The question is not if D4's Season 1 is failing

And that invalidates the statement how, exactly?

Please don’t forget when they acknowledged the problem of NMD’s giving less XP and needing to travel to them each time but still made us wait a month for a patch. People forget this one.

I think it is simple, they dropped a patch that no one can argue made the game better and they already had this mostly lined up a while ago, should have dropped on launch. The problem is I played a much better experience on launch. Season 1 says redo renown even though we juggled it during livestream and looked like fools because we knew it was garbage and they hate it as well, because we are listening, but we have to force you to do garbage mechanics because engagement. We are still in legion-shadow metrics.

Season 1 is an inferior version of Diablo 4 from launch, has no QoL fixes to include resistances not existing with no timeframe except soon. The entire season mechanic is meh at best. It is just the same game, but some dungeons randomly have kill this guy twice and usually get a trash gem, which takes again bag slots because gem tabs or solutions are tbd or soon with no real date…

Why is a random gem mechanic a good system. Even if you like the additions, they could have just added it on top without random colored sockets on gear, now you have best in slot gear, but mediocre slots. How did this pass any metric of evaluation of good.
Why not copy the systems that actually worked from PoE and other ARPG games.

Blizzard said no, we are listening and ignoring every content creator, because this is Diablo and we know better, just ignore dragon-flight guys. We in Diablo Legion-Shadowlands genre, and who knows how long it will last.

I think the base game is amazing, but anyone arguing season 1 is a hit, is ignoring that it is identical to launch with a random trash gem aspects as the gimmick and all classes having a worse experience. What a trash season. It also ignores that you have to reclaim all teleports for no real reason, but that part I forgive, and even like redoing stronghold, but the renown grind is just a middle finger too much for me. It adds nothing except a spreadsheet metric that I thought the company left behind in WoW. Seems it escaped and is still trying to force us to have fun our way mentality.

Especially because nothing improved unless you love random gems on top of random everything else. Nothing was balanced well or QoL anything. I don’t get how the season can feel so much worse than launch. It feels like a trash version of Diablo with random gem system which can make it better, but also makes you go to town constantly because they added more gems to a trash inventory system. They were never listenting. They just claimed… I am not done with the game just taking a long break until they decide to demolish this trash development cycle and stop arguing already in progress 6 months ago so… Gem tab soon TM teehee, isn’t it funny how we launch a better base game but also a much worse and less polished base game where resistances don’t work and have no fix in sight…

This isn’t WoW and can use that system because patches drop evey six months, Diablo is a pile of unfinished and ready for launch soon TM, I will check back once they decide to launch with resistances and gem tabs working, before they add random gems making my bag have at best 15 slots… This is how you define bad design and the developers saying they listen but ignoring everything.

They literally said, we f’d up and won’t do it again. By releasing an unfinished game.

We are listening and implemented nothing any content creator talked about in season 1.

It is time to listen to what they are actually saying and take a break. So season 3-4 can be good because if we keep playing this pile of trash it will never get past Shadowlands. We want Dragonflight, nope out on this mediocrity. We are listening… I will believe it when you deliver something anyone talked about as a problem you fixed. We want Dragongflight not legion to Shadowlands metrics of promises.

It is not about the game failing, I think the base game is leagues better than Diablo 3. Although it was at least a year from launch. I mean resistances don’t even work and the code is so bad they have no timeframe for a fix. If you think that is good design, you are clueless.

I think the only way the game can improve is by playing great games, not unfinished ones with no timeframes for gem tabs or resistances to be added. Especially when necro and Sorc paragon trees are hindered by the overabundance of resistances. It should be a priority and doesn’t even have a real date. That should prove to you the game needs work. Not just that it is beyond unpolished for a Blizzard Title, unless your metric is WCIII Reforged. It can be good, but how fast that depends on us. Choosing to not play will escalate that I promise you. Continuing to play an inferior version will only drag it out.

You lose, I lose, even though I moved on. I want the game to be great, but how does resistances not have a date. This is a launch feature of the game and core to 2 classes that are getting screwed, Sorc more than any other. Bad design because they still in a 6 month cycle for a 3 month seasonal game. That will never work and can only change if you speak up now.

Edit: It wasn’t until they fumbled Renown that I stopped playing, and said wait a minute, I have to grind this again for what reason… They knew it was trash design, hence the stumbling with words and arguing trash metrics of why it is this way and still everyone said why. They said because Legion-shadowlands mindset. They only thing that can change that is moving on. You should too, the game will not die, but in fact improve overnight, by season 2 we might even see gem tabs and resistances. I thought I was going to dabble in every season until I realized their design cycle is so bad, every other season won’t even see any drastic change. Just a long quest cycle that adds random gems or whatever they call the gimmick for the season. It wasn’t until I played Season one. I only hit 80 because they warned me, now I am glad. I hit 25 and I had enough and I hope you did too. Check out Halls of Torment or the hundred other amazing games and help us all make the game better.

Well your statement doesn’t really have much substance to begin but my point was that a company being big doesn’t directly translate into a quality product.

Anyone can just repeatedly spam reviews and rating over and over.

It is pretty well known that “critics” are terribly unreliable. Just look at the reviews, almost all of the critics reviews are glowing 80 and up reviews praising the game, lol. I don’t hate the game but it is definitely not anywhere near an 80 score.

If you think Metacritic is a reliable and non random source of info then good for you.

I never said metacritic was reliable, I was saying it’s hilarious that you consider the site “random”. If basic english is so difficult for you, perhaps stay off the internet.

The reason we are in this mess right now is because the game was rushed to meet a deadline, the devs are out of touch with the community and players keep pushing for changes all the time. Stop pushing for a million changes in the first week and maybe we can have a good game.

Sure, there are more than likely a lot of poorly coded things in D4, which is why it can’t just be hotfixed and need to overhauled. But, whatever we can’t change that.

Me boycotting is not going to speed anything up lol.

I have pretty much finished Halls of Torment, just missing 1 or 2 achievements, patiently waiting for more maps, weapons, secrets and heroes to be added! Need to go back and play some Vampire survivors and see what’s new there as well.

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Vampire survivors was so refreshing, first game on my steam that i actually cared to 100% achievements. no other game was able to motivate me to such extend. i get bored fast, if games are not giving me the “itch”, but VS was a hell of a game.

There is so much to learn from these type of games as well…

Huge Mob density and aoe/splash damage it is!
combined with builds
leveling up
fast paced action

it works.

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If Diablo 4 fell in a forest and no one was around to hear it; does it still make a sound?

What is the sound of one developer’s hand clapping?

If the feedback of testers was not heard, was the game still tested?

Review bombing has been around for a long time, so it’s no surprise that the score dropped. With that said, there’s every chance that future seasons end up being significantly better.

I’m personally not really enjoying Season 1. I like the malignant hearts but the whole thing feels very shallow. The pre-season patch really hurt the excitement going into this season too. The whole thing feels very much on par with some Diablo 3 seasons. I was expecting more.

I don’t understand how they could’ve worked on all of this for years and now Season 1 comes out being this lackluster right off the bat? We’re expected to get a new season every 3 months which doesn’t really give the developers a lot of time to actually make content.

My one major gripe with Season 1 so far is the same issue I have with Overwatch 2 and Blizzard games in general. Why are we always being pushed into paying more? Why not follow Fortnite’s model and at least give us enough currency in the season to be able to afford the next season? Does player retention mean nothing? does every cash shop item have to be so egregiously expensive? I truly don’t believe these cosmetics are getting many sales at all. The whole thing is predatory.

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I called it random because the results they post are exactly that. Why is it that the results provided by the so called critics are so overwhelmingly positive and yet the public reviews are so overwhelmingly the exact opposite.

The entire point of providing statistics is to provide a baseline of reliable information. If the information is totally unreliable then yes, you could call the institution providing said information a “random” source.

If you want to get hung up on a singular word in the English language because you don’t understand how it is being used them I’m afraid the English language is too nuanced for you.

That’s the most verbose back-pedal I’ve seen in a while.

I’m playing Mechanicus!

There is no back pedaling, I stand by what I said :joy:

I’ve played all of the Diablo versions. D4 is the worst, so far. Each of them had their merits.

D1 was the first online multiplayer player game I played, when a coworker nagged me to try it. I had played a demo of it solo, and it couldn’t compare to the console games I had been playing (Final Fantasy, Zelda, etc.)

But I gave in, and tried D1 with him and his friends. It was surreal. I had never played a game before that wasn’t couch co-op or where my brand new toon could join them in the most difficult area of the game.

My D1 multiplayer experience made my D1 legit clan (cheating was rampant in D1) and me eagerly awaiting the release of Everquest. So most of us hit the ground running when EQ was in its beta. Because we were already friends because of D1.

And of course, made us the very first Evercrack addicts.

By the time D2 was released, I was burned out and only one of my online friends joined me there. I eventually married him. Everyone else were still playing MMO’s. D2’s story line was the best of the series. Just watch the cutscenes to understand why.

D3, not so much, at first. It had an abysmal start because of its Auction House. No dopamine hits from finding something cool in game. But once they got rid of the AH, then instituted Seasons, it became a fun romp with old friends and family, once or twice a year.

So most of us pre-ordered D4’s ultimate edition and played all the pre-order betas together.

I instantly recognized Lilith, from my MMO days, when I played The Secret World MMO. As probably anyone could who studied ancient Mesopotamian myths.

I had to look her up :slight_smile:

It would not surprise me if Emma (whose real name is Anima in TSW) is Neyrelle in D4. There are also a lot of other elements from TSW copied into D4. Which is cool, in my book. Kind of like an Easter Egg/best practices when I spot them.

Just taking a break from making spreadsheets so that I can effectively design my own build, given the gear that I have, and not what the theory crafters build.

I have the time, I’m retired. And I’m spending that time with the people I most dearly love by playing D4 with them (my husband and my son), as well as other people I’ve met through the years.

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Hey man I hope things get better for you, you don’t like that the systems and design are derived from d2? The endgame schema will doubtless improve and proliferate based on vocal minority feedback - I love criticisms without alternative solutions. Saying they put no work into the season is disappointing and oblivious from a visual design implementation alone :face_in_clouds:

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So one day of content on XIV and your off to Diablo?

XIV is in the same stale state right now, the content is pathetic and meaningless, and that’s coming from somebody who has been playing for 9 years. The ‘new’ content is just a non-bis relic and some crafting/gathering relics that actually have no use at all because there won’t be any new crafting recipes or gathering points added until 7.0

Actually i just wanted to play the blue mage stuff. Took me a couple days. Perfect. I have been playing it for 9 years as well and i just dont want to spend all my time on it anymore
So i am perfectly fine with small content drips. And yes i am back to diablo now.

More people play seasons than not. What is this smooth brain take on this thread? So much copium for no reason.

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