The question is not if D4's Season 1 is failing

Could you post a link to this graph showing the sudden and high rate of decline?

Its not overnight what are you smoking? Its been going down ever since the public had hands on d4, but thats okay Keep defending the billion dollar gaming company that couldnt even bother to give you a searchbar for your stash or a lfg option for solos. You look silly, just like a political party sympathizer you side can do no wrong right? :clown_face:

Havent logged in since the first week. The forums is more entertaining than the game ever could be.


Wanting a game to fail simply because it is a Diablo game and wanting a game to fail because at its core it is a bad Diablo game are two entirely different things lol. You need to brush up on general logical reasoning before you engage yourself in debates you’re not capable of adequately participating in. And I mean that in the most earnest, non-derogatory way possible.

Oh boy, some kid on the internet found the clown emoticon…

It was not a steady drop on metacritic. It literally tanked within a day or 2.

I am not defending anyone. I simply don’t like misinformation and the only clowns around here are the ones spamming these forums with misleading/made up stats.

Holy! imagine if the forums were used for proper communication and civil requests for legitimate updates to the game like many of us actually want! Instead we are subjected to clowns and trolls spamming the forums with cringe usernames like “pyrohorror”.

There are a lot of things I don’t like about the game. I think most uniques need a total rework. I preferred legendaries when they were a specific item and not just an aspect, I don’t like how restrictive both the stash and the inventory is, I don’t like the mechanisms used to acces nightmare dungeons, i don’t like getting CC’d to death, etc, etc.

But we can’t have decent discussions on the forums about these things and possible solutions because every single reasonable question or suggestion gets spammed by trolls such as yourself shouting “shill” and “blizz employee” if it isn’t a blizz hate post.

It boggles my mind that such low IQ/EQ people are given access to the internet.

Or mayb ppl who enjoys the game don’t go on metacritic and play the game. For me s1 is not a fail at all. Having a blast,
Happy about the changes, making hc even more fun. Gj blizzard.

How is over 2 days not steady when the game out out for less then 5 freaking days my guy

Lol, who gets to decide whether or not it is a bad Diablo game at it’s core??

Please specifically and factually state what makes it a bad Diablo game at it’s core that cannot fixed?

You can think what you like mate. My reasoning is sound. If you don’t think so then that’s your opinion, doesn’t make your opinion right though.

Review scores on metacritic are, quite often, tied to bonuses for developers granted by publishers. It’s been that way for decades.

Implying there is a solution. The Diablo community was burnt so badly by Diablo 3 that it literally never healed, lol. We saw what Blizzard is capable insofar as a solution. If the core game is bad it’s not getting fixed, period. Because it’s not viable. And D4 at its core is rotten. I also find it ironic that you are positioning yourself as smarter than anyone when your basic logical reasoning is questionable at best, as evidenced by your post. It’s dismal and people are outraged—get over it.

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It has everything that was bad about Diablo 3 and less. Diablo 3 never became anything substantive besides a seasonal adventure game, after years upon years of “fixes.” Ergo, players should reasonably expect that Diablo 4 is dead in the water.

Less than two weeks until we can dive into Baldur’s Gate 3. I’m willing to bet the forums drop off significantly, as we’ll finally have something better to entertain ourselves than this dumpster fire of a game.



D4 came out on the 5th of June. It’s the 21st of July today.

It’s funny how Blizzard devs called it an anomaly (aka literally admitting D4 is bad) because they know BG3 is good and D4 is in big trouble. They should just say “please dont play the anomaly, let us keep nerfing you into seasons and buy our battlepasses instead!”

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Quite a statement without any data to back that up. No one cares about meta critic, you have no idea how many players enjoy it but spend their time playing instead of sharing their opinion, and you have no idea whether the player base is growing or shrinking.

All you have is whiny threads by entitled gen z players. Empty vessels are the loudest including yourself.


Imagine being a Simp to this multi-billion dollar company and being a white knight for this incomplete game.

Insane to think that factual complaints should be voiced here. After thinking about it… it should be filed as a complaint to the courts. NO OTHER INDUSTRY can get away with marketing a complete product then release missing parts without worrying of a class action.

A complete and quality movie is expected regardless if it’s from Paramount or Disney. But to expect every game to be complete and good like Elden Ring on release, heavens nooooooo.

I should try doing what these Triple AAA gaming cooperate monstrosities do and report the fall out. Even still, you simps would still die on this hill lololol. Wow.

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Check out the actual reviews on there. Wouldn’t call it a bomb. I’d call it pissed consumers that feel they’ve been cheated

I know the playerbase is not growing even without reading any reviews/websites. You look at this forum and it is countless stories of quitting or more importantly friends lists or clans that have gone from 100 players to a handful of players still logging in. If the playerbase was growing they wouldn’t be doing one of those Dumpsterfire Chats today, bud.

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Gotcha, so you are just a part of the problem. Good to know.

Still just saying baseless things like “it’s bad” but you can’t give an explanation or elaborate.

If you have a thought it might just be better if you keep it to yourself.

I’m not satisfied with the game, but it could be way better. If you don’t think it can and you want it to fail then I hope you end up disappointed.