The reason people quit Diablo 4. Simplified

Pretty sure you’re trolling, but if not…

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

I hope you are just trying to trigger people with this, otherwise it is kind of awkward. This attitude represents everything about how Blizzard fell from a defining character in game development to a laughing stock among indie devs.

Some of the people here either lack standards, or haven’t reached lvl 60 yet.

This post is literally that ‘don’t hurt my billion dollar corpo’ meme. It’s just divine.

$70? They charged me $100 for ultimate edition… Just to play few days early and skipping 20 levels battle pass which is not even out yet and burnt out. Could almost buy 2 AAA games…

Yeah, D4 really does need to fix itemization, power scaling, etc. At least the framework is there. With tweaks, they could make D4 a great one like D2, Grim Dawn, and PoE.

Another thing GD does right is have hidden treasure rooms behind breakable walls/secret doors in every dungeon. Why D2 only did that in one dungeon, and D3 and D4 didn’t do it at all is perplexing. D4 does it for quests…But in a choreographed way, so there’s zero sense of discovery.
I mean, it’s game design 101…One reason games like Mario and Zelda are perpetually popular is because of the secrets you can find.

This game sucks.

20 chars

while gear/itemization definitely needs to change, I don’t think this is the answer.

There should be a less chance of finding a gg item at 60, and higher at 100, though.

They could increase the bottom rolls of the affixes on items the higher level you get, so its easier to get a better roll after 80, 85, 90, 95, 100. etc.

On top of making more diverse and interesting itemization.

You can find BiS items at mid game in most ARPGs, its just a higher chance the more efficient and higher level content you clear. This is not the case in D4.

Drop rates of actual good items should be better at higher level content, they are not.

Not if the main gameplay loop is a boring slog. That’s what needs to change. They could give me free shakos, and it still wouldnt change how boring the game is.

Wow, you must really love the game to play it enough to get 2 characters to level 100 and a third to level 72 in less than a month and a half.

Either that you have a lot of spare time to play a game you hate that much.

I like the game but I’ve only played it enough to get one single character to level 73 so far. :slight_smile:

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Killing stuff and upgrading my gear so I can kill stuff faster; finding those GG rolls finally and replacing a piece of gear I’ve had for three weeks.

I’m not saying the games perfect. I expected the game to be imperfect because of the company releasing it. They don’t really have a great track record. Feels like so many people just had unrealistic expectations for a superb release…

Good thing now (as with diablo 2 and 3) we own the game. So in a few months (or years) the game will be hopefully much better. Why not delay release until a full game is finished? They get cheap labor (ideas) in the form of feedback from us!

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So you got a great item at lvl 60 and you are pissed off about it. Makes sense.

Even aspects are hard to save for alts, since the aspect you imprint can lock you out of gear by raising the level cap.
As for gear, if you have a great piece of gear or a unique, why not save it for an alt if there was a level cap on gear. Sure no point saving a high level unique for another character since it will take too long to equip it and the character will probably find another copy before being able to use the saved copy.

Should be only holding on to perfect aspects. anything else is worthless

They’re babies with no life

Yes, let me just first off make billions of dollars scamming idiots like you with fake pixels.

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My first dungeon in WT4 dropped me gloves that were 815. They had 3 ranks of Frozen Orb, and I enchanted one attribute to 3 ranks of ice shards on one enchantment try. When upgraded these become 4 ranks. I am still using these gloves now. I am solo grinding.
It is RNG, I don’t think it is as rare as you are saying.

You luck isn’t my luck nor anyone elses luck.
THAT is luck though. Nice mittens!!
First roll too! Should’ve played Powerball - would have been much more …rewarding!
RNG is a beach on the shores of the lake of fire in hell.
Itemization in this game is def borked. Not disputing that at all!!!

I will say in response to “not rare”: Yes. GOOD items are RARE. It’s all luck of the rolls. This is by design I assume.
On Rogue I’ve searched for a 1h sword and a pair of gloves via Obols, NMDs, HTs etc for so long I just gave up caring.
100 odd hours and the trail of bodies left in her wake…
I still look ofc but I don’t let it bother me because I went to my Druid.
Who has been running T4 NMD since around 63 or so.
Guess what?
NO items of note. Nothing except what I got getting carried thru 4 NMDs.
The only carry I got with him was those 4 up to like lvl 51 or something.
He had some nice 60 gear to look forward to.
Still no gloves, amulet, pants or boots worth a damn. Rings are crap.
All the rolls are just terrible jumble this and that.
And he still gets ‘plain’ rares from time to time though much less than early/mid 60’s.
Generally many sub 700 Sacred w occasional low to mid 700 ancestral.
I FEEL the throttling of Item Power scaled to Character level.
Rarely is there anything over 760+.

My typical ‘luck’. Not surprised, not stressed. I see my numbers, you see yours and others see theirs.

Come to think of it, that was the same day I went to the obol pusher and I rolled 6 times and got 4 legendaries. I was as shocked as anyone.


While I see a lot of lower level items that go straight to sale, I do still see some 780+ here and there at lvl 89 currently. Got about 4 or 5 800+ staffs, kept 2 in my stash. I do see a problem with “few items left to upgrade”. Level capping the items here, seems to be a mistake.

Some things are hard to replace
with higher level due to attributes key to my build.
My pants are 805 luckily, but my amulet is 753. Together though they give me 7 ranks of blizzard which is at 12. My build focuses on freezing and everything shattering from that. Then I have ice shards to clean up any stragglers or ST.

Gear should never scale with character level

However, it needs to better scale with MONSTER level.

I’m super stoked you managed a nice kit!
That feels great I bet.

I’m def not QQ about my Rogue. Her ‘luck’ has been pants and rings(let’s not speak of boots…).

I DO have good items but to get that 4th stat - and no I am not asking for perfect - but my goodness you know how crazy rare “+2 imbues” is??
Or Vuln on a sword?
Sure it could’ve been 1st roll luck or 100th and I cannot afford 100.
Frankly my big roadblock has been the Occultist and the prices.
I know they’re not - but they certainly FEEL exponential lol.

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