The question is not if Diablo 4 is failing

This and what the changes will be in the big patch for both Season and Eternal realm

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Yeah that patch is very important imo

I quit playing because all the endgame content feels like an unrewarding waste of time. I liked playing the story and leveling from 1-50 and finding a build I liked. Everything after that is a slog.


Indicative of nothing. For every negative post you see, there is a non-zero number of people who never even visit the forums at all.

Not privy to Blizzard’s proprietary statistics - including such things as concurrent users, daily logins, etc.

In other words, those are not actual citations. Keep digging.


Except D3 and D4 are online only. If they fail to hard (Like D3 almost failed) you can’t expect Blizzard to keep the servers online for long.

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The likelihood of Diablo IV failing so hard that it gets abandoned completely by Blizzard is exceptionally low.

Sometimes, I think people forget people’s tolerance for bad games. If games like Fallout 76 can find a community and sustain itself, I have no idea why we question Diablo IV’s ability to.


Haha don’t think Iv ever seen a post here that had so much faith in Blizzard while also making so much fun of them at the same time.


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I’m not making fun of them. I’m saying even the worst of the worst are still actively updated and supported by large communities. It’s using an extreme to emphasize that Diablo IV, a decent game with a few flaws, isn’t going to die or become unsustainable.

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Blizzard’s strategy might not be what you like, but they’re winning.

They sold a zillion copies, and because of how seasons work they’ll get streamers back for each season which will see little ramps of new players plus old players returning to try things. The 1.0 release of the campaign will slowly make way to a fully fleshed out end game over the next several years and they’ll keep making money the whole way. This will lead to more ramps of players buying the same way that No Man’s Sky of FO76 has worked.

No amount of content at launch will keep the very heavy players happy and since that tends to represent a small and very expensive segment of the market they have no reason to build for them.

Even this forum existing is strategic, the number of people posting hundreds of complaints here are not spending that energy in more public venues. This forum is a trap that has worked surprisingly well, I’ve seen people with 2000 plus posts who are replying dozens of times in the larger threads, imagine that energy in a place that isn’t essentially an echo chamber.


I don’t believe the problem is a lack of understanding. Blizzard knows Diablo has, broadly speaking, two distinct fanbases:

  • Diablo 2 fans: Like the grind, level focused play, MMO-lite, want a lifestyle game, PVP matters
  • Diablo 3 fans: Not grind fans, gear focused play, not MMO players, prefers an episodic experience, PVP not relevant

Blizzard is trying to please two masters with this game, but the problem is that’s basically impossible because what those two groups want are polar opposites. What makes one happy, will upset the other, and vice versa.

So the vision is failing because the idea behind the game is flawed at its core: Try to split the baby down the middle, but what they ended up with, predictably, is something that manages to not please either crowd.

I have zero sympathy for them. They created this problem, primarily by keeping D2 running all these years.

If Blizzard wants to fix Diablo, step one should be shutting down D2 and D3 (for online play) with appropriate notice to the fans. Yes, it would make people mad. But it would also send a message that future projects aren’t going to be a continuation effort, freeing up the current dev teams to create something they are actually passionate about, instead of slaving away after a vision created by people who retired a decade ago.

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then there is the opposite posters


Some random guy on a forum giving an opinion is not truths.


The forums and socials media as a metrics isn’t somebody to totally dismiss lmao. I mean, do you genuienly believe that everyone if not a huge chunk is still playing this game in full-force? Who are you kidding dude?


Ofc server is empty, I have 450 hours in and also taking brake no point to play and I wait for season.

D4 is awesome those all doomers are pathetic. The game gets only better and the core is good.


Is it though? Are you sure?


the real question is why no one thinks this game was just pushed out early for the Microsoft purchase to increase the overall companies value?


Well yeah it’s sanctuary - it’s surrounded by ghosts and spirits and banshees and all kinds of creepy things

You forget the third group: people who, like me, enjoyed BOTH GAMES.


Not sure why you trying to convince the deniers. They already know they are wrong. Proof is plain to see. D4 not going to show you the data because they embarrassed. But you can see it on your friends list. In various discords and game groups. EVERYONE is quitting. This not just taking a break till season starts.
Or you can just log in. I know snore. But do it. Remember you can only see 12 people at any given time. Tell me if there not atleast 8 afk in town. Ones that left playing are so bored they not actually playing,

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No more so today than it was on Launch.

D4 doesn’t put 1,000 players together in a single instance of X town or Y city. So just because you don’t see 1,000 players there … doesn’t mean there aren’t 1,000 people playing, and in Kyovashad, at that moment.

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