The time it takes to level

Personally never was a fan of D2. Friend tried to get me into it early on but it was never fun for me. The resource starvation is not a big problem for people in D2 because you could just spam mana pots until you reached a point where it was no longer a problem.

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Yeah vanilla D2 didn’t have mana pots that’s why the reference between D2 and D4 resource starvation. Either way it’s not fun. Neither is super slow tedious leveling.


You don’t understand that you are the cause of the problem you are going after. You don’t get it. The fact they have no motivation to roll alts is exactly why they opted to make leveling such a grind.

You’re playing a sequel to D2. Sounds like you only like one of the diablo games? This one isn’t just based of D3. You’re going to have to get used to it. That said, in D2, you are able to start farming the highest content in the game in a day or so.

Immunities are controversial, but they do grant a reason to keep making alts to deal with different content. Here, you have no real reason to farm for alts, or anything else for that matter. No reason to log in after you geared up one character. Maybe they’ll think of something, but at least D2 tried. People like you, demanding equity for all classes and content, and to not be like D2, that is why they made leveling the thing to do. There’s nothing else they can do, or else make people like you mad. You created this problem.

When you hear it said “players think they know what they want, but they don’t”, you are that player.

The trouble is that in this gaming era, “level cap” is seen as a baseline goal by most players. Not “aspirational” as the devs described it in their recent chat, and as it was for most players in D2. D2 came from a different era, though. That was the era when level caps took extreme amounts of time to reach, and the average player didn’t expect to reach level cap – the game was the game before level cap, not the game at level cap.

Since WoW in 2004, “the game begins at level cap” has been the expectation. So players come to a game like D4 and they will all push hard to get level cap, because “that’s when I can start having fun” (as the OP himself put it more or less). Because many (most) games today are like this.

Really the devs could have avoided this specific perception problem by making the level cap 50 or 60 or even 70 and then making the rest of it “endgame progression” in paragons and gear. That would have alleviated the “omg it takes forever to get 100” issue. Because even though the devs have specifically said 100 is intended as an aspirational goal, for many players in 2023 “the game begins at level cap”, and they will all push to get to the cap “so I can start to have fun and not just be leveling”.

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It’s taking too long to kill trash. Trash should have 50% of its HP. Then the game could get somewhere. But this tedium… so boring.

I log in, play for 2 hours tops and I can’t stand it anymore.
Then I need a few days off.

It’s just the same loop and it’s boring. Changing class doesn’t matter as the things they do are aspects of the same.
This class does vulvnerability, that class does fortify, the other class does overpower

I have no problem leveling a character and keeping them alive for the most part, especially a barbarian. My hardcore Barbarian died on T3 level 53. But besides that one, I have had really no issues leveling, I put it on T2 and crank out levels solo. If I can team up with someone, levels fly faster.

Usually in a season, there are better drops and special items for accomplishing goals. So you get a set of items for accomplishing goals. Yeah you have to re-level a character. That’s how it’s always been.

It starts with 2 hours, then it declines down to 1 hour, 30 min and eventually you don’t want to login at all. From my experience anyway.

Yes, correct. I believe this is part of the fundamental problems Diablo 4 has. There should be more to the game post level 100. I’ve been asking for it since the closed beta.

lvl 100 gameplay is 100% equal to lvl 66 gameplay. you are already there

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This might be the most important thing said out of most of the complaints around this game. Items are seriously dragging this game down. The power level difference. Level requirements being based on your level and not the item. Items that are just uninspired and add that with lack of build diversity and we have serious long term problems.

Hey TwoSock,

I hear you. I’m only level 60… almost 61 lol. But it’s been only 3 weeks not a month. If you want, we can team up. Let me know when you’re on and we can run some dungeons and helltides. Also, the season wont start until end of July or maybe even August 2023 - no date set yet, but around that time from what I read. So you have time before the season starts.

Maybe playing as a team we can get to 100 faster and in the process I hope Blizzard D4 Team gives a nice BOOST to the awful XP in D4. Hopefully, that will improve soon!

Cheers! - JJ

I dont believe you havent found since lvl 40 a better chest piece and you are level 66… not possible. I hope you know that yellow items are the upgrades right ? I mean like i hour on lvl 50 once you entered nightmare would give you plenty of sacred items which are much better then your lvl40 normal armor…
Also you only lvl 66 after 3weeks of playing ? I play HC only , so far i riped at lvl74 and 71, my third toon is 71 ATM.
To be fair i took a two weeks off for release but my 3rd char is now developed on “normal style” :smiley: So i play only few hours when i get from work.

I disagree, leveling is fine, stop beeing a lil baby. Also they already confirmed that NM will give more exp in future.

Bro the game has been out for less than 3 weeks, but he’s already played for a month and only 66.

I also play solo and I took the time to enjoy the campaign and most side quests (not all because getting full renown ASAP > anything else) and I am on my way to get my 3rd character to 80. What have you been doing man

That’s the whole misconception: the game does not become fun at level 100.
It could possible do in a static world environment, because you would be “the big fish” at lvl 100 mowing everything down and profiting from building up until then.

However, with the world scaling harder and harder with every level you gain you will feel LESS strong with lvl 100 than you are compared to being lvl 95 with the same maxxed out items.

The whole balancing of this game is trash / nonexistant and the fact that all patches have to be nodded off by three console companies weeks before release make it impossible to fix anything relevant short- to midterm.

I have a level 96 Druid.
I would LIKE to play an alt, but I wanted to get this guy to 100 first.

They really screwed us with the leveling time. It’s such a trickling chore, and they nerfed the totally legal shortcuts they had available.

I don’t get the ideology of making it take this long to level…

I would really like to get my MAIN to max, and then play an alt…THAT to me increases the lifetime of the game, not just dragging out the time it takes to get a single crumb of a paragon point.

Ok so 22 days and 2 characters later. Gave up on sorcerer… Couldnt find the items i needed for the build i wanted. Tried barb. Couldnt find the items i needed for the build to work.
Then tried druid. Now the druid is a blast. Now lvl 86 and about to give up again. Cant find the tempest roar i need for the build.
Now i have nearly 300 hours game time at this point. with about 80 hours on the druid.
Honestly i’m at my breaking point. These normal build making uniques are just way way WAY too rare. It might just be me but i would expect after 80 hours you could have a working build and have fun. But no. I’m stuck at the leveling build still at lvl 86.

Dont say “well you must have gotten werebear stuff then?” I dont want to play werebear. I want to play tornado wolf. And at 80 hours in i still cant.

Jesus christ in D3 you could have a working starting build in about 10 hours max after season start. Now 80 hours in here in d4 i still feel like a complete noob and cant push dungeons or do anything worthwile because most builds tie into a unique helm that i wont see for maybe 200 more hours.
I’m kinda sad to have wasted money on ultimate edition because as it stands right now i wont even be doing seasons. I dont want to be spending over 100 hours every season just to be able to really play and not just “level with subpar items”.

/rant off

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I read everything you wrote and I truly feel you.
However, to summarize it “game feels bad” hits the spot, and everyone able to read/write in here paid way too much for that realization in my opinion.

This “thing” is just not worth to bear the title “Diablo”.

As it is right now i agree with you.
I am one of the few who started the diablo journey in the 90’s with the first diablo. I have been looking forward to each new addition. I know d3 had a rough start too and i have no doubt that d4 will be better with time.
But to make a game in 2023 with no in game chat astounds me. Local chat is garbage… Nobody uses it. Trade chat is dead too. I want to communicate in game. Not on discord or whatever app is the flavour of the season.

You cant even inspect other players. Well you can… to see their gear but not skills? What even is that? Remove the feature completely if it’s only half working anyway.

I mean the game is fun and all but i am sorely dissapointed after so much playtime and so many patches. They seem more interested in nerfing classes and fixing miniscule bugs than actually listening and improving the game. It saddens me.

I guess now the D4 honeymoon is over and people start leaving they might re-evaluate their priorities :stuck_out_tongue:

Aside from the aesthetic, the skill trees, the punishing itemization, the limited end-game content?

All in all, it is much closer to D2 than it is to D3. D3 was fast-paced, moderately grindy, and had a tight feedback play loop.

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