The question is not if D4's Season 1 is failing

Season 1 has failed. This is factual based on the feedback on these forums and a metacritic review of around 2.4. The majority has decided that the core of the game is rotten and throwing some heart gimmick in won’t change that. It’s logical that Season 1 would get an even lower review because the Malignant Hearts clog up inventory space further and that issue was not solved.

Let’s not forget they destroyed Eternal Realm with that horrific patch just prior to this and a lot of us went into seasons feeling betrayed. Shakogate preceded this so they achieved their goal of killing Eternal Realm to force seasons (or force an uninstall). I felt like they negated a month+ worth of grinding on my Eternal Realm level 100.

I did play only because I had a battlepass (Ultimate Edition) and I wanted to use up so I have no reason to come back if the game remains a lemon. Now that I popped it and am bored at level 24 I think it just is not worth completing becaue rewards are not good, season 1 is not fun and devs did not respect our time. Not a single one of my friends was actively playing despite them having a better opinion of the game previously. There were also no queues for me and I logged in right at launch. I saw other players but it was far from an overwhelming amount you’d expect.

If you are thinking of grinding out this season for rewards just look at the rewards again. Think if it is honestly worth your time to grind it out? They aren’t paying us to beta test their game. There’s just better options where we will be treated better.


Arbitrary review scores on random websites are pretty meaningless, especially when you consider that the game got review bombed by salty players after the nerf patch.

It’s up to each individual to decide if it is worth their time. I’m not sure why people need to seek validation from others.

As far as I understand you will see a limited number of players depending on who is in the same instance as you. You won’t see everyone on the server. It’s capped at something like 12 player per instance. If you could see everyone on the servers at once towns and important npc areas would get really crowded.


Why do I run around most of the area and only see 1-2 others max and usually none in open world or smaller towns? It means people are logging out for good after leveling to 10-25 on seasons. Everyone has a limit before they get bored and decide it’s a waste of time.

How are those reviews not legitimate? The patch was bad and made many builds useless which requires 12m+ gold to respec at level 100. I’d go complain anywhere I could too but I try to keep it here where it belongs.


You must be playing a different game, because I see DOZENS of people riding to my destinations in zones. There is usually two or three within my range at any given time making me eligible for their kills.


Go online and look at active players on d4 they have taken a pretty big drop of players.


That’s a long post to say “I don’t know what I am talking about but I will create a new thread anyways”.


Dont belive everything you read on the web kids.

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Your lying stop trying to gaslight


Hahaha! :joy:
Basing “facts” on Internet Trolls!

Yep, i enjoy the game and can’t actually wait to log on today!

So your “facts” have failed you! They are not actual “facts”. You know what that word means at all? :joy:

You confuse fact with opinion. There, made it easier for you. :person_facepalming:t2:


Why are you not logged in right now playing? The content just came out. Don’t you want to race to 100 again on this game you think is so awesome and fun? My excuse is that the game is boring, seasons 1 is a hamster wheel with new gems and I’m busy on the forums which I consider more fun than playing D4. What’s your excuse?


Fanbois suggesting D4 getting review bombed is meaningless is hilarious.

Agree with review bombing or not, games don’t get review bombed unless something is badly wrong.

I’m not necessarily agreeing with the OP that S1 “has failed”, but it’s pretty clear that teh underwhelming S1 on top of the highly criticised and underwhelming core game release is pretty darned bad for a triple-A highly hyped game.

The white knighting is no more use than the doom saying and it’s a lot less rational to be defending the huge corporation against the disgruntled players.


I will speak for myself and not for NeRO but

  1. They released the season in the same week as the new FFXIV patch came out. As soon as I am done with FFXIV patch I will go back to Diablo. The season lasts 3 months, I don’t need to complete it tomorrow and XIV takes priority for me.
  2. I am not taking time off to play games
  3. I have 0 interest in the race to 100, I don’t even intend to ever reach level 100 until they give us an actual reason to do so. I just want to try out a new class/build, reach WT4, play a bit more, and be done with it until the next season.
  4. When I am at work I can go on the forum but cannot play.

I did in fact uninstall Diablo 4 becaused I just think it’s too boring for me to go above 24. Honestly, I am impressed with myself for sticking it out that long. I’m someone who grinded to 100 on Eternal Realm in a few weeks solo previously so I can handle the repetitive grinding.

There’s just no good rewards for sticking this one out. The battle pass looked like trash and malignant hearts are just to undo the damage of the patch. Blizzard created the problem then the solution and called it Season 1. I think that is easy to see through. For those still playing, enjoy the hamster wheel I guess.


Don’t you have phone? :joy: Amazing what you can use phones for, i tell you. For example checking forum etc.

You know, people have work? But i guess that’s why i love D4 as it is. Because i don’t want second job feeling while playing game.

But now you ask, i’m omw home as we speak. Sitting in the bus, going to bath, eat and startup Diablo.

Any other question? I’ll answer gladly. :+1:

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You must salvage, even legendaries. It will give you components, and it’s the only way to keep your inventory not full of things you will not use anyway.

Stop saying we, we do not all share the same opinion.


Loudest people don’t mean most.

If season 1 failed than the outrage would mean people not trying or playing season 1. They are, so no matter how you feel about patch changes, you are not willing to let Blizzard know by not playing. So at the end of the day youfailed.

ARPG all abount seasons. Noone cares about eternal realms, and if you do. You are playing the wrong type of game.


My theory is they nerfed everyone into the ground because hearts were too powerful. They may keep eternal realm players weak and use the reduction in power to offset future season’s gimmick mechanics.

This is factual based on the feedback on these forums

These are the words of a true scientist!



Less than 24 hours later lmao and the complaints are already ridiculous.

I’m having a blast. About to log back in and hit 40 on my sorc.

Lightning heart + tal rasha heart is ridiculous lmao