The question is not if Diablo 4 is failing

Nope, this is called an opinion. How can people really not tell the difference?

Lots of “:nerd_face: NNnn can I get a source on if its dead or not???” here lmao. :^)
Very nice nothing you add to the discussion. Blizzard pays you da big bux ay? If they don’t pay you anything, than you do it for free… And you may as well reevaluate if that’s a good idea.

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It’s funny you think this is all that different or interesting.

The only difference between blizzard lately and the games industry since forever is that you heard about it at all.

same crap happened, for various reasons, it just was never newsworthy or social media didn’t exist/care

When diversity hires backfire hueheuheuhe

The same cheesy gotcha people have been using to HOPE and COPE for years whenever blizz game playerbases plummet

Of course we don’t have internal blizz metrics, they stopped revealing those for a reason

But twitch metrics and otherwise are the next best bet, and the plummeting figures of twitch viewership combined with the rising figures of angry forum posters has got to be a decent indicator

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Upset? For sure they are and they have the right to be.

Leaving? Yeah, its true but also note that they can always comeback.

Failing? There’s always room for improvement. If it doesn’t happen in a span of 2 yrs, well, we can always forget that D4 existed at one point. LoL!

How does watching someone else play a game translate to how many people are actually playing?


Are you using logic, critical thinking, and reasoning to come to that conclusion? Sorry, my reddit and netflix brain says I need a study stamped by Dr. Fauci to believe anything you say.

I love playing World of Warcraft and Blizzard is my favorite company!

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i think it shows general interest if u view it that way and so far interest are failing

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They also kept saying “The best thing in D4 is exploration”. When I heard it, I knew the game is dead.

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That is still irrelevant to the amount of people playing a game. Ive never watched twitch. Does that mean I have no interest in any games?


Honestly, the white knights are frankly part of the problem why Diablo 4 is failing, because of demanding a better product, they are just happy to settle for an inferior product because its got a Diablo-esq paint job splashed on a very lazy design, the fact that Diablo Immortal has better itemization and deeper depth speaks volumes, Season 1 isn’t going to save this game unless Blizzard starts addressing the core issues, not in season 5 or 6, but NOW before it loses more and more of the playerbase, because the majority are not going to come back.

Here is the thing, Diablo 4 burned alot of players in the franchise - Sure, Blizz got their money but the next product they might start thinking twice, shoddy products at launch lead to less and less pre-orders on the next.

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Blizzard IP survives on its merits from the early 2000s. It’s very easy to see a massive drop out of competent development and overall business strategy post wotlk.

Their games produce revenue because the nostalgia factor from early StarCraft, D2, and Wow.

Warcraft 3 reforged ?
Diablo 3 launch ? Took years and an xpac before this game got traction
Overwatch 2 ?
Battle for Azeroth ?
Shadow lands ?
Diablo immortal ?

The talent at blizzard is either gone or being suppressed for short term revenue gains.


I don’t know about everyone else but I am looking forward to Season 1 and reading about what a trainwreck it is on the forums while I play Baldurs Gate 3.

I might come back and play diablo 4 in a year or two if its still active, until then baldurs gate followed by Starfield followed by anything not blizzard.

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Is Baulders Gate 3 playable at all? Last I played (not that long ago) companions would get stuck out of bounds on 2/3rds of all map loads.

Also the companion writing sucks so far and all of them are annoying.

And bingo, this is most likely the majority of gamers here. I’m 100% the same, I’m looking forward to BG3 and already have Starfield collectors edition pre-ordered. Diablo 4 maybe…maybe might be the game people envisioned in a few years time and for the time being, its just going to lose players on a steady decline until it hits its hardcore holdout base of white knights and typical content creators.

The game is ranked #4 this month in Twitch viewed hours. That doesn’t sound dead to me and the Twitch hours are the only hard data we have to go by for now until Blizzard releases numbers.

It’s hard to say without further information regarding balance changes and what sort of 32 gems are in store.

Imo, one thing I feel confident about is that it’s highly likely there will be an expansion of stash space in S1.

Bruh if you think this game is failing with 6m sold copies. You are dreaming. Where does this 1% of people come from where they think the game is failing?
It is a pay up front video game. 6m sold copies. at minimum of what 70 per game? Game was successful. Playerbase does not denote success here. Sold copies do.

So desperate to defend your favorite, bestest developer of all time that you make multiple posts in the same thread to attack OP multiple times?

Kinda weird.


D3 was in a decade of development hell.

D4 was in a decade of development hell.

OW2 was in development hell and scrapped the entire reason for making OW2.

It wasn’t just COVID.

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