The question is not if Diablo 4 is failing

It is failing. That Diablo 4 is failing is factual. The majority of players are upset and leaving. There are always going to be posters that come across as company plants, whiteknights and apologists on this forum. I think it’s easy to see who actually played Diablo 4 and who plays the “defend Diablo 4 and Blizzard on the forums at all costs” game based on the rhetoric.

I think we should all try to answer the question WHY is it failing?

I think Blizzard had two major issues. They didn’t understand what made previous Diablo games appealing. You can tell they don’t understand when you listen to them talk over the years and recently. Their line is usually “you Diablo people LOVE slaying demons, right!?!?”.

Then the other big reason is itemization. I could forgive the boring world, the lackluster quests/world events and the repetitive dungeons that are the opposite of action packed. When you jump through all these hoops you are finally rewarded with 99.9% sellable and trashable loots after straining your eyes for hours looking for that upgrade. I don’t know about you, but that’s when I move onto greener grass.


[Citation Needed]





I don’t really care if 99% of the population leaves. I played D1, D2, and D3 as single player games and will continue to play D4 as such if that becomes the case.


exactly how is it failing? we are 10 days from season 1. its like you havent played diablo prior to release of a season…


It is only failing if you live in a fantasy world in which Blizz is still the AAA company it was in the 90s and 00s. If you live in reality and recognize that Blizz is a mediocre gaming company that puts profits before gameplay or innovation then you probably didn’t expect a perfect game and are actually pleasantly surprised with what this soulless corporation produced.


kyovashad is a ghost town


Hey, everyone, water has no weight. That water has no weight is factual. The majority of players are upset about it, but they are just plants. Plants aren’t real. That plants aren’t real is factual. Players are upset and leaving the ocean. Be strong.



Kyovashad is always a ghost town lol, the system only renders 12 players per zone.


I am in full agreement. Twitch D4 viewership is down 70% in the last 30 days.
Now someone will disparage Twitch and another person will state there is no correlation. That is spin control.


Yea I noticed that it went from one of the most watched games to being overshadowed by games like Street Fighter 6. In fact as I post this SF6 is at 38k viewers and D4 is at 17k viewers. TBH I’d rather watch Ryu throw hadoukens than a streamer show off his exploited Shakos in Fields of Unfairness.

It’s sad to see but if Blizzard wants to try to rebound they can listen to their players on here. Twitch views are very reflective of a game’s popularity and if the views decline the active players are likely declining.


If I could get a refund Id by myself 10 hurricanes in the shadiest bar of florida and Im from europe.

Would have been the best option


I’d love to see the data. Not “ReAD thE FOrUms/SoCiaL MEdiA”. Put a data sheet in front me from a legit source(s), please. I’m not saying what you’re saying is impossible, but you’re statement without any factual evidence to back it up makes me think you don’t know the meaning of the words you chose to say it.

For the record, too, I think the game needs some big improvements, but it’s still playable.


game is omega dead already. Hardly a month old. Pathetic


I bet some of the last people on the Titanic thought “I think this ship needs big improvements, but it’s still floatable” as it was taking in water. The signs are all there that this game is a sinking ship. Unlike the Titanic I do believe it is fixable but if players and Blizzard turn a blind eye to it all we will get what we get.


Reviews. Forum activity. Google metrics. Etc.


It’s critically acclaimed.

Not an accurate tool for measurement.


I think the real test will be to see how Diablo 4 does during season 1. Will the population shoot up massively and people enjoy the season, or will they abandon the game? Or will it maintain a steady population but still much lower than it was and stabilize somewhere?

Also worth noting they were working on season 1 and practically done with it well before the game launched. After listening to feedback, reading any wherever they do, and so forth hopefully season 2 will be a bit juicier. New zone/area, more story quests, improvements to endgame, improvements to loot, and more would be a start imo.

minority opinion, nothing new here

  1. There is a stark difference between a discussion about the Titanic sinking and a video game in need of improvements, and it’s laughable you make the comparison.

  2. You got that data?