The question is not if Diablo 4 is failing

Yikes, putting your pay rate on a video game forum to flex is really cringe.


There wonā€™t be anything to play if the servers get shutdown you know. So itā€™s not in their interest to loose everyone lol.

Are you new to gaming or very young which is a blessing. By young I mean under 26?

The white knights are doing their best in here but the ratios tell the truth.

Diablo 4 in shambles

Then Iā€™ll play something else. Thereā€™s more to life than Diablo 4, though you wouldnā€™t know it with all the frothing going on in these forums.

So will we all someday, there is alway more elsewhere. And i mean we are on a Diablo 4 forum, so obviously iā€™m not really here to see everything else life has for me, iā€™d be doing something else and we wouldnā€™t be speaking otherwise :laughing:

Just meant it kinda feel wrong to speak about it just like any other diablo when we know if it massively fail, we will never see it again even if we enjoyed it. At best we will end up with laggy server and no more patches lol.

I have one answer for you.

Rod Fergusson, Lead GM of all things Diablo.

the shareholders love this guy, Bobby Kotick loves this guy.

His terrible ideas and takes are the reason we got Diablo 4 in this state, I cant stand the guy.

He even forced his way into the season 1 reveal chat and just had bad takes and rambles on about nothing for 10minutes, he is why diablo games suck,
Someone needs to make a montage of his terrible out of touch takes that he forces to be implemented.

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Open your eyes a little bit. A lot of the criticism is arguably very valid, and it is one of the games Iā€™ve seen with some of the worst criticism Iā€™ve seen in a while, with very valid points.

Also from what Iā€™ve seen of other aRPGs and many games as well, twitch and social media are actually a decent representation of what seems to be happening outside of it. So to completely disregard that information as invalid is probably wrong.

Not only that, but realistically we probably wonā€™t get the numbers from Blizz, but if we did Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a high chance they would represent a decent drop out, and probably bigger than what we would have expected from a game like this or what people were expecting it to be.

Reputation matters in business, and a lot of business is medium to long-term. If all youā€™re doing is sacrificing medium to long-term for the short term, itā€™s arguably not necessarily a good business strategy.

D4 could have an easy rebound if they just fixed their servers. I have 5g internet and ExitLag and after all that, the D4 servers themselves lag. I donā€™t have this problem in any other online Blizzard game.

Iā€™ve never known you to be so philosophical before, Infidelitas-1292.

I canā€™t agree more, especially lots of fun build required good stats are need to roll on yellow items, I hit 100 last week and was thinking trying Lilith with my 9kish atk, but realized most yt video kills are either not showing profile or 17k atkā€¦ then I was thinking keep grinding, but then friend told me to look for discord trade, at first I thought is player trade items with items, but once I saw an amulet that I need end up bid for 400m goldā€¦ I immediately got a feeling like D3 RMAH, suddenly lost all my interested to play the game, including all the unique I gather from day 1 felt like garbage. Friend said thatā€™s okay, just start a Rogue in season 1 and farm gold and use gold to buy items I need for the class I want to play? I was likeā€¦so my future gameplay is > farm NM > get gold > buy from discord AH? What kinda loop gameplay is that? I donā€™t think thatā€™s the gameplay I wanted from D4.

Eh itā€™s not much but getting there.

Yes, it is. Businesses, including mine, use it. You should, too.

Spoken like someone who doesnā€™t work in the industry. How about you go get a computer science degree, work in software development for over 10 years, and dabble in game design before you tell me Iā€™m wrong? Also work for amateur game development while youā€™re at it.

These metrics are used.

Iā€™m sure the execs Iā€™ve seen fired over twitter issues and drama totally understand and agree with you. These things matter, just not to you apparently.

Your business probably also uses several other metrics rather than using a singular metric. Google metrics in and of itself is not a sustainable way of assessing engagement and interest.

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Yes but that isnā€™t what you said. You said it wasnā€™t an accurate tool for measurement, and yes there are times when all we have had to go on to make strategy decisions was google metrics.

The number of people logging in to D4ā€™s severs is something Blizzard considers proprietary information. Google doesnā€™t have them. So IDGAF what your ā€œgoogle metricsā€ say, they cannot possibly paint a complete picture.

Itā€™s not. No tool is an accurate tool for a direct measurement unless you have raw, direct data being scraped from the thing youā€™re measuring.

You canā€™t determine, for example, from Google metrics that 70-80% of Diablo IVā€™s playerbase have quit the game. It doesnā€™t provide that sort of data.

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