The question is not if Diablo 4 is failing

Diablo IV is the most unrewarding ARPG I had ever played. It’s a predatory free to play game model demanding you pay $70 for entry. There’s no end game, reviews were based on campaign - not on one of the most important factors of the game. It’s bogus. Games media sucks for selling us out to their sponsors.


I hate the itemization. It’s too tedious to check rares and legendaries for minor stat upgrades. I went back to D2R S3.

Enjoy the lackluster 6 uniques they add and bizarre heart thing.

I’m a D2 fan. Why would we want MMO-lite features? What are you talking about?


Oh, Bobby, I thought you were still on vacation. Welcome back!

Can’t farm for alts or trade. Game is dead once you complete season journey, and at that point, what is the point of even playing to begin with?


Weren’t the changes the ones already announced during the stream? You mean balance stuff?

LOL Forums represent less than 1% of the playerbase.

If you think the forums, reddit, or twitter mean anything to the average player you are a total loser.


Last time I checked these weren’t Wall Street forums. Fails are not measured in sales neither profitability.

The price is locked in once the offer is made. SEC gets really upset when you start lowering and raising the evaluation due to the implications for the stock price.

Listen I feel the burnout as well. But, if you don’t think that Season 1 coming out in 10 days has anything to do with the lack of players, you’re crazy.

My entire friend group played hard, they have all the renown objectives they need for the Season renown boost.

They don’t see a reason to play at the moment because they understand how Seasons work, they are PoE/D3 vets. So they are taking a break before Season.

There is and will always be a drop off a couple weeks before a new season, because there’s a reset. That’s how it works. Guarantee Twitch and Hype will explode again on the 20th. We’ll also see a spike on the 18th when content creators start reviewing patch notes, and new Aspects.

So, take a break, step back, and come back on the 18th to review the changes. Then go hard on the 20th. If the game is still “dry grass” to you, then you can give your farewell on the forums.

If this season fails, then Diablo fails. It may rebound in the future, but will never fully recover.

The success of Season 1 is what will make/break the game. Unfortunately, I don’t have high hopes based on the current state of the game. But… I’m still going to give it a chance.


Stock price seem to be stable so I don’t think Kotick and the rest of the execs care.

You’re asking about a “belief” whereas the guy I’m challenging is making statements as if they are facts. I don’t think this is a justified question in response to my own.

However, I will answer. Do I believe everyone is playing in full force today? Nope. This can be based on general game fatigue within a month, Steam summer sale, other games on the back burner etc.

Do I believe everyone is playing in full force without these things taken into account and simply based on how well the game was received? I don’t have a clue. This is the info I asked for since someone set it out there as fact. Opinions vary on the game, tho I will say it seems everyone can agree on some needed changes. However, I have zero data to back up any claims whether or not people have actually quite due to these things, let alone whether or not people who POSTED as such they are quitting actually quit.

If you think the forums don’t represent the user base, you have your head buried so deep into… the sand… that you might suffocate on your own…

I am guessing all the latest reviews don’t represent the user base, or the reddit posts don’t represent the user base, or the people in game bashing it at every event I went to before I quit, or all the people I talked to. None of those right?

It is some other random place where people talk about the game, that isn’t any of the main outlets where people talk about the game. Care to specify exactly where we can look to see where the user base is represented?

You have no idea what bias is then. The forums represent a insignificant fraction of highly vocal ppl.

These giant threads get 200-300 likes. Thats it. 300 likes. Bro, they sold TENS OF MILLIONS OF COPIES OF THE GAME.

300 likes vs 10s of millions of players… Can you do math?

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Gives “factual” information without providing any sources, citation or even numbers.

I’m shocked Blizzard ignores these forums.

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Blizzard 100% should ignore them. Like the dumbo above my post a few up, he actually thinks a majority of players are on reddit and the forums and have a significant voice.

Blizz takes the good stuff, reads some of it… ignores almost all of it. They have 20 years reading these forums… they understand exactly who uses them. Ppl who shouldnt be offering valid opinions lol.

Do me a favor and google the last time metrics were released from Blizzard on any title. They haven’t given any accurate WoW player numbers in years. You know why?

Probably because they aren’t doing as well as they’d like. What numbers would you like people to conjure when Blizzard themselves provides none? You are clearly under 100 IQ.

Im amazed development took so long. Itll get better in an expansion or 2. The core game on release is too empty for this weak of seasonal content.

So, let’s review. The only actual numbers we have to work with are the games sales, wherein Diablo 4 is the fastest selling Blizzard game of all time.

Now, in what “factual” way is the game failing?

Set intersections exist.

It’s obvious that D2 and D3 fans aren’t disjoint sets. But being that different, it’s logical to think that their intersection is small.

Then this post is absolutely void. They have zero basis for what they are saying. This is according to you.