The question is not if Diablo 4 is failing

And you will still be waiting for Blizz to fix resistances at that point.

Does that feel like a good thing to you? You sure talk like it is.

This game failed. It failed in most all points a good game is made off. i said it many times but i will say it again:

I cant understand how this could have made itthrough the Q/A, through a playtest and what not - i mean it is an obviously BORING game after you got to end of story. There is NOTHING that makes you think “Woops 2 am in the morning - but hey one more run! this time i will get the cool stuff!” The itemization and the loot spiral is flawed… i mean beyond repair.

BUUUUUT: I still think they will correct it - they invested a lot of money in this as a live service game and there are only 2 options…

1.) Change it to the customer needs
2.) Scrap it and go with what you earned so far.

I doubt they choose Option 2 as it will be a serious setback for future game realeases … people are like Elephants - they never forget.

While you’ve got your Crystal Ball out to see the future … can you let me know what tonight’s Powerball Numbers will be? In a private message, of course. I don’t want to share.

so, the question is, why are people hating the game and critics loving it? That’s the million dollar question isn’t it? Occam’s razor would strongly suggest that coercion was indeed a factor. Blizzard leaning on the reviewer to give a good review in order for $$$$. This is not uncommon in the industry. Neither Blizzard or the magazine/reviewer are going to say anything cos it loosk bad for both of them. They’ll keep mum.

It explains the high box price. Like they knew it was the only money they would get from people would be before the game was played.

By paid access urinilists.

I agree also, I just started posting on the forums again today. I made a very long post explaining how I feel also. I don’t think people hate this game. They are just let down at the absurd low quality and thought that went into some of the systems / nonexistent systems in game. Truly baffles my mind some features are absent t launch.

Why dont you not know what words mean?

You have zero facts to back this statement up.

The problem is when the wrong players quit. This should have been the game that we thought of as our new home. We take breaks from playing this year round MAYBE when something else looks good. They designed this for tourists.











I will play ball even if I partially disagree with you.

People said same thing about elden ring. Once you beat the game, you kinda move on dude, same here. My wager is that many will come back to this game every season or two, because game is designed that way.

That being said, I do wanna see improvements even if I disagree with your “facts”. One being is that more builds need to be viable than what we got now. Then I do like to see unique rework, cause some builds got good ones and some got nothing, while other builds got uniques that actually nerf them.

Then a huge one, game rebalance. Open world quite easy, nightmare dungeons up to 50 is ok but with issues. 50+ nightmare is just stupid. You get 5 elites with 2 ways to CC you for 5 sec each while also basic mob can kill you in 2 hits. Like what the f is this even?

so…nm dungeons later? see ya there!

I like that you keep deflecting to avoid wrestling with what I’ve already laid out to you. This is a nothing burger; a fantasy you’ve played up in your head. Setting aside for a moment that there’s no metric that you can use to conclude a majority of people hate Diablo IV, you’re still refusing to actually answer the question I’ve actually presented: If coercion was such a common thing in the industry, then why is it that major game releases from major studios get frequently panned by critics in the industry?

If coercion played a role in any of this, do you think any Call of Duty game would score below an 80 critic average? Do you think a game like Warcraft III Reforged would have scored an abysmal 59 average?

All this is is the Diablo IV forums coping hard over the fact that the game they’re so desperate to hate was reviewed well. It’s why any time someone who isn’t a critic says they like the game, then suddenly it’s because “they’re a Blizzard shill” or “they haven’t played the game enough to actually see it’s problems.”

Do you have evidence suggesting this? Do you work in the industry?

If so, then you can’t conclusively say this.

That’s not a good idea. If no one plays they’ll shut it down. You likely should care

because look at the forums, youtubers and many other places stating how crapdonkeydoodoo this game is. Its a pile of horseturd right now lol

Thats be an improvement for the game XD

used to see so many lvl 100s a few weeks ago

now its all low levels running around and I end up carrying more than half the events i join…

all the proof I need right there that endgame just isnt good enough to keep max lvls playing

They missed that a game needs to be fun. Monsters always at your level, you can’t get ahead so not fun. Poison and other traps are all instant death? Not fun. I played hard core on all other diablo versions but 4 is just not realistic. Not keeping loot from seasons, that you pay extra for, how is that fun? Not gear to avoid stuns, slow, frozen? How is that fun? Can’t play an easier section to level up because oh yeah monsters are always your level. Hear’s the stupidest one of all, why make normal difficulty impossible to not die? Shouldn’t normal be for light fun play? Nope. Lastly, huge annoyance. Why is every dungeon just a copy of another? What are there maybe 4-5 different dungeons? What a lazy lame… :flushed:

One key tipoff is the fact that you will see the same people more and more out in the world doing bosses, helltides and in town. Up until a little over a week ago I never saw the same people. Now I do all the time.

And my clan and almost all of my closest friends clans are maxed out but we all have like 10-20 people online during primetime.

I continue to see players abandoning this game and a plummeting viewership on Twitch for such a new game is a tell tale sign of a failed game. It’s fixable but it requires a lot of work on Blizzard’s part. They aren’t acknowleding the issues or communicating with their players adequately so I’m assuming they also gave up on the game until they prove otherwise.

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