The Pit Boss One-Shot-Mechanics are unfair!

druids cannot make it there like that. its only necros and barbs making it to pit 61 unless carried through your last masterwork levels. then you can clear. stop about above 100 and just get to the final mat teirs. u cant even craft a full gear set as a druid/sorc/rouge. like just stop simping. the pit needs to be fixed. the ONLY BUILDS PLAYABLE WERE MADE 3 MONTHS AGO IN PTR. there is no freedom to make a build to get up to these levels. dudes are just trying to play with their homies but because of inbalance in the pit gameplay they cannot. its just facts.

Some people are still arguing if you need to be 18181821 pit lv to “deserve” the 1 shot kill.

1st of all - it happens on 50-60 lv, non-idiots.
2nd - this is Diablo game, not dark souls or some other joystick game
3rd - dodging something dealing huge dmg is one thing, dying from 1 missed dodge is the most stupid thing in the Diablo universe
4th - obviously the people defending this idiotic mechanic never touched D2, most likely are controller players (blah) and believe that, when the community wanted to fix the game and give end game content, they meant some stupid mechanic like this. this is 10000% controversy to the foundations of this game!
5th - slaying demons and gearing is the heart of Diablo, non-idiots, not dodging. Go play your Xbox stuff and dont ruin the game with your lame opinion.


This is no longer true, kind of. I could tank her spikes at like 50k health no issue. The issue is she stacks damage multiplier like the Tormented bosses do and by the third hit it IS a one shot… But… Yeah, essentially one shot spike slightly delayed from before this season.

Not at that low of a pit it doesn’t. Not with enough health. You said yourself its about gearing… Gear for more HP.

Sorry but… how much hp should we get… ?!
I have life on every single item, some with GA, some with additional tempering… and I am at 35k health (+35k steeled)… so… how much life should we get?
Not every class can reach 60k+ hp
And even with 35k it’s still annoying that you can’t use items without life on it.
Should this be how Blizzard will balance the game? That nothing else matters but having more and more and more life… ???
I think there are more exciting affixes in the game you should look for than just having as much live as you can… it’s just bad game design.

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Perhaps it is terrible but that is a different discussion. Currently you need to push as much health as you can if you cant dodge to survive power shots from pit bosses… I would say that if you have to take shots at pit 61 you need north of 50k. And those hits cant overlap. That’s my experience.

Now try it in HC without Elixir of Death Evasion. Very “fun” to push with your optimized gear.

I was at 35K HP and was getting one-shotted by the pit bosses. I reconfigured my paragon board emphasizing life and elevated my HP to 45K. Upgrading my Ruby’s and Masterworking my gear to 8 (weapon 12, jewelry and gloves to 9) and I am at 55K HP. While I am “almost” getting one-shotted I am now able to evade and refill my health. All my gear has life.

Unfortunately you can’t use ruby’s in all slots because Blizzard eliminated the + all stat affix on items and now you need other gems for getting stats - stupid change btw…
I still have 3/5 ruby’s… makes not really a difference.
I am using only 4 paragon boards and put all points into life that i could.
Well… I could try to upgrade some more items and see where I could get with my life pool… maybe it’s scaling well when I upgrade my items…
But to be honest, it’s still stupid…
Why is level 60 of 200 so hard that you are only able to do it with so much effort…?
It’s not 150+ tier, isn’t it? :wink:

Any source or evidence of that 1shot is not present in pit lv 60? I would believe for 1 second, just for the sake of the argument that you are correct - 56k Thorns Barb, with 8k armor (not yet reached the gap), fortify + iron skin to absorb. How much life needs to have a normal 100 hero to run the MID tier pit lv? Out of curiosity. Do we all need to run doombringer to run, once again, the MID tier pit lv?
What about the rest of the classes?

It’s simple math… :smiley:
50k hit (example)
< 50k life => oneshot
> 50k life => no oneshot

I have a video of my druid bossing pit61 and taking near one shot hits… How can I link though?

I can only speak for the druid I am just over 50k and can survive single hits of MOST things in pit boss arenas at 60. There are some like the shadow circles that hit three times getting smaller each hit that you HAVE to dodge. Its non negotiable.

I’m using 7 boards. Maybe you could research what other people are doing with your class? While I admire people who can create an effective paragon board, all on their own, learning from other people’s success can accelerate your own progress.

Going from a flawless ruby to a royal ruby on all your armor is a significant boast to your HP.

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Have you tried just not getting hit by them? Its like fighting a boss in wow and getting mad because you stood in fire when you could of just walked out, i dunno man seems like alot of yall just tunnel vision bosses and dont pay attention to mechanics.

Yes, of course. But there are too many effects on the ground and some of them are not very good to see…

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Thats definitely a decent part of it.

You can use all rubies. I have all 5/5 royal rubys socketed in my armor… I don’t see how you couldnt. If you are ommitting them for boosts to something else. Thats the beginning of your issues.

What level rubies are you using? At royal lvl90 they do 9% health per. That’s a crap ton of health boost if 5/5

If one shots are good, why not make everything one shot? I remember this from the first version of D3. It was awful.

Royal, so already the level 90 stones.
Yes, of course, I can do 5/5 rubys and just not take paragon node bonusses.
Why didn’t we change the paragon board, just stats and life.
Oh well… the answer is: the game would be boring. :joy:

small advice, dont use gems for stats really.

before season 4 noone would take stats other than the main stat either. also, certain items can help you achieve the final parts of the paragon board. for example the classic shako with + to all stats ^^

the first versions of diablo 3 werent all one shots tho. if they were for you, maybe it was due to your build.

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