest), you’re expected to invest time. I wouldn’t say that nm100s or uber Lilith is designed for people who think that level 100 should be attained after 40 hours of gametime. It’s like expecting to do a 5m gr150 at paragon 500 in d3 or do a mythic raid as a fresh capped toon in wow.

What d2 fan base wanted any of this? Are you ignorant or just stupid?

One, most of the boomers have either been gaming long enough that they should know better or have a mobile tech support available (teen-age person) that simple mistakes should not happen.

Two, Ashava is currently dropping gear 10 levels higher than your current level. There are multiple posts about people’s gear drop on the forums. So, as much as I would like to be wrong about gear, this is not even close to the case.

They love this super slow terrible leveling and resource starvation.

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This here.

Honestly if it was not for the whole builder/spender system I could deal with the time it takes to level however when the first 50 - 60 levels are such a painful experience I can’t see myself doing this every 3 months.

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What is the resource starvation?

And the beauty of d2 leveling is you didn’t need to. Lvl 70, which is about 2 hours of farming is sufficient.