The question is not if Diablo 4 is failing

Most of that is indeed trash. What is your point

D3 is not online only. That’s just a PC thing. Consoles have offline and majority of the players are now on consoles for it.

You didn’t have to respond like that and embarrass yourself, chief. You could have just ignored it.

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Not embarrassed at all

LOL Thanks for the $100 spot bro.

All of us will be having fun playing, you can keep posting away with your little angry fingers little man.

Show me the facts then. You just saying something doesn’t mean it’s factual. So show me the factual proof that it’s failing.

Fixed that for you. You are welcome.

946 posts and counting!!

Cant wait for another month when ppl are super happy with S1 and Destruction has 5,000 posts still screaming because he lost his $100 and his mommy wont give him anymore :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You’re high, bro. Forum complainers do not “the” community or playerbase make. Most players ain’t even here to praise the game or gripe about it. As a single example, the forums lit up like a nuclear detonation about a few Shako drops, and people are still crying over it, yet among the two dozen or so people on my rather modest friends list that are currently playing D4, not a one has made a peep about it, and in the circle of people with whom I speak regularly about the game, only one of them even KNOWS that there was an uber unique drop rate bug for a couple hours, among other concerns, and those who I’ve mentioned it to just wondered what was wrong with the people having a meltdown in response to it. Also, the number of friends of mine that are playing D4 has actually only increased. There are late adopters as there are early adopters. :laughing:

Bro, chargebacks exist for a reason, and I fully intend on issuing one. If your poor self had more than a debit card, you would understand this. Before you say anything stupid, AMEX will issue a charge back with out a question.

Thank god, please do. Then theyll lock you away from these forums and we can stop reading about your childish complaining. They lock the forums to only people with the game purchased… So bye dude

Also chargebacks close out your entire battlenet account. So hope you dont have any other Battle Net game purchased on your account, because they perm close it out forever.

Enjoy bud!

You are an idiot, and this is false, ask me how I know. And aren’t you supposed to be working like that adult you claim to be?

Ha, then go for it my guy. You have a big bad AMEX… oh no!! Millions of americans definitely dont have an amex :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I am not sure if you are trying to make yourself look stupid on purpose or that is just how you are?

Your ability to use grammar properly determined that is a lie.

And are you really bragging about 106k a year. LOL, dude. That is hilarious.

rent free bro. Keep typing about helltides for a game you “quit”

Ahh that $100 feels so good to have from you. YOINK city

I think its pretty decent. Certainly not amazing but im still young so I have time

You had over 100 comments in a single day 3 days ago… LOL man you should do a chargeback and ask if you can get your $$ in mental health services because lordy lord you need it.

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Destruction couldn’t even spell properly in another thread so any accusations they make about grammar, reading comprehension, and other mechanics of the English language are merely projections of their insecurities.

Destruction: “ur grammar bad”

Also Destruction:


You keep responding. Check. Mate.


fully agreed but if it was in development 7 years ago then that matches up to talking phases of purchase.

Can I have some links with factual numbers saying it is dying. Cause I was just a POE and theres another moron there sating its dyine, Then another Idiot on Last EPoch saying its dead and its not done. None have facts and links.

Please post these links so we can all see the death.

tbh i really think D4 is a huge success from a business point of view… i mean blizzard made $100 off everyone and while hiring the same millions of people who paid that $100 to work as QA for free to beta test… hell even those triple A chinese mobile p2w titles can’t do that.