The stash programming is a nightmare

Come on, don’t create a stash-gate. So much drama those days…

What’s truly hilarious is how they thought increasing the leave dungeon animation by 2 extra seconds is a higher priority task than fixing this.

This is a P1 issue.

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This is by far the dumbest thing I have heard.

Like, how, why? Is this for real?

At this point, I wonder if this company really is worth what MS is paying.

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The solution should of c be having the stash room in a separate instance you have to enter (load screen).

I think we have enough information to say that they definitely do not have a solid design as it relates to this particular problem, what we don’t know is why.

(SE, now SA here – not that it really makes a difference)

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No, it’s fine, if you can’t manage a stash with that type of space it’s a you problem, keep grasping at straws for negatives.

Joe Piepiora on Twitter says the otherwise. If he says we do, that means we do. Unless you can prove it otherwise somehow, this is the way it is. As much as I don’t trust the devs’ competence.

No… this is the excuse they give us… in reality we will see paid stash expansions down the line…

“Play your way, as long as it’s only 1 build and you never want to try something different.”

11/10 design there.

Do you have the link?

Ironically, the whole loading every players stash into a multiplayer game was stated by Blizzard to be a problem in D3. Why would Bluzzard repeat this?

Yeah. Seems like an easy fix to me. In the part of the code when I see a character don’t load their stash stuff into memory. If this then stop code here type thing. seams easy enough.

Why would I need someone elses stash inventory in my memory? seems really like an odd decision. Can I charge other players for using my memory? hah hah.

Wrong. Thea wnt help. Entire city is altready instanced.

Wrong. No need to spam client with data before it actually wants to check his stash

How it works.
Client checks if it can access stash on click if true
Client sends interaction request to server and sequrity info
Server checks if client can access stash if true
Server returns list of items owned (stashed) by user to exact user.
Server always knows who requested and which data it must send to which user.

If you have 1-2 month of experience in coding network stuff you can design such system

Anyone wanna bet D4 was built mostly from what they expected to give us for a 2nd expansion in D3? Seems all the same core issues with coding are in D4 that were in D3.

So many armchair software developers…


Right. I mean, it’s like no other gaming company was ever able to pull off such a feat. Why would anyone expect one of the biggest ones to be able to do such a thing. White Knights are awesome.

Maybe so, but this is stupid. Can you tell me it is not?

Why do I need to load someone stash? So dumb.

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To be fair I don’t think Joe P is a software engineer, so he’s probably describing the issue the way the engineers explained it to him, which is probably a dumbed down version of what’s actually happening since the technical explanation probably wouldn’t make any sense to a laymen. Now I’m not doubting that this game has some spaghetti code, but I’m willing to bet the real reason for this is a lot more complex than just loading everyone’s stash when you see them.

Probably because this just supports the theory that Diablo 4 is built on an upgraded engine that was used for Diablo 3.

Even though the developers claim to have a brand new engine for this game, there have been those who argued this.

I’m still open to what sort of engine it is, but it would explain why they ended up doing the same mistake.

Something you’ll learn as you put a few years in: if something seems non-intuitive, there’s likely a good reason why the choice was made.

In this case, my money would be on tradability. Lack of trading is a big complaint in d3 from the d2 crowd. Making it performant by sacrificing a bit of extra memory instead of doing 2 round trips is optimal. That’s what memory is for.

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Go ahead and put your head back in the sand, but you don’t have to announce it like an airport.

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