The reason people quit Diablo 4. Simplified

I think there are a lot of people who could do it on 1/10th of the budget in half the time.
It’s not like any ground needs to be broken here. Just let us trade whatever we want. Game instantly becomes better.

This here is the dumbest comment ever. You don’t need to be an expert in anything to critique something.


I’ve literally screamed this since Beta, this is just the tip of the itemization issue though.


People that quit at level 60 already played a lot. It is ok to stop playing a game :slight_smile: .

Most will come back for seasons and / or when itemization will be improved, simply because the game is there, it is already bought and it is fun

no, it is just common at that level, what makes it drop that way is b/c the ilvl itself is tied to world tier 4. so as soon as u reach t4 or someone carried u with lvl 60+ character in there and nocking lvl 65-70 mobs, u can get those ilvl pretty fast. lol ive gotten a unique boots at lvl 67 that is better than its counter part at lvl 87.

I dont quit. I play and wait for improvements. I do nm-dungeons and level up every glyph to lvl 21. Even the ones i dont use. I do helltides and stock up forgotten souls. I currently been lazy and only got 1.475 pcs in total. Goal is to have 10k. I also hoard a couple of goldcoins. Got a bit over 300.000.000 atm.

If i get bored or/and sleepy i will pleasure you here at the forum while sticking prelicked fingers into your ears. I know you like it.

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Your post is a meme right ? RIGHT ?

well ihave not even got to lvl60 but the reason i stopped playing and maybe will try 1 last time in season1 is : surprise surpise zero motivation to play past campaign. i dont feel any achievement with level up if everything levels around me too.

If the game would be like D2, meaning you have campaign on normal (lvl0-50), nightmare (lvl50-75) and hell (75-100) with areas with their own levels i would still be playing. At least till i complete the hell once. Then i would feel i finished the game

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What a useless post…


Most stupid reply of the week award.

What is really hilarious is you actually bothered to write this comment. LUL.

That isn’t why I stopped playing Diablo 4.

I stopped playing because I wasn’t enjoying the experience as a whole.

The gameworld didn’t work for me. Everyplace felt like the same place with the same mobs and was annoying to get around. No area had a unique or interesting identity. Every area was a generic white or brown map tile surrounded by other generic white or brown map tiles full of respawns. There was no life outside of the small hamlets, no one was living their life because the map tiles had respawns in them and the area was made up of unlivable small corridors. Compare to prior Diablo games where every Act took place in a visually unique area.

The story was simply bad, poorly told and was not canonical with prior Diablo games. The story failed me to make me care.

The combat did not entertain me as it was so visually lame and had lame audio too. Corpse Explosion WAS fun until it was nerfed.

I don’t really give a hoot about the loot so long as my character is blowing apart packs of mobs and I feel like I’m making the world a better place one headless torso at a time. Which you could not really do in this game and making the bosses CC immune ruined the game. That was the final nail on the head that made me not want to play at all.

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D4 Sorc is a melee class :smiley: Can you believe that haha

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In theory even two item that are 815 ilvl are not identical because of what affixes they roll and what numbers they roll. So your 815 when you are level 60 might be a huge upgrade and feel good but as you level to 100 you still might find a better piece to replace it. But I agree it still feels bad. And because of the range of affixes and percentage points on gear something lower level might be much better than something of higher level which feels super bad.

There definitely needs to be either a WT5 or even just a higher iLevel of gear that can drop once you are 80 or 90+. Would help make NM dungeons of 60+ feel less miserable an experience too. I mean I guess maybe there are people who like to be challenged that might be getting something out of them but without any substantial reward I don’t feel like it is worth the hassle.

Here some more takes:

*Off-meta builds are only viable before lvl 50, there is no build diversity after that unless you are a druid.

*Uniques are either utter garbage or absolute necessity. No middle ground.

*Pushing highest NM is a waste of time, reward is abysmal. Uber Lilith reward is the same.

*PVP is a joke, it is a glorified comedy show.

*Not enough stash tabs, gems and elixirs/sigils share same inventory.

*Nerfs are more harsher to certain classes (excluding bug fixes)

*Not enough bosses, why bench Duriel and Andariel?

*Being locked to vul, crit in every single respectable build

*Blizzard is more reactive than proactive with problems and flaws that plague the community

*Uber Uniques are absurdly rare to the point that they essentially don’t exist

*World bosses are not engaging like how it was in BETA, reward is awful.


They dont make this game for free , I paid to get them

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I’ve never understood this stance. “Don’t critique something unless you could do better”

If you eat 10 different pies you could go ‘wow this pie sucks’ because you’ve had 9 good ones and you don’t like the 10th one. Someone saying ‘maybe you should bake a pie before you say this one isn’t good’… nonsense


that is some high quality bait right there.


Honestly they should have had the level cap be 60 and just gain paragons as usual, just without the added levels. I think the game would have been better that way.


68 lvl on my barb and have multiple items above 800 ilvl. Two of the weapons that i’m using is 808/804 ilvl with perfect stats even the % on bonus is amazing .

The only item that i’m missing above 800 ilvl is Neck , 2 weapons 1 ring and Helmet.

I still need 32 lvl for max lvl and the items that im going to need are ?? 5 items that already are 790 ilvl . Very few bonuses that with the time required to obtain them due rng is kind of pathetic .

I’m Just login for helltide once in a while because i have nothing else to do …
Last 3 weeks i deed a total of 4 Helltides and went from 67 to 68 lvl …

Dungeon ?? crap
World quest etc more crap …

I won’t even bother with season since there is literally nothing new other than ???replay the game that somehow you get bored …

I’m spending more time on Forums etc than actually playing the game .
This show how f@$%^ is this product .

Well waiting for Bg3 . I would add something to the company but 110% instant bann