The question is not if D4's Season 1 is failing

You are echoing my point, as you haven’t got any numbers. Even if you feel like there are a lot of moaning posts (including yours), you won’t know the bigger picture as to whether this only represents a fraction of the total player base. Are you aware of why they are doing a chat today? Cause I’m not, and it seems like you’re drawing conclusions based on your bias. That mindset will not get you far in life, so I hope you at least possess some level of critical thinking outside of games.

Exactly. I’m starting to think it’s a lost cause with these entitled kids who argue from a point of emotion rather than logic. No constructive feedback. Just a lot of moaning.


Right, every legion Ive been to has been a full group, Kyovashad has had a minimum of 6-7 other players every time I ported there last night. Hell, I ended up in a train of 6 players running to a legion event in Hawezar from Zarbizet (sp?) because I assume no one had unlocked the waypoints that far out yet. Lol, fought the malignant mobs at the new vendor’s camp 4 times in a row because people were constantly showing up while I was checking out the new stuff

We don’t need data points to recognize that a game is bad, and is going to decline severely over mismanagement. Many of us are literally gaming experts (how many thousands of hours of games have you played?) and know precisely what we like, what is fun, and what is not. It’s not as if Diablo IV is filled with a bunch of doe-eyed newbs that have never seen an ARPG before and won’t feel like they’ve been cheated because they don’t know any better.

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I don’t need to elaborate. If you want someone to elaborate, browse the thousands of threads identifying issues with the game. Better yet, read through some Metacritic reviews that explain exactly why the game is bad… LMFAO

FYI, a claim is not baseless because it is not explained. You went from A to C again without ever thinking about B. You do really need to work on your logical reasoning.

I will admit though. I do want the game to fail, because Blizzard deserves to fail at this juncture. When crap products fail consumers benefit. But keep consuming hopium, waiting for anything to be different from Blizzard’s past inabilities to do anything substantive with a crap core product. Fool me once and all.

The game is instanced so hard that you’d never know the difference between 24 active players and 2.4 million active players. You’d always see some other players in your instance and assume all is well. It’s an illusion.

Yeah a lot of those look like forum posts. However you don’t need to leave a review to give a rating.

Good point. I seen a lot of these Blizz defender types get tricked by this. I’m predicting the true numbers are many times lower than the defenders think. People who don’t like it will not be posting forever. I’m going to be moving on to BG3 soon and won’t have time to see D4 get much worse.

For those staying enjoy the hamster wheel and the goofy temp gems. I’m sure at the end of the seasons the devs will say something like “by our good will and for the player’s benefit we will keep these malignant hearts in the Eternal Realm for all to enjoy!” and these defenders will be eating it up forgetting the big nerfs right before they did that.

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Unfortunately, the onus falls upon the one making the claim to provide reasoning and evidence. But clearly you didn’t know that.

Your ABC statement made me laugh out loud at work lol. I don’t need to bother taking anything you say seriously.

Your view point is heavily biased and not at all the view of someone that is open minded or objective. Enjoy your depressing viewpoints for the foreseeable future I guess.

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You’re entitled to your opinion and you don’t have to justify why you like / hate a game. You are saying that you don’t need overall data to determine the success of the game because you (1 person) is a self-proclaimed gaming expert.

Point one.
There is no Diablo in it.
It should be referred to as Noablo
Point two. Core game design has no fun elements within it, revolving entirely around human behavior tricks to keep people logging in for longer.
If the game were fun you would happily restart a new character to have more fun.
You would 100% that renown and be eager to max it out again on another character.
You don’t because the game is horrendous and un fun.
That tiny bit of enjoyment you get when you complete the renown, story or capstone. That’s not fun. That’s not enjoyment. That’s a tiny dopamine hit in the sigh of relief, “SHWEEWW NEVER GOTTA DO THAT AGAIN”. Thats objectively not fun when the only time you feel good playing the game is knowing you aint ever going through that again.

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No you don’t, because there can only be 12 people in an instance at any given time.

Game started accumulating bad reviews as soon as they decided to start nerfing things b4 even getting out of early access. The metacritic score was 4.8 after day 5 dude. It dropped another 2 points with this latest mess they relesed. And people are mad. Thays not bombing at all thats called f****** up. Nobodys bombing them they are reaping what they have sown.

Again you have concluded that I am biased with no rational basis. A bias in thinking would be “I hate all game companies because I got burnt by X game company.” Not, “X game company burnt me this way multiple times, I will conclude there is a likelihood that occurs again.” Also it is flawed logic that you used the word objective here, given the entire discussion (the quality of a particular media) is subjective. You continue to fall short intellectually in every. single. post.

Yes there is an onus… Has 0 to do with what we were discussing. You called the claim “baseless” predicated upon the fact that I did not elaborate. A claim is not inherently “baseless” merely because I choose not to elaborate, it is without elaboration in the given discussion. If you misuse words that have meaning like that, in improper context, then what do you expect? You are absolutely jumping letters, constantly, again ironic as you attacked strangers for having “low IQ” rofl.

The only trolls I’ve seen in these forums are the Fanboys :point_up:

For me, the issue is the Lilith statues. I know it seems like a small thing, but seasons are 3 months, and I am expected to go around finding all 160 of them every 3 months?!? That is a deal breaker for me. Now I could just ignore the statues, and just get the ones I stumble upon, but that is not what Diablo games are about; you find EVERY advantage possible and use it.
I played a good portion of the season story, and its not bad, I think I would enjoy it, but the constant “are there any statues near by” de-rails any enjoyment, and starts to feel like a chore.

I am continually amazed at people who feel the need to convince themselves that the game has failed. Its like they tie their whole self-worth to a video game. This game will continue on whether your little feelings are hurt or not.

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I stopped reading at “factual based on feedback in this forum”

Yall cant be serious. It really seems like I am regularly seeing more players running around now than at launch.

Not a single thread in this is based on fact…

Definitely not true. I found all the statues in eternal and I dont have to find them again in seasons. But you already knew that since its common sense knowledge for people who actually play. Unless, you dont actually play…

You don’t get to determine “factual” and “failure” based on review bombing by 3-4k players out of millions and the huge MINORITY that does nothing but complain on these forums 24/7.

I think the season mechanic is boring and the game needs a lot of work too, but you’re speaking in absolutes with authority you don’t have based on information you don’t have. Don’t talk about “logical” when you don’t apply logic yourself lol.

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