The question is not if Diablo 4 is failing

Sure! Blizzard is a publicly traded company that will not innovate anymore due to fear of upsetting the shareholders by taking a risk. They will rebrand and recycle old systems that they know people will come back to, even if they complain. All they need to do is show the shareholders a positive player report (hence the quarterly seasons) and all is good. “Quarter 1 we are looking good at 100k players. Quarter 2 we are still successful with 100k players”. They don’t have to report after a week everyone leaves. No motivation to do anything, they know we will still buy and play as long as they say “be patient with us we are human”

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:^) Yeah just ignore everything else I said lmao lord you blizz drones are really somethin’ else

:^) Nah I disagree and that makes you wrong.

I honestly think that the main issue is not successfully knowing which are the right systems to recycle, bringing back the worst ones.

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This actually I got the feeling as well, some people said things you are 100% sure they don’t really played the game.

I’m around 300h now and I’m just disappointed about the decision they did and the lack of communication.

First of all (in the first 50h) I was really surprised how good the game was designed and stuff … but if you are at the endless circle of the endgame … Yea … you see we are already at a point they absolutely don’t care about nothing. And the game just start right now

Yes sir, this too!!!

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You can tell who is level 1-50 and who is in wt4. Very rarely someone in wt4 at level 100 is talking about all the fun they are having walking around exploring the world :joy: You have fun in the beginning and then it fizzles out

“Everything else you said” was just whining about how you don’t have any actual information to support your opinions.

So, please tell me how it is the fastest selling game in Blizzard’s history is failing.

This has to be what’s going on. If you would have asked me at level 38-60ish I would say the game was amazing. From 60-100 it was as if someone parted the curtain and showed there was nothing behind it. Everything felt so shallow. It may not be “failing” by financial metrics, but it surely failed to capture my attention after 50ish hours. There’s just not much there for player retention, and when others get bored and leave, I tend to do the same. The amount of chase gear is so incredibly low, and I was excited that maybe in S1 they’d add a large loot injection into the game, but the 6 uniques (barely more than 1 unique per class) just isn’t enough for me to get all that excited. I will play S1, and I’m sure I’ll enjoy a new class up to around 60 again, but I don’t see it being longer than a weekend long experience. Bummer too, because the base game is pretty cool. It’s just missing some fundamental aspects of ARPGs to keep me interested.

“Sales is the end all be all of the games success”

It’s ok to be willfully ignorant, maybe you don’t know much about how the video games industry works. It’s okay :^)

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x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x

X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X !!!

But, that action has not yet produced the very specific results Xuminock wants. Therefor, no effort has been made.

I’ve encountered this very sort of nonsense innumerable times in my life, where people mistakenly see a correlation between lack of immediate results with lack of ever trying, with no room for failure, let alone “this will take time”.

Only if you seek to summarize your own blind, unreasoning hatred of all things Blizzard (while simultaneously opening your wallet to Blizzard for the very game you will inevitable throw temper tantrums about).

I can only conclude that it’s an especially-unhealthy form of masochism.

Because of course, anyone who doesn’t hate Blizzard without limit, must be on Blizzard’s payroll. :roll_eyes:

Oooooor, more and more of those people have bought D4 for themselves, and instead of WATCHING the game, maybe are PLAYING the game for themselves.

Today critically acclaimed means nothing . If anything now it means it sucks

Ya’ll heard it here, folks. Tears of the Kingdom, Street Fighter 6, Resident Evil 4, and Final Fantasy XVI are all trash games.

Gaming is dead.

$600+ million in a few days. If only I could fail so poorly.


If 1%, the vocal hardcore and fanboys on the forums always seem to think they are the majority here, the average player never posts in forums - this is why historically speaking when a developer listens to the vocal minority, the game is already dead in the water instead of polling the majority of the players.

Also, the hardcore fanboys are also the main selfish players in gaming, they’d quite happily throw the casuals and core players under the bus to satisfy their own needs first even at the cost of the game losing 60 - 90% of the playerbase, as long as they can still play and enjoy the game…they didn’t don’t give a rats *** about all the other playerbase out there, and once again - seen this attitude so many times before that I expect it in forums like this, and I see it frequently from the same posters with that exact same mentality and this attitude is what destroys games.

Regardless, there are always going to be two camps of people when a game is in a decline, the people actually trying to post constructive feedback, says whats going wrong and how the developers should fix it, and the others which refuse to remotely believe the game is in a bad shape, I’ve seen this so many times in the past two decades of Online gaming - this is nothing new in that respect, but I will tell you something - Diablo 4 IS in rough shape. far worse than any other previous games I’ve played and been vocal in the forums about it.

Instead of either whining about it in forums, or burying your head in the sand and saything everything is fine whilst secretly you’d scared ****less that it really is failing but refuse to believe it…do something about it, blast them on Twitter, give them the harsh reality of the state of the game, one person does it or 1000 people do it, its an annoyance but if enough people say hey, the game is in a bad state - do something about it asap and here are a few collated examples of the best ideas from the forums, they might listen.

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I was in that world until the launch of D4. Now, I understand Blizz isn’t the same company under Activision that it once was on it’s own.

If you think some legendary gems that drop from random elites with an aura that will get removed after season end is going to be enough to keep people interested, I have some Oceanside properties in montana to sell you.

How rent free is blizzard that you have 941 posts about a game you quit.

Exactly my point. You dont even play the game and yet have 941 posts… significantly more than the average person.

Almost like… thats a BIAS… woah!! We are learning together!!

So if overwhelmingly the forums (which are .01% of the total players) are mostly upset people who quit… Hmm, i cant imagine why Blizz doesnt read the forums LOL

I can hear the gallop of horses now.

At least 700 of them have been me bashing this terrible game. If I can save one person from buying this heap of trash, I have done my part.