The question is not if D4's Season 1 is failing

my f-list went from 50+ online players at launch, to around 2-3 online past s1 launch.
Even big streamers refuse to play S1.
There isn’t any fun looting, no end game, no build diversity, terrible boss mechanics and game difficulty (to easy).


The season means nothing… its the game itself that is trash… if the game was any good the season would be fine… but when the game actually sucks so much why bother playing again from level 1?

Pointless… theres zero content in the game…

D3 campaign was miles bigger than d4… d4 is tiny! I can remember 1 boss and thats lilith… and she was the biggest disappointment in diablo history… i was expecting all the prime evils to come back and some angels to intervene but nope… nada… supposed to be an end of the world event but all the towns are happily chilling… there is threat :confused:

So after the terrible campaign you have 3 things to do… dugeons, world events or quit…

Lets compare to poe… you have omega crap to do… too much to even list!

Grim dawn… you do the campaigns again bumping up loot quality, special dungeons, rep farm for item upgrades, special bosses, recipes, item augment farming, item crafting… you have a goal to beef up your character.

D3 - had more content and a point to proceed… you already seen all the affixes in d4 by level 50… d3 you farmed items which unlocked new builds ect…

D4 is released way too early its unfinished rush mess with nothing to do.

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I knew the season would be trash. The hints were there. I didnt think after my first week of gameplay, which I loved, that the game would devolve into what it is today. Patch after patch I noticed the game going downhill. The speed of the game slowed down from all the nerfs and the amount of cc in Nightmare Dungeons didnt help this AT ALL.

It seemed to me that he devs felt like they had to micromanage, and nerf, EVERY little thing. It felt like THEY wanted an extremely slow, hard, and tedious (renown) grind. When they saw players clearing at the speed they were they began nerfing anything and everything contributing to this. Items, aspects, xp gains, dungeons, across the board they started putting their grimey , prideful little fingers all over the nerf hammer instead of just allowing players to have fun. Which most of us were when the game first released.

It just seems to me that Blizzard, almost more than any other Dev, has a completely different view of what they want this game to be and what the people who pay for the game want.

I think from the top down they all need to be fired. I don’t understand how failure at such a high degree with so much money involved is allowed to occur, repeatedly. They don’t seem capable of connecting with the player base or content creators. If i’m a board member i’m in discussions to start replacing some people.

Maybe see if Chris Wilson is available to come in and do a training session on how to be a gamer who plays their game and can also HEAR AND LISTEN to the community…i dunno crazy idea actually listening and giving us something fun?

If that were fact, WoW died in 2008.

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This is just not true. The majority of PoE players play Leagues, we have data proving this. It’s the same with D3 and will be the same with D4. All the major ARPG games use seasons for a reason.

I tried but the game is boring af now with the slowness increased

For me it’s more like D4 is an undercooked dish and season 1 is a small side item on the dish that is underwhelming on it’s own.
That said, I expected season 1 to be “meh” giving the ongoing work on the base game.

As long as the devs keep working on the feedback and the players stick around long enough for the feedback cycle to work, then the game could be better. Fallout 76 sounded like it was worse than this.

As someone who also bought No mans sky at the beginning. I know developers have a second chance to fix things.

but not these devs. not blizzard. you will see more monetization, or actual content locked in DLC. If I have to pay more to this game to feel like its worth playing, I might as well pay for another game.
And Blizzard wont give a sht

This is such a silly argument. Review bombed? So you mean people reviewed the game they didn’t like? Or do you really think people created multiple accounts over and over again and left the same review? If so, where’s your evidence for that? How do you know that? I’m going to guess you pulled that out of thin air.

People are upset the game sucks and they left bad reviews for it. That’s it. Occam’s razor.

It still sucks though.

That’s one of my concerns too. Corp. maybe judging the game based on the micro-transactions and ignore the daily / weekly / monthly active user logins.

When a game is bad, it’s either:

  1. Poor implementation of design
  2. Poor design philosophy (Intention)

1. Poor implementation usually happens when a game is rushed, or lack of developers in the project. Using bad code or unrefined code causes all sorts of bugs and bad player experience.

  • Stash system with poor code implementation

People can wait and cope with the state of the game until the developers refine it out. That’s what most Blizzard games were.

2. Poor design philsophy, especially in D4, is like:

  • Giving players a mount but at the same time put barricades. This is purely intentional delay and hinderance to game-flow experience.
    → If it were to be made properly, mounts should have the ability to hop over when using the speed charge at the right moment. Then players would realize there is more depth into mastering the mount.

  • Overly saturating the mechanics of RNG in Itemization, “Play it your way.”
    → Too many variants of redundant damage modifiers especially with CC damage when all it can be is to deduce into a single stat(CC damage) while keeping the unique CC effects. This intention is to give you an illusion of many options, but the endgame content doesn’t allow you do it. It only creates fraustration.

  • There is a world to explore, and there are bunch of dungeons and cellars.
    → Except, the monster variety is so small, every dungeons and cellar feel the same. All you encounter is mainly either spider, naga, phantoms or cultists.
    → The endgame design to the world is non-existent. The basic summary to the world content is altar of lilith, stronghold and helltide. The legion, world boss and tree of whisper has no significant benefit to your item progression, so it becomes a dead content/space.

There are many more poor design philosophies in D4. Sadly, this is something people can’t wait and cope. It’s either the dev have to revisit their philosophy or the players have to quit this game.

I originally thought the hate that patch 1.1 got was overblown and gave season 1 a chance. I got to level 65 and ran out of gas. The game has become such a slog and I have no desire to grind to a higher level to complete the capstone dungeon as im still to weak to beat Uber Elias dispite having all renoun completed and a considerable amount of xp into glyphs. Leveling is soo slow and at that level in world tier 3 there is no drops to keep things exciting. It is just wispers, more Cidgels and Helltides which SUCK now as they simply made them fustrating. They wanted a more risk reward feel to helltides but simply added more risk with less reward as you may only open 1 good chest in an hour of gameplay. I cant do it. Im burned out. Not fun. Not fun at all.

Yes it is up to individuals to decide what is worth their time, but i think its more on a basis is it worth your money do you want to support blizzrards “time”.

Iv played many games where i had so much fun i wanted to support the developers time, and make sure they had funding because i believed they were heading in the right direction, this is my way of helping shape the future.

When i lived in boston i ate at a restaurant that was close to many colleges. It was some of the worst food i had ever had and i was appalled by the quality of the food it was half burnt had no flavor it tasted like cheap oil. It occurred to me they were in business because they didn’t need to have good food all they needed was enough people on a daily basis it order food from them online or via delivery. I would be amazed if anyone that ate there every bought food from them a second time. yet i believe they had so many new customers that there business just survived on location alone. I wish i had known some one who bought food from them prior to advise me of the quality.

You’re probably not seeing other players because you are still on WT1 or WT2. Grow a pair and come up to WT3 and WT4. I’ve been playing all weekend and have had no problem running into other players.

And yet it’s still got a great score on Amazon and other sites. You do realize metacritic is not the be all and all right?

There is a huge difference between objectively bad food and a game like D4 that has many varying viewpoints and opinions.

Im not talking about good food, im talking about traffic. It doesnt matter weather d4 is good or bad it is still going to get the same amount of initial traffic based on the franchise.

D4 effectively does not need to create a decent product to make money, they have the initial traffic regradless and make money so sink or swim they will call it a win on the corporate side. this is the analogy i am making.

This is just false though. The Restaurant you referred to had no obligation to produce any good because their location meant they were one of the only options.

D4 is far from the only option and ActiBlizz has to improve their product or they just lose money. Do you honestly think they want to make a bit of launch money and lose out on potentially billions of $$$ of revenue for the rest of the games lifetime? The game will improve because it needs to if they want to maximize profits, which they do.

you purposefully are avoiding the point by interjecting small details to change what i said.

I never said “they were one of the only options.”
its boston its a city there are many options.

I do. considering they might sell microsoft, the sale is still on the table and is subject to change, if activision/blizzard end up refusing, all they have to do is come up with a certain sum of $$$ to decline the deal. they pushed this title to make lunch money so either way they either make enough to keep their own company, or they make enough to not care about the games lifetime because they technically dont still own the company.

Not fail. Active forums just means there’s tons of players playing it… even the haters play it.

Wanna know what a dead game is? When you get to their forums, nobody replies to their posts.

I understand the Haters. They are mostly noobs. Why? Becoz we have seen players playing their class destroying Uber Lilith. You can easily pinpoint those noobs.