The time it takes to level

Like, Whispers are literally a carbon copy of D3’s Bounties; the only difference is “design” and how it relates to the theme of D4’s aesthetic.

One, Blizzard has stated that there is no Pay to Win in D4. However, there are many, many posts that seem to believe otherwise. So, apparently, people cannot read or listen as any other options would make the devs wrong about their own game.

Two, Blizzard has stated that the average player would take 150 hours to complete the game. So, either most of the current player are not average or the devs are wrong.

Three, since this is a US published game, people are allowed their views and opinions without infringement in most cases. So, there is not an option to stifle them unless you wish this to apply to everyone.

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This “kids these days” mentality is getting pretty tired.

I’m an old school RPG player, and “levelling” has never been a goal in and of itself. RPGs have leveling as a way of getting new spells and abilities, of making your character stronger. But these games are always about how much fun you’re having no matter what level you’re at.

So yes, if there’s a sense that you must level to get to the “real” game, then this is a failing of the game itself.

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There’s plenty of people who have no idea what P2W actually means though. Especially since the only thing of worth in the shop are back pieces and horses.

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Dude level 50 is not mid game, it’s the end game. What you are doing from lvl 50 onward is the same thing you will be doing at lvl 90-100 just with bigger numbers.

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I’m not sure what you are doing wrong, but you are doing something wrong. I’m level 75 right now, I have been in WT 4 since I was level 60, and in the beginning, yeah, I died a lot with my Sorcerer, but I kept mixing WT3/4 content to do my Renown and running dungeons to grind. Also, Helltide, PvP area and Legion Events are pretty good for XP and items. I don’t see a problem with getting gear, I literally have all my tabs full of Legendaries with good aspects that I might need in the future, and I have been breaking every new one for the past week or so. Selling all my rares as well, since the only upgrade remaining for me would be a better helm (all Ancestral gear right now).

Barbarians are slow to level, that is a fact, but level 66 onwards it should be a breeze. Are you sure you build is right? Do you have the right secondary stats? The right aspects? Something is wrong, you should be destroying stuff as a barb.

They understood what they were saying. You are way too literal and are completely wrong. Nobody likes people who do that and suggest/hope you don’t do that in real life too

Why do you need to get to 100? What does it really matter? Why is that a defining point for you?

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Sounds like your problem is you are trying to level fast without taking the time ever to get gear… By leveling fast you miss out on gear farming, renown farming, glyph farming, etc.

The fastest way to level is not nightmare dungeons, but nightmare dungeons are what you should be doing, with helltides and whispers.

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I never said it was just “kids” that were responsible for it. In fact a lot of the people that would prefer to skip over every level in WoW so they can play it as a raid log game are much older.

I’m also not talking about the people that would still level if they found it fun. It’s not about whether the levelling experience is enjoyable or not, I’m talking about people that would prefer to or even pay to skip over every level if they could regardless.

In and of itself, nothing may be wrong. The OP did point out that they have not gotten any decent drops. So, that could be it. I know that I have a Level 12 alt without even a Blue. As such, if gear is 15 or so levels below, things could be rough.

It is not a failure of the game in any way. With level scaling, leveling has been virtually eliminated anyway. The only purpose it serves is to unlock ability and paragon points.

Sorry but 66 in a month is a joke at some point…You are hyper casual they cant do the game based on such casual.

By spamming dungeons youll gear up fast as well, doing helltides is just for the forgotten souls to upgrade/reroll, whispers are a waste of time.

The games been out for you less than 3 weeks, nice exaggeration lol. While I agree the leveling in this game is slow, you’re just not using the right build. There’s no other way you’re having “trouble” surviving at 66.

Gear, with a side order of gear. Read my reply to Darkwraith above.

Yeah, have fun re speccing 3 paragon boards and unlearning one by one…

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Sorry but you’re wrong. This guy HAS to be a boomer that straight up doesn’t know how to aspect his gear properly or something…Just no

seasons are 3 months long… also if you quit D2 because of immune mobs…lul. i feel like AARPGS just might not be for you… I’ve been playing solo and am at 76. I dont understand the rush… We’re not even a month into launch… if your 66… 3 weeks into launch. that’s pretty good for a casual gamer. 70 starts end game basically sooooo. you’d have 2 months worth of “season” end game.

This game is very unhealthy in leveling. I am 93 hours in and only level 78. It’s ridiculous. I fired up Diablo 3 the other day and it was a blast. Hit cap in 2-3 hours on a fresh character. Felt awesome getting power while leveling and hitting torment difficulties. This is awful, simply put. I feel it is by design to get us towards the shop and pay for the battle pass because “well if I am playing this long I might as well buy this”. But it’s not fun. The leveling and gearing while leveling sucks. Cap should be level 50 or 60 and then paragon points should be account wide. The thought of leveling another character is awful.
Also changing builds simply is not a thing the later you get. It would require sooo many resources and getting lucky on drops again. There is not really a decent thing about the game after level 60 in the current state. Nightmare dungeons need to award around 100% xp bonus per tier starting around tier 20. 1-2 nightmare dungeons should be a level or 2. The higher the tier the higher the drop rate should be as well.