The reason people quit Diablo 4. Simplified

I’m a geek, so I make spreadsheets. The best Aspect for one type, I found at level 30. I’m level 91 now and have never found anything better.

Item Power is only something I use to decide if a crap Aspect, but good affixes might be worth hanging on to. As well as rares with good affixes.

Neither one correlates to Item Power very well, although when you have an inventory full of stuff, it’s better than nothing.

The moral to this story is that you shouldn’t have to make spreadsheets to figure out which items are best to keep.

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The reason why ppl spend more time in forum than game cuz they pretend be troll…

Are you asking a fellow gamer to compete in game design against a multi-millionaire company with hundreds of people with varied skill sets?

If D4 was developed by a small indie studio of a few teenagers in their basement, it would be different. This is certainly how the game feel.


I’d say you missed Shacogate as a valid reason - you could also call it “spit in players face on regular basis”.

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The only good thing Diablo 4 managed was to get me back to playing W40k Inquisitor - Martyr again and start playing Baldur’s Gate 3.
Which is very sad, I had high expectations about this game.

That’s one reason of many.

D4 borrows deeply from foundational design philosophies that are also in D3, without understanding where they came from or what people didn’t like about them. There are no original ideas here in D4 and they didn’t borrow good ideas from better games on the market.

Now I know some people say D4 is nothing like D3, but that’s because they’re looking at technical differences. They aren’t actually looking at how the systems come together or interact through out the scope of the game. Conceptually D4 is very much in line with how D3 operates. I played D3 several times and always ended up stopping. During the beta one of the first things I noticed was the games are very very similar to each other in how they work. Playing to level 85 after launch it became even more clear that the team was more or less just copy pasting D3 ideas into D4.

The game feels like it had 3 or 4 different lead designers. The project was clearly mismanaged and was rushed to the finish line without understanding the type of game they were making.

People quit because casual gamers buy a game, beat it and move on. It’s pretty simple but I’ll give ya’ll an example…

I bought the RE 4 remake. I played it. I beat it. I moved on to Diablo 4. I played it. I beat it. This weekend I’m thinking about getting FF 16. I’ll play it. I’ll beat it. I’ll come back to Diablo IV for season one. It’s pretty simple.

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You got lucky… my first 800+ didn’t drop until level 83…

the point is getting more and more quantity of better gear to try and get the perfect options for you…that is the point.

You getting lucky at one point on one item is random… and not everything…

Hell my rings are still below 800 because the few that get above 800 have been crap

These two pieces of gear are identical. One requires 40 extra levels to equip, but has the exact same stats as something you got when you first started Tier 4.

A piece of gear at level 60 drops at 815 ilvl.

The feeling you get from obtaining a 729 ilvl ring (it doesn’t matter on jewlery) that has max crit dmg, max vul dmg, max crit chance, and a 75% range roll on last stat at lvl 68 OR when you get a 780 perfectly rolled sword from the 1st world boss in WT4 (at lvl 61) is worth more than having a “reason” to level up. For that there’s still paragon, or just the fact that combat is fun, or xp you will get from doing PvP.

The equip level requirement being tied to your character is (kinda) stupid though.
Kinda because with trade ppl would skip the leveling/gearing experience of alts.

Isn’t that the whole point of alts?
I mean we invest 100-300 hours into a main character, grind, do all the xyz and become gods.
Hmm I want to play a Ranged Rogue now and no way am I respeccing my 100 Rogue.
Am I supposed to spend hours upon hours slowly leveling and ‘loot hunting’?
or even diff alt class.
I already did all the game asked of me and the legwork. Invested time. Loot hunted my behind off - but I can’t even use items or aspects because “design reasons…”.
45 then 60 Is my GOAL and I want a XX% Twinked out character to get to end-game - not ‘savor the experience’.
We’re about to hit Season 1 and we will surely be thrown right back into slo-mo mode starting at Level 1.

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That’s great. You now have 30 levels to find the optimal items for the other 8/9 slots.
You can focus on these slots and you can sell or destroy all the weapons without having to look at them, which in turn saves time.

No, that’s not the point when the gameplay in D4 is not rushing to clear screens with one button with no thinking just to see one more rare rune drop.

Also, as nr 1 season hater, I can guarantee leveling in season 1 will take under 45% of the time it did before. AND that there’s no real “point” to be over 85 (and apparently 85-100 is the same as 1-85…not sure if true after NM dungeon xp).

So yes…it’s actually about the experience…and anyone that just wants a loot drop dopamine rush carrot on a stick is everyone that complains about density and how WW barbs don’t really work “end game” and how there’s nothing to do.

But, yes they should add WT5 faster (and delay season 3 if needed), they should add all the cut things that they probably kept for garbage seasons, they should let you respec your rogue (with a few days CD and almost no farming or gold or any resource required), and game modes that are endless replayable (maybe no class rogue lite where you go into deeper dunegons and each level you find a gem with a new skill from any class in the game, definitely every campaign boss as echo Lilith, maybe just literally rebuilding D1 all 16 levels in a dungeon).

And probably unlock a loot filter once you reach WT5 (or beat …Uber Duriel which should be lvl 90 equivalent to echo of Lilith) because after that you will get into the infinite dungeons that drop more loot the deeper you are (if we do get those).

I have simplified version of simplified version:


Yep, you don’t even need 10 words to describe it, lol. Kinda do, because otherwise you can’t post comment, how ironic.

this is funny, i got rogue boots drop on my sorc (level 88) and i made a rogue alt to twink for those boots (I heard they were rare) but my buddy carried my rogue at level 10 to wt4, and I sat at the enterance of his blind burrow clears (level 51s) and a pair of boots drop that require level 60 only to use and those boot had better stats then the level 88 boots!

Winner winner chicken dinner… i mean kfc lol

The actual reason: Ppl rushed the game and played 8+ hours a day until they got burnt out.

Everybody else is chilling with like 1 or 2 chars @lvl 70ish…

I would be OK with this if 60-100 leveling took 15 hours.

Why not be ok that you’re not 100 and you don’t need to be (until WT5 is added)?

When I keep ranting that seasons suck and it should be permanently unlock-able content ppl tell me I should have researched the game before buying (which is about 4 levels of hilarious).
When I say you don’t need to be 100 this instant and you don’t need all altars unlocked before 2 months have passed, and that it doesn’t have to all be about the loot but that the action is the part that really matters…I’m crazy.

I can totally get behind your respec idea.
There’s zero problemo in my book with a CD time for it - so long as we also have a short window to fix it should we err.
Touchy area… getting stuck for X days and having made a mistake.

Anyway - there’s different philosophies and approaches concerning “How we choose to play”.
I tend to fully invest my time in 1 character.
When it comes time for me to try out another class - I’m not interested in ‘the low lvl experience’ - I’ve done it already with all of them in the Betas and messing around with mules here live.
When I want to PLAY an Alt class - I want to get to around 60 asap.

Understand something - The Clvl on gear is 100% invalidated. There is not ONE SINGLE good argument for the current system.
The simple fact that a player can:

  1. Phone a Friend/Pay for service/Camp doors
  2. Get Capstones completed
  3. Get Power leveled in NMD XX
  4. Geared up in 2-4 Dungeons or so/leveled in X# of NMD depending in Tier and party size.

The only thing they’re doing by attaching Clvl requirement and thereby restricting Loot that I farmed and saved for alts - is making me reach out for assistance and not only waste my time, but someone else’s as well.

Go and try Echo of Lilith or high Nightmer Dungeons being level 80.

But isn’t everyone complaining there’s no point to anything past lvl 85 because you (can) get everything (item wise) before?

You don’t need to NM100 before 2 months have passed either.
In fact you will destroy that in 20 days at lvl 90 in season 1 (probably).