The time it takes to level

So. I bought the ultimate version just to get early access.
I have tried numerous strategies to level fast. Being a solo player none of these strategies have worked out. Just now i am level 66 after about a month of playing. Needless to say i have been VERY unlucky with drops. I can hardly keep myself alive as a lvl 66 barb. As it stands right now i will NOT be participating in seasons. This leveling business is taking way too long. If i cant reach lvl 100 in a month before seasons start i will not be able to get lvl 100 during a season. The thing that gets me is that this is NOT a game like everquest that takes months to lvl… It is diablo. It should NOT take months to get to where the game is fun. Right now i feel like i am done. It’s not fun dying over and over. If i’m not having fun it’s not a game i want to play. It’s sad because i waited YEARS for this game. It’s just not what i expected.
All you D2 players dont need to reply. I quit D2 the second i saw “immune” mobs as barb. Coming from d3 this game needs a doctorate just to level. Dumb it down just a bit. Jesus… a month into the game and only lvl 66. “Git Gud” Yes… But we only have what the game gives us. I have terrible gear. Chest piece havent been upgraded since lvl 40… guess why? No good drops!


I’ve been playing solo as well and literally just hit 66 too lol. It’s slow. I’m doing okay with getting gear and doing fine but even tier 20 nightmare dungeons aren’t putting a lot of XP on the leveling bar with each run.

D3 was kind of an outlier, both this game and D2 basically seem like they are designed for no-lifers… I mean, I think they’re fun to play but seasons are looking off the table.

I bought the game edition that came with a battle pass and yeah… I don’t think I’m going to actually end up using it at this point.


Also doesn’t really jive with the “if you want to change your spec, roll a new character” philosophy, since it takes so long, and you only have 10 slots in total.


They went too far in trying to appeal to the loud D2 fan base and the game is worse off because of it imo.


If you are dying in T4, your build is bad, your gear is bad, and more than likely - you need to learn to play.

I haven’t died on my Barb in days, even pushing high keys in NM dungeons.

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You don’t have to roll new characters for the same class though: we have full access to an easy spec re-roll. I only have alts as other genders and for HC, or for fun.

But yeah, I agree. I have two level 50-ish characters after 19 whole days of persistent grinding and it is truly slow.

“Easy” is not what I call a system that you have to manually re-assign each and every one of your skill points in order to respec.

Other blizzard games save your builds, and let you switch, why doesn’t D4?


I do not, at all, believe that the new Diablo team put 100% into appeasing the D2 fanbase; I absolutely adore D4 (excluding its obvious technical issues and silly were-form animations) and absolutely detest D2 (haven’t even finished it, or D1, yet because of how frustrating and grating the grid-like movement is). I was far more invested in D3 and that is the Diablo game I dumped all of my addiction into. D4 is a (good) far cry from D3 and I am still consistently working on my two main characters, every single day since day 0 (Early Access)!

In short, I highly doubt D4 was developed for the D2 speed-run map and boss nukers in mind.

A couple of things. One, you do not need to get to level 100 in order to complete a season. Blizzard estimates it will take 80 hours. Along that line, they stated that it would take 150 hours to get to Level 100. So, that means 5 hours a day in order to get max level in a month. So, you should easily be able to complete a season journey with only an hour a day. If things are more typical, you might even be able to do 20 minutes a day and complete everything.

Two, gear drops are a real problem. I have a Level 12 alt without any BLUES, let alone anything higher. They are getting Yellows from other characters. Ashava in Nightmare is dropping Level 80 (Torment Level) gear. Several times, I have gotten nice gear drops only to find my current class could not use them. Blizzard needs to change a thing or two with loot.

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It is super easy though, because we have full access to a D4 build calculator. If you need to re-spec for another build, you should already know exactly what passives and actives you will need and so it becomes a simple act of furiously clicking on what you need :3 I actually enjoy it, as I’m not often needing to change builds every 5 minutes.

However, I am with you on the loadouts: I am desperate for gear loadouts.

The leveling is the game, once you are done leveling you are done with the game. It’s not like some crazy end game thing unlocks at level 100.


It definitely takes too long to get to 100, and not getting to 100 is very unsatisfying because you need those paragon points to get as strong as possible. I hope they change that.

Ah yes that must be why the game is pretty much nothing like D2 outside of aesthetic?

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Literally, I had a debate with multiple people whom insists Level 100 is where the game STARTS. Also, Level 85 has 50% of the XP needed to get to Level 100. So, most of the “grind” is going to take place after Level 85.

Blizzard said months before release that this game wasn’t going to have infinite(indefinite) progression like an MMO or D3. It’s too bad people can type entire novels on here complaining but can’t actually listen. Then they act surprised when they hit 100…

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You don’t need to reach level 100. End game is level 50-100. You are in the end game. You have made it bro.

You can do everything the end game offers right now. Also, you should not stop until 70. The game will be way easier at 70 with ancestral gear.

I can’t stress this enough…nothing will change if you get to 100. Everything you do is the same.

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I partially agree with this. Keeping in mind that D4 was created, from day one of brain-storming, to be a GaaLS product; the leveling process is intentionally slow, so as to provide deep amounts of depth but to also keep the post-game activities alive and incentivised.

However, to get the “get all classes to level 100” achievement is more torturous than exciting or encouraging.

I was 75 on my Rogue at about day 10 (considering the early access), but granted during the first 4 days of early access I had cancelled every conceivable reason to go out of the house to play, so I was putting in anywhere between 10 and 14 hours a day into the game.

It’s basically as fully geared as possible (yes, 25 levels yet to max, and my weapon is basically never going to change, as I dropped an 814 Item Power bow for my build with all mods correct and very high rolls), but the thing is… Assuming you’d keep on trucking, you’d realize by about lvl 70 that there isn’t much point to keep levelling, and thus playing, that character.

Well, as a modicum of good news, they said seasons will last for 4 months (3 seasons per year is what they said, more precisely), and just recently they announced buffs to XP gain from Nightmare Dungeons, which should roll out before Season 1 drops. So not only you’d probably have the time to level to 100, it’s going to get somewhat faster. (Which I very much welcome.)

My main gripe right now is a lack of reason to actually care to get to 100. Your character changes almost nothing between (just a few numerical buffs here and there from Paragon points) 70 - 100, so I’m supposed to get 100 just because Uber Lilith is gated at 100 and fighting her any level below that is stupidity due to how armor works?

Not enough of an incentive.

Making the game incredibly slow is intentional game design specifically so they can say “hey look guys it’s not like D3, please come back now” to all the D2 fanboys.

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They really need to bump up the leveling speed between 50-90.

It’s okay that the final push requires steep curve. It’s not okay that the mid game is slog.

They said it would take about 150 hours for the average player to reach level 100. That’s simply not true. It will take the average player well over 250-300 hours, and it’s most likely the average player will simple stop leveling around 70-80 all together because it’s not worth the effort.