The question is not if Diablo 4 is failing

Post your empirical data that proves this because fee fees and proof from your butt is not proof.


This exactly. We have to temper our expectations. It’s obvious when this game was produced by gamers. Now it’s produced by MBAs with an emphasis in marketing.


Yup. 12 is the most you will ever see at once.



I happen to be one of those people, so it’d be hard for me to forget them. I still think the distinction holds, because even if you enjoyed both in their historical context, there’s probably one or the other you prefer more today. I probably enjoyed Diablo 2 more when I played it most, 20 years ago. I was younger, and it was revolutionary at the time. Today, If I had to pick between the two I’d choose D3, because my life has changed and I don’t care for a lifestyle game today.

If you really don’t have a preference between the two, historical context notwithstanding…cool.

Or some of us don’t like people making claims about data they don’t have. Inferring conclusions based on forum crying is annoying to say the least. Thank goodness the OP didn’t include some made up number about how 88% of players have left based on his calculations.


The question isn’t whether the game has issues. The question is whether or not the “majority” are leaving as OP claims.

To which I’ll go ahead and say again: You have no frame of reference for a gaming community’s tolerance level when it comes to flawed systems in a video game if you think the majority are leaving because of Diablo IV’s issues, because there are several other games out there with worse issues than Diablo IV and are still thriving. If the notion that the game can get better is there, people will continue playing the game, warts and all.

There is no game that has been worse than the launch of Destiny 1 with its single raid, a handful of strikes, and empty zones to explore with the exception of five gold chests per zone. It was still a huge success and remained one of the most played games on the PlayStation and Xbox until its retirement in 2017. There is no game as riddled with bugs and critical issues as Fallout 76. It’s still regularly being updated to this day with an active community. While Destiny 2 has just recently fallen out of favor, it still remains an immensely popular game despite its inconsistency in quality expansion offerings over the years. There are few competitive game as lackluster as Apex Legends’ first season, yet that game is now regularly in the top 5 most played on Steam, and that’s Steam alone. There are even fewer games with systemic problems as Modern Warfare or any other Call of Duty, yet those games are released each year and still make billions upon billions of dollars.

I could go on, but you get my point. Even if you don’t think Diablo IV is a good game, to say it’s losing the majority of its players and is dying is not only incorrect, it’s also a delusion fed by an echo chamber the forums have instigated. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen claims of a dead game for other games, only for that game to still be alive and active years later.


So apparently selling millions of copies of a video game is failing. And that’s factual. You heard it here first.


More claims without proof. Why do people do this instead of relying on facts and critical thought? We are turning into Idiocracy.

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Because they don’t have to. They know the forums are overwhelmingly negative about the game so they can say whatever they want, knowing they’ll get dozens of likes from people who feel the same way. If people disagree, they can use everyone who agrees with them as validation and then call you a shill to disregard anything you have to say.

It’s what we call an echo chamber.


Everyone should watch this documentary by Indigo Gaming. This is for D3.

But also, I got strong vibes of the d4 development off this as well. I’m uncertain how a company with so much financial backing can literally drop the ball on this over and over again.

They could literally hire some basement dwelling nerd who’s just played diablo games for a while to design a better game than this crap we’ve been handed. It’s uncanny. Unreal, even. It’s dumbfounding lol

Blizzard you can contract me. I WILL positively fix your game within 3 months.

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Blizzard you can contract me. I WILL positively fix your game within 3 months.

Press (X) to doubt


Started reading.

As soon i read the words “whiteknights” and “apologists”, all your arguments got invalid OP.

I have seen your kind of people on both ends of the spectrum and on both sides all you do is just cry about your own irrelevant issues and ignore the fact that not everyone is always on the same page and that the games are not designed specifically around you.

I only care about people’s opinion who can have both pros and cons in their opinions. Because there are always both present.


But Blizzard is taking action? Do you think they’ve just abandoned the game following its launch?

It’s failing because blizzard rushed the game release so it would show up as another line item for the MSFT acquisition. We all know blizzard has produced nothing amazing in the last 5 years. The real reason for the MSFT acquisition is C O D. The billion dollar gravy train. Of course Sony doesn’t want that to happen so they filed suit to stop the acquisition. To counter this blizzard is adding “ all its other IPs” as line items in an attempt to show that “hey they aren’t just buying COD. Look at all this other stuff they get too!” This is meant to placate the various courts and regulatory agencies involved in the suit. We will see if the strategy pays off or not in the end. So there it is, the real reason D4 is in the state it is in.

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Factual source, please.


‘I think it’s easy to see who actually played Diablo 4 and who plays the “defend Diablo 4 and Blizzard on the forums at all costs” game based on the rhetoric.’ Perfect summary. Blizzard apologists will come on here defending the most asinine, objectively bad design choices because they are either bots or just fools. You can set your watch to it.

I mean, it shouldnt really matter if the majority leaves. Diablo 3 was also “dead” shortly after release and it is still updated today. So why is a big playerbase needed again?

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That’s fine, you should doubt, I’d expect anyone to. But no really some people have been around a while. I bought diablo in 1996 when I was in high school and have played diablo games (not immoral) ever since.

Of course being a gamer does not qualify someone to be a game designer, I can appreciate that. However, I do have industry experience in that regard (SWTOR, ESO)

Just an old programmer who’s written many games and worked in the games industry for about 5 years before leaving it because it’s quite toxic.

Man some of you people are delusional.

Here are some facts:

  • D4 is a great game from 1-70. From gameplay to story to ambiance. Completing the campaign, watching Lilith destroy Inarius, the music. Just epic and makes you feel pumped to get to WT4.

  • D4 has a weak end-game after that. Once you get to WT4 and level glyphs, there isn’t much to do. Probably why they kept asking for deadline extensions. But the game is 100% worth the money you pay.

  • D4 crunch time was during Work from Home. You can feel the lack of creativity and collaboration that comes with people working in a room and white boarding out game play.

  • Blizzard had a massive turn over of talent. The old guard retired. The new guard all got fired from being creeps and the Sexual Harassment lawsuit. D4 had major turnover spots during their development phase.

If this happened to literally any other studio, this game would have been DoA. Very few, if any, can come back from a huge talent loss, a lawsuit that claims your newly trained talent, and still making your deadline.

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