The time it takes to level

Actually, they are literally in the “post-game” cuz the story ends and the post-game activities begin (or are supposed to begin) at and after level 50.

The word “end-game” has been abused so much that it is truly frustrating. For clarification, so y’all can understand its definition clearer: the Lilith boss fight is, by definition, the end-game of Diablo IV. There is also the Epilogue which leads into the post-game.

I hope this helps to identify the difference between the two concepts!

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fun fact that D3 fanboys doesn’t understand that lvl 99 was never a goal in D2(especially in seasons). Idk what r u smoking if you think that they done this for D2 fanbase.
I think the only one reason that they done this is to keep playtime for seasons more than 10h(like it was in D3) cuz they won’t be able to sell anything if we’ll have same season playtime that was in D3.
i think it’s same thing that they done with renown.


Play time is supposed to come from the item hunt and chasing end game challenges. That’s the appeal of ARGS. The mid game needs to have faster leveling speed or casual players will simply quit the game.

The game is over between level 60 - 70 depending on your luck, anyway.

It sounds like you just don’t have a good build or didn’t gear properly around your build.

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Agreed but blizzard with 10 uniques in the game think differently

This is an incredibly misguided and incorrect take. In reality the reason the game is so slow is so Blizzard can show time played metrics to its stockholders to influence buying more stock based around a possible new cash cow and future sustained profits.

Actually no they are in the end-game because the devs call the end game 50+.

Stop doing actually replies, cause you actually have no clue what you are saying.

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150 hours for the average player is about right. 500 hours for certain types of players is not enough. Most people will hit Act 4 and get a horse, this makes road travel much faster. So, going between dungeons, doing side quests gets faster after Act 4 - as long as you travel by road. On the other hand, if you are the explore everything type, you will be around Level 50 when you complete Act 2 - with three more zones and 4 more Acts to go. So, it will take you a very long time to level as monster scaling will kick in.


I think it’s both. Either way it doesn’t feel fun or rewarding to play.

The literal definition of “postgame”, and this is not some hidden or academic terminology available only to researchers or government institutions, is “occurring after a game.” In video-games, this terminoogy refers to the content that becomes available after the “final conclusion, or the ‘end-game’, of a video game’s plot opening up more subsequent story content for players.”

I can do “actually” posts when I am 100% confident, and certain, of my knowledge about a particular topic. I know all about these two definitions of which anyone can google and scan the first results page to learn about within minutes.

If you don’t enjoy leveling, don’t play an RPG. It’s that simple.

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No one cares what you think things are. The devs call end game 50+.

Go away.

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To clarify further; a video game developer is not an authority on definitions of real world or video game terminologies, frameworks, concepts, etc. They can equally abuse these concepts as much as an average Joe/Jane does. They have in fact misused, and misdefined, the “end-game” concept so don’t worry too much about it all. As long as you understand the proper terminologies, you’re all good!

These newer generations don’t even know what RPG really means anymore. They just play games like WoW, D3, etc… for leaderboards, logs, damage meters and think all levelling and RPG elements are pointless and a waste of time SMH.

I understand the sentiment, and agree to a point. However, there are a few items to consider.

L100 in D4 is more like Paragon 2000 in D3. Just like D3, it took a while to get there. The current design is an attempt to solve the infinite paragon problem and replace it with a capped system.

In D3, the game begins at 70. Here, it more or less begins after unlocking WT3. If you look it that way, it may feel less grindy. The only difference after reaching 100 is that you have a tiny chance against Uber Lilith.

I mean, the true leveling experience in an RPG is even worse than it is in computer and action RPGs XD

Milestones or Experience Points are your options and both suck, depending on the module/HB campaign and the GM’s interpretation of the leveling system.

if these guys think leveling to lvl 100 after 250-300 hours is “painful” or “unfair”, wait til they experience a 1-2 year RPG campaign XD

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Yes they are about their own game.

Go away.

Honestly who told you you need to be level 100 to have fun? Game is fun at level 1 - 100, don’t be a n00b “I has to be max level to have fun because herrr da derrrrrr” People with this notion that you need to rush through content at blistering speed to get to the end TO DO WHAT??? Kill the World Boss in .7 seconds and open a disappointing loot cache??

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I guess they want to get their classes to lvl 100 for closure. I for one want the achievement for getting all classes to lvl 100 :3 But I am not dreading the journey there. What I truly dread is how potentially boring the postgame content may become for me, as it seems to be very repetitive. Like, Whispers, set-time World Bosses, and NM Dungeons, are all we get thus far.

Oops, forgot about the Helltide events.*

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Have you played D2? There is almost no design similarities between the two.