The stash programming is a nightmare

This is clearly legacy code from diablo 3 that wasn’t updated for diablo 4s release. In other words this isn’t the devs fault at all. Developers for those who don’t know, don’t assign themselves work and just do what they want. So management looked at the issue and said “we’ll fix this later”. It isn’t the D4 devs fault. That team is clearly very talented, it’s whoever made the decision not top update this code before launch.

Edit: Also as others have said there was probably a very good reason for why it was done this way back when it was written.


…in single player. Where it isn’t a problem.

Meanwhile Last Epoch with 1000th the budget can have 200 stash tabs…oh boy this is so bad it is actually kind of funny. I bet that is also the main reason for most of the lag when other players come on screen.


I would assume that this was the fastest way they could write code that would tag another player’s inventory and stash so that you couldn’t trade gear unless you were with the person when that item dropped.

Which means really that was such a stupid limitation if the implementation had to be so dumb. It would have been better to let anyone trade anything from anywhere than have such inefficient code just to limit trading.

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You’re completely right. There could be a good reason why they would do this, but loading the entire stash, just seems… pointless? in trade you’d only need the other persons inventory at most?

Crying over a video game online demonstrates lack of critical thinking which is probably also reflected in your lack of career. Mad respect for devs at Blizzard - they’re doing a great job. Maybe you could understand why the stash development is structured the way it is, if you weren’t too busy moaning about a subject you know nothing about :wink:


Then please elucidate the reason for us oh wise Atompingvin.

Who is always so constantly busy educating himself/herself that he/she obviously does not have enough time to spend reading and posting on the forums of an online video game.


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coding outsourced to fiver , maybe chatgpt (though the later prob wouldnt have made this mistake)

I think the only one crying in this thread is you. Pointing out a provable design flaw detailed by Blizzard themselves, and the resulting performance issues is not crying. You seriously could have ignore this thread, but you came to whine about people pointing out facts.

, it’s whoever made the decision not top update this code before launch

usually the lead dev

No, it’s multiplayer. Why do people just make things up lol

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How about using the hundreds of millions from D4 sales to hire competent devs?


Not necessarily. You go to the business people and say we need to fix this, but it will take a few months, and they say we’re not waiting on this non critical issue.

So how the hell did this idea for the way to write the code pass the design phase? Totally incompetent design idea for it certainly does not allow for expansion in content in a live service game. This is either a joke or the lead program designers are a joke.

In addendum, please don’t get me wrong. I love Diablo 1-4 but they make it so hard sometimes…

Game became super laggy after the new patch!!! Game is half baked so far!! D2 still the best,

You could only load the stash if both players are in town, because that’s where the stash is used.

Yeah but it’s likely an anti-duping countermeasure/validation system, similar to some kind of blockchain, and it probably helps with precaching potential textures/models needed if the player(s) suddenly choose to swap their gear.

The issue then becomes the latency of obtaining the information if people are laggy or there are network issues in the routing between players and the servers.

I mean I could think of a reason. Possibly so they don’t need a loop to keep checking what is in players inventory or equipped items. If they simply loaded everything, it’s already there as inclusions?

who in their right mind would load all assets for every stash item for every nearby player IN AN MMO?

my guess is this was very hastily done, with zero checks, QA or tests. basically what every finished game would have done during a beta test or early access.

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