The question is not if Diablo 4 is failing

Better than using paid shills to base thier opinion. User scores matter more since those are the people actually playing it.


Anyone can leave a user review on Metacritic. There’s no verification process to prove anyone leaving a review actually owns or has played the game.

Doesn’t mean it’s not true though. If people are posting reviews without having played the game then they’ve either found out enough about it or watched streams/vods to the effect to form an opinion. Which can be valid. If people are brigading that’s also something of a tell. If Blizz implimented a rating system within for their games ala Steam, what do you think it would look like right now compared to whats already on these forums? If you ran the forum posts through an ML model to guage sentiment analysis what do you think it would look like? I’m pretty sure I’ve seen enough comments here to formulate a pretty accurate hypothesis. Based on that this game is anything but critically acclaimed by its user base. At least not those who are willing to provide feedback one way or the other.

Your qualification for user reviews being more legitimate was to say that they are reviews from people who have actually played the game. Now you’re saying they don’t actually have to have played the game and that such reviews are still valid?

Why don’t you just come right out and say that the only reason why they’re valid is because they align with your opinion about the game rather than moving the goalpost? Because something tells me if a person were to come in here and say “I’ve watched a lot of streams and VODs of Diablo IV and I think the game is great,” you wouldn’t be so gracious towards them.

Ok, sure. They agree with my opinion. Which seems to be quite the popular one. I’m pretty open to valid counter-arguments if you actually have one? None of the apologists have made a compelling enough argument for me to change my view on it yet. Will you be the one?

The counter-argument I gave is that Metacritic user reviews are a deeply flawed system and shouldn’t be considered as a definitive aggregate for anything, positive or negative. You can think the game is a 5 all you want. I think using Metacritic as a way to validate your opinion, is a bit dishonest and kind of a cheap way of doing so rather than substantiating that opinion with legitimate criticism.

Probably not. It seems like you’re inclined to not have your opinion changed seeing as how fast you were to change your argument when called out, but I appreciate you being honest about it in the end.

Game journalists are less reputable than user reviews.

First off; if you dig the game, cool. I won’t try to sway anyone one way or another. Knock yourself out.

I played early access and have put in quite a bit hours since on my main and a few alts. For me, yes, for me it falls flat and is hollow. After Capstone 70, renown’s…meh. It would “appear” there is a serious lack of pride in ownership—acceptable mediocrity. That’s pretty undeniable, even to the ones suffering from Stockholm Syndrome over it all.

Since this is my first post; I played D1 when it came out, D2 on deployment and a little of D3. WoW for years during the heyday; until Blizzards actions killed it for the most part. I “believe” they will follow suit as they always do. Which, more often than not, doesn’t garner a popular opinion. Been gaming well before D1 came out. I guess I’m old?

I did enjoy the game for the most part. DC’ing in CS 70 Elias fight was a real treat. It needs serious work. I’d liken it to cheap beer—great for their wallet, your guts….well, heh.

I suppose a lot of us expected something epic. Quite foolhardy honestly… My opinions are my own.


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That only proves people are quitting watching others play.

… except for the entire effing world outside of the U.S. They literally go insane over the results of soccer games.

Not even remotely comparable lol

by magazines that rely on Blizzard/Activision advertisements. They’re not gonna bite the hand that feeds them. Let’s consider metacritic - 86 for professional reviewers and a big bad 5.0 from actual users. I think that is rather telling. I saw similar stats when the last jedi came out (and the rise of skywalker). Professional reviewers saying the films were great, actual cinema goers hating the films in droves, and corporate shills making fake positive user reviews to try and prop up the movies in question.

And they are conveniently kept “private”. There’s no way a company will reveal data that shows that they are performing badly.

Kyovashad has been a ghost town the past 2 nights. Significantly less people in town than the previous few weeks (tier IV). Blatantly obvious and noticeable.

Check LITERALLY any other website of forum that talks about D4

You’re welcome

No, how about we consider the fact that this line of thinking doesn’t even begin to hold when you apply it to several other Activision-Blizzard games that have been hit with poor ratings over the years.

I’m talking Call of Duty Vanguard from two years ago and has a 73 on Metacritic in critic reviews, or even Warcraft 3 Reforged from 2020 that sits at an even worse 59 in critic reviews. Those are only a sample size of games from Activision-Blizzard that have performed relatively poorly in critic reviews.

I don’t think you guys fully understand the bad press a company like Activision-Blizzard would get if it was leaked that it threatened to withhold review copies and ads from major gaming journalist outlets.

Bro, you know that FIFA on Twitch is a video game right? Nobody anyone goes insane over the results of a FIFA game lol.

Also, you’d be wrong if you think the numbers of people watching streams and playing are independent of each other.

Okay, let me clarify: citation from a reliable source that has access to ACTUAL NUMBERS OF DAILY AND CONCURRENT USERS …

“Bro”, you know that there’s an actual game called futbol / soccer / etc, played in real life with a bal and a field of grass, and that there are professional teams all over the world, whose fans literally go berserk over the outcome of important games … right?

You think they’re causally linked?


Actual, scientific proof.


Keep white knighting
Stay in denial

… I’ll see you in six or eight months, when D4 is still kicking and not dead.




LOL, they got their $$$$ from the initial sale, what are we gonna do? They can do whatever they want. It also isn’t illegal for them to “coerce” magazines with no advertisement if they deliver bad reviews. There’s no consumer or business law to cover this. Consumer memory is very poor, so a few years down the track very few Blizzard customers would even remember such shenanigans and would buy new games from the developer that they’re interested in. I’ve been around the block a few times in the game of life and have seen all sorts of dodginess in my years as a consumer.

Stop defending them it only makes you look bad.

I’m not saying it’s illegal. There’s a difference between bad press and legality. Activision would get absolutely flamed into oblivion if that came to be true, the same way they did when the lawsuit occurred in 2021 and they had to go into overdrive for PR.

But this whole “coercion” thing doesn’t stick because several Activision-Blizzard games have performed poorly in ratings. To say that the only reason why Diablo IV got good reviews is because of some conspiracy by Activision-Blizzard to puff up the game is to ignore those other games. Maybe people just like Diablo IV.

I’m not defending them. It’s called common sense.

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