The reason people quit Diablo 4. Simplified

Gear does not scale past level 60.

A piece of gear at level 60 drops at 815 ilvl.

A piece of gear at level 100 drops at 815 ilvl.

These two pieces of gear are identical. One requires 40 extra levels to equip, but has the exact same stats as something you got when you first started Tier 4.

Gear should scale alongside your level, so that gear you get at a higher level, is better for you.

I personally have a level 60 Ancestral wand at 815ilvl, that is completely maxed perfct stats for my build, and i will never replace it all the way to level 100.

That is terrible item design, what is the point of levels 71-100 if gear you get at level 60-70 is exactly the same?

This is an ARPG, Loot matters.


Maybe make us a proper arpg yourself and critique the game from that position. We are privileged to be able to afford and actually be alive while a game like this is released. I do though wish someone that speaks like yourself would make us a proper arpg so I could play and critique it.


I mean man you play a sorc, i wouldnt be complaining about getting bis early on.

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I’m glad I didn’t play a Sorc. All I read is how awful they are. And, I thought that would be my go to class, lol. :joy:


It only takes 3 words to explain why. The game sucks.


Aye I actually feel this is very strange.
Item Power range should be level restricted IMO.


More gear tiers more world tiers. All blizzard needs to add. Maybe even more paragon. Not exactly rocket science for Blizzard but it’s better if they do it quick.

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I mean, i have a level 100 barb, druid and a 72 sorc.

I almost quit after getting one character to 100, and thought the experience might be better a second time.

The sorc was the final straw for me, the developers obviously have never played an ARPG before, there’s a good 30 years of game development to learn from and they came up with this.


Well, I got a higher item level Crone’s staff at level 100 with worse stats on it than my Crone’s staff I’ve been using for 30 levels. That was disappointing and unfortunate. How is that a thing? :cry:


You are not wrong, I was thinking this also at lvl 84.
I already have almost all my gear over 800. I tried Uber Lilith at 82. It was not a good idea.
I still like legion and world events but they end kinda quickly.
And every other activity has little value because I am not going to upgrade my gear.
It now just comes in and gets sold for gold.

So unless they wanted the game to end about 80 ish, the one fight and hitting level 100, is hard to keep you going. Been playing on my Necro more now.


Gear should scale linear to your character level.

If 815 is the item level cap for level 60, then level 70 should be 850, and level 80 should be 900, level 90 should be 950 and level 100 should be 1000.

That way, getting a piece of gear at level 70 would be an upgrade over that piece of level 60 gear you have been using.

A path of progression, something the developers don’t understand.


How about this: Above level 80ish gear can also hellforge above 820 ilevel and go upwards of 900 with an additional affix and stats can even roll higher than normal?

On the bright side, at least the Sorc in-store transmogs aren’t a jellyfish and moose, lol.

My Druid be like:


It’s boring.


Sure. Give me D4’s budget and the 8 years it took to make.


if you’re a 100 barb and you want to make another barb with a different build

you can’t farm gear for your other character
you have to re-level paragon glyphs for your other character
you have to redo all the dumb side quests

in D2, you just transfer the gear… and on your 99 you can farm trashy uniques for your low level character if you wanted

if i go into normal mode on my 100 in D4, i get trash gear thats level 100… lol

you’d think each WT would just have a minimum level requirement for gear found in that WT, but nope… it’s your character level, for absolutely no reason

part of the “endgame” of D2 is making new characters, but in D4 making new characters is a chore… what were they thinking??? were they thinking??


This wouldnt be so bad if the item power of gear you find increased on average as you leveled, so for example if you were level 100 then 70% of gear was ip 800 or higher for example

Its hard to find any motivation to play rifht now because farming gear is garbage in this game and making an alt is slow


I mean buriza shaftstop vamp gaze were all lvl 42… cleglaws gloves angelic ring and amulet like lvl 6 to 12… raven frost like 42… boom you had end game gear in diablo 2 at 42 lol… this games classes arnt fun. The end game grind is a chore of nm dungeons with tasks… the affix suffixs suck. The summoner necro skeletons need to be able to lucky hit or they are pointless. Wheres the mf… wheres the mana leech? Items dont have a base like in d2… its all the same.

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Totally disagree, I don’t want the feeling of “im just using this temporary until 100”. This will make the levelling so dull as item is not important until you are max lvl.

I should be able to farm for end game items the moment i reach wt4

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815 wand on a lvl 60 = Power Leveled Character :slight_smile: .
That’s not a reality anyone would experience solo grinding. Not quite Shako rare, but exceptionally rare - and quite possibly impossibly rare if you were self-grinding.
Curiosities Vendor won’t even sell but 1 Sacred to 5 common Rare ratio for my 67 Dru.

During the ‘Normal’ course of gameplay, as we level, we hit thresholds when a higher % of X and then Y Tier gear drops.

@OP - I’m not disagreeing. I’ve posted the same a number of times.
Clvl = Item Req lvl is silly when - Regardless of ITEM POWER - Ancestral is lvl req 60.
Clvl =/= Item Power in any way, shape or form.
Clvl = Item lvl totally sucks for 1. Trading 2. Loot Sharing 3. Alt Characters 4. x2 because it’s pretty arbitrary.

Expect a ‘Fix’ like this if they add IP 825-924(I don’t expect 925-1024 for quite some time):
This is ‘Progressive’ -
Clvl 60’s get up to IP 700.
Clvl 70’s get up to IP 800
Clvl 80’s get up to IP (825 being key)900
Clvl 90-100 get IP 850 → 924 standard (925 being non + Tier and only flat IP much like 825 + is now - unless they add that much of a boost which, once again, I wouldn’t expect to see for some time and likely only scaling with “Special Elite Items”).

Now we all have “Loot Brackets” tied to Clvl and Item Power roughly approximates Character Level.
We all will expect drops within more clearly defined ‘Ranges’.
It will be much more intuitive and user friendly.

That work?