The reason people quit Diablo 4. Simplified

For the first 15 minutes I convinced myself the game messed up and kept the wrong item. Or on load it did not save properly.
But eventually I just said I probably was tired and did it by mistake. :stuck_out_tongue:

That video is good. The cap at 820 feels artificial, like if the talk of wt5 is real, then a mistake was made when removing stuff.

This is true but not cause of the reason you think

The lvl100 one should roll affixes from a different affix pool, the item should OFFER DIFFERENCE, not just have the potential to roll a higher number

THAT is what is bad

In fact if it was former the case then we’re going to the power creep endless cycle of power increases (again)


Ouch. Good, old fashioned user error.
The gloves do certainly look similar and hazard to say “The same” to tired eyes for sure :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Glad you enjoyed it.
Like I said, it’s the best ‘solution’ I’ve come across to date.
It would lock out eg. Level 60 characters from getting uber 800+ items because it would be a forced clvl = item power system.
BUT on the plus side: As we leveled we would be looking forward to higher Item Power drops and know that loot was scaling WITH us.

I’m pretty OCD when it comes to my stash.
Stuff I want to keep stays in the lower right hand corner.
Everything else is normal stacked and sorted using the the sort.
Meanwhile stuff to keep is moved back to the right corner.

Even now it is hard to believe I made a mistake and the game did not.

But if I did not have my max roll 815 gloves at lvl 67 I guess I would be more upset.
Also they were not a 800+ roll on the Fist of Fate. I hope I will get a higher one someday.

I’m stuck at gear level 815-820 since level 60s and this exp cap is radicalize.
I have been playing diablo since Diablo 1 and they just keep getting worse.
They can fix it with a patch but that might take months.

Everything you said is mostly wrong.

A piece of gear at level 60 drops at 725 ilevel.
A piece of gear at level 100 drops at 815 ilevel.

The gear is identicial.

There is no point to anything above 725. They need another break point where gear over 790 gets higher rolls and better stats.

Are people even making it to level 60 before they run into this problem? I play for 10 to 15 minutes then go play League of Legends 2v2v2 arena. I don’t think this is the main problem.

Can i have your stuff please?

“why people are quitting” lol not sure why this is a trend saying at the minute just because a few streamers quit, I still see alot of people in the open world and in cities and settlements. I have alot of friends who still play and love the game and alot of clan members. I even post LFM to dungeons and NM dungeons just for the fun of grouping up and always get responses. the D4 discord also has tons of active members, constantly discussing the game. “why people are quitting” is just such a half baked quote when you find something you don’t like.

Well if playing to 50 and not seeing anything remotely bis is any indication, I would suspect 40+ levels of getting “the same gear” is probably what you need to get even a few 4/4 items.

I’ll leave it for history to decide whether that sucks or not.

It is hilarious that mobs keep levelling up but gear doesn’t.

We level up to get weaker. Like wtf who even thought this would be immersive gameplay.

Levelling up should not impose a penalty

I dont have to be a chef to go to a restaurant and complain about an undercooked steak.

Your dismissive “make your own arpg then” is toxic garbage. Shame.

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The itemization is seemingly something that they haven’t quite figured out. Doesn’t seem that long ago that the entire concept was revamped (demonic/ancestral/that other 1).

It seems to happen for everyone at around the same level.

The 70-80 range to be specific.

There is a reason nobody has gotten to 100 in the ‘intended’ way.

It’s boring to do and people want to get that part over with as soon as possible.

Much to their dismay, it is not worth grinding the last 20% of the level up game.

I think more important than anything else in the game is balance and you really can’t achieve true balance in an rng based loot system.

Without balance there really is no skill involved. The skill equates to ‘finding the fastest and easiest and strongest x’ which reduces competitiveness, which without, results in a lack of longevity and replay value.

Long way to go before they achieve their happy ‘+ or - 5% performance’ range across the board.

What a moronic response. As if people that bought a product cannot critique it. Do you say the same thing to someone when they critique a car?

Lmao WUT. No they are privileged that people want to buy ARPGs. After all these failed attempts from them.

We arent at their mercy its the other way around buddy.

Bs comment, the game didnt come for free. And the game is unfinished and poorly designed. Fact. Hence the huge amount of fixes, patches etc within a month of release.

Ive played a large amount of these types of games, including all diablo series. But d3 and esp d4 are just so badly designed for to many reasons to mention. Soulles games just €

Uninstalled and tbh will never buy an activision game again.

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You are absolutely not getting 815 gear at 60. Stop lying.

Gear maxing out at 80 is perfectly fine. Let’s you search for the best stats and perfect rolls.

Your right this is an arpg and loot does matter, but unlike an mmo, which seems to be your experience level, you should not need to update your gear every 2 levels.

You can get guaranteed items >= 800 from Varshan in WT4.
For a well-equipped character, the level 80 boss shouldn’t be a big problem either.

At one run I got a rare 809 sacred item so with luck maybe you can get a 815 gear what you can wear with lvl 60.

Yeah, I am sure that the reason why people don’t play Diablo 4 is because some gear has some affix that needs to be higher.

Definitely this, and not the followings:

Poor Gameplay, Poor and Mandatory Builds, Too few Mobs, Lack of Gameplay Mechanics, Empty World, etc…

Renown grind is so FUN!