The question is not if Diablo 4 is failing

I don’t like the “check your privilege” comeback but… do you work in this kind of field? I do. I have seen multiple companies use google metrics, and other “inaccurate” measurements to make strategy decisions.

Believe me; the dropoff in google metrics with D4 is a data point that can be considered legit.

This is not about businesses using Google metrics. This is about us, the consumer, making assumptions through only Google metrics as a tool to measure the number of people playing the game and the number of people who have quit.

You can gauge that a number of people have quit through Google metrics. You cannot conclusively state that Diablo IV is dying through Google metrics because you’d need more than what Google metrics gives to ascertain that. It is one piece of a larger framework.

You also can’t conclude that a live-service game is dying/failing by there being a drop-off. Every live-service game experiences a drop-off. I wish data analytics were as simplistic as looking at Google metrics, but they aren’t.


Correct. Everyone knows: To be or not to be, that is the question.

Apart from the graphics, which I give a 7/10, everything about this game gets old quick. It’s extremely boring. Deleted characters and uninstalled.

It’s failing to Noobs and to Tourists.

It’s a heaven sent for REAL GAMERS. On me, I am having a blast up to now since day 1.

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It’s odd that they’re apparently the minority yet you guys are getting ratio’d into oblivion. Weird.

Running the same nightmare dungeons and running to a vendor 100x a day sounds real exciting when you say it like that but I’m still glad I uninstalled when I did. I was level 100 weeks ago and done it all and seen it all. Keep blasting away and they’ll have your hamster wheel (seasons) ready next week.

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Care to provide blizzards back end performamce data? Or are we just making stuff up on opinion.

Trump won 2020…

Thats how this thread reads.

if anything the game is more fun for noobs

once you get past level 50 & the main questline, the game falls off big time

people who play 1 hour a week probably will take a while to realize that

And credibility goes out the window.

If what you were going to say had any merit on it’s own, you would not need to start with this.

Diablo 4 twitch viewership keeps going down even though some streamers probably feel forced to still stream D4. It’s around noon EST and games I’ve never heard of or that are pure P2W MMOs have double or more the Diablo 4 viewers. Some of the games beating Diablo 4 on number of viewers on Twitch right now are World of Tanks, FIFA (no one even likes soccer) and Lost Ark (dying P2W MMO game). This doesn’t look good at all and it will keep falling. Seasons won’t be enough for D4 to recovery from this kind of decline.

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I would love an item filter system that lets me tag stats I want on gear… and when gear drops with those stats it is auto marked with a special icon that lets me know GOOD ITEM KEEP… that way I can just trash all the garbage and KNOW I picked up some good items…

This is 2023, like why don’t we have the most basic functionality to help us deal with this garbage… like all they have to do is take the basic code from an auction hall search feature and apply that to my inventory tags.

Truly any half baked idiot could implement this feature in 1 patch.

TIL 5/10 is critically acclaimed.


Tags or even a way to search your stash at the item attribute level.

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Oh look, another person using Metacritic user aggregates to justify why their opinion is correct.

there is no such thing as an online venue that isn’t an echo chamber (and cia propaganda outlet)

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Unfortunately, Blizz dev will try to “fix” this game by giving player more damage by increasing the numbers in some damage multipliers. They haven’t learned anything from the bad/overly simplified itemization of D3.

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Who cares about streamers, people are playing the game. I have no data but streamers target audiences seem to be more on the casual side.

If someone is playing the game it improves the back end key performance data, if they are watching someone else play it decreases the numbers of people playing the game.

When games come out there is a rush to the local gamestop to purchase the newest games. After about a couple week/month playerbase naturally srinks as most casual gamers move to the next thing.

This is a repetitive grindy aarpg.

If you want to use “streamers” as your performance indicator than logic states there is a boost at the begining of each season and tapers off.

Logically playerbase will fluctuate in a live service seasonal design.

I wonder if the people who make these types of posts realize they just come off as what they’re claiming other people to be.
It just oozes with projection.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re all from one streamer’s community just trying to get them more clicks/likes/follows.
Quite a lot of them have been using Azmodan videos… Just saying.

Good for you. You run out of things to do and left right away.

On me, I would never run out of things to do. What’s the hurry? You think, I am all Ancestral NM’s? I play the game as much as I can. I love Helltides… searching for Mysterious Cache and hunting to kill Helltide Assassins. I participate on World Events and World Boss. I want people to leave the Eternal Server and go to Seasons. I want to solo destroy World Event plus World Bosses.

I make 30M gold and spend all of them on Enchants just to get the right gear at the right stats. Then repeat. Then try harder NM… not the highest. I try the ones with ridiculous affix. I am being entertained. I am not playing a joke dungeon with a joke affix. I welcome those ridiculuous affixes. It fascinates me like how I am fascinated to WoW’s Mythic+ as high as I can… I am not a Keystone coward there. I play on every week even if the affixes counter my toon.

Eventually, I would get tired and would leave. But that’s not now. GG.