The stash programming is a nightmare

The reason we don’t have stash tabs is because of poor memory management. Every time you see another character in the open world or party, it loads everything in their inventory or stash.

So basically, whoever programmed the stash is an actual liability to the game and company.

Stash rooms should be instanced, and contents of the stash indexes client side that address to data server side until the moment you instance in. Instead the whole game loads at once for no discernible reason.

And the open world concept that adds nothing to the game experience is ruining the game on a software code level because of inefficient code.

The game is so laggy its unplayable at times. Other game’s have waaaay more interactions between players and a bigger world, and they aren’t half as laggy.

I want to feel empathy for the devs. I really want do. But these guys are so bad it’s comical.

I’m at a loss. These programmers should take it back to college.


If only this company had experiences making MMOs, where you see thousands of other people’s gear on them at once. Just imagine the expertise they would have if they ever made one. It doesn’t have to be the most popular MMO out there for a decade, even just a standard barebones MMO could probably teach them so much.


Whats funny is that such a small stupid decision in programming is so fundamental to how poorly the game runs and how bad qol is in game.

This is a finished game btw. Its garbage.


how do you know this?


Perhaps they should consult small indie companies that figured this out. Or modders of D2 who also figured it out.


The dev explained the stash issue in a tweet


well thats just embarassing


He said thats why they can only add 1 stash tab. They cant download enough ram from downloadram dot com lol


Ya world of warcraft is a side-scroller


In all fairness, the talent behind wow are long gone. Consulting the current wow team is like asking the kids at your local daycare about how to file your taxes.


So I would really like to see your proof. :rofl:

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I don’t know anything about programming but this sounds strange to me. Is this normal for an online game to also load everything in your bank or storage?

This sounds like something a bad actor could exploit to cause excessive lag.


Joseph Piepiora’s twitter reply to “Espen”.


Another one to my ignore list. Im loving this tool.

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Games make their money out of optimizing games as much as possible to avoid these types of issues.

This made me laugh more than it should have.


lmao stash in in a mysql db we dont load everyones stash rofl


I have no issues witv stash.

I have a lot of space for extra gear, jewels, aspects, uniques and even hearts

Is this guy a white knight bot?
Literally didn’t read the post

Many people don’t seem to know this, but D4 is using the D3 engine. A lot of the code in the game was copy pasted from D3 during the design process of D4 because the games are on the same engine. This includes the stash space/inventory loading from other players. Which isn’t a big issue in D3 because you aren’t actively running into other players when you play the game and are only influenced by people you invite into your party.

You can’t really blame a single dev for this. It’s the lead developers that are over seeing the project who are responsible for this kind of decision.

The project has been mismanaged from the start.