The Pit Boss One-Shot-Mechanics are unfair!

ok i guess? i mean, i couldnt care less to be honest. do whatever fills you with joy.

Boss’s shadow attack is actually an environment attack. That’s why most damage reduction affixes interact with enemies don’t work, only those damage reduction without conditions.

Challenge is not taking away your ability to move. :joy:

are you sure? When i fail to dodge and die, it tells me “Nyurei has been slain by Boss name”

just making sure cause thatd be kinda interesting to know.

Why can’t they just make the shadow boss hits have a health percentage cap? Let the max damage be 70% of your character’s health or something. It gives people time to react, heal, etc. so it’s not a one-shot, but also hits hard enough for masochists like Nyurei to enjoy

like an animation that shows when a shadowboss spawns, followed by an animation of what shadow attack is going to be cast and where it lands?

React afterwards. Very few people enjoy one-shots, even if briefly telegraphed

Sometimes they are dodgeable is more accurate which is a problem. if I have already used my B dodge to get out of one situation just to land in another situation then what? I can’t dodge again and walking away is too slow because I am either stuck in an animation or just too slow.

then you should for sure get either boots with 3 stacks of dodge, or adjust your gear to support more movement speed.

theres a solution to most problems.

A challenge and getting one shot when I have capped armor and resistances are two different things. What is the point of armor if I can get as much as the game will let me get and still get 1 shot? I have had this problem with Uber Lilith since the beginning. One shot mechanics are just stupid. Yes by all means damage me if I don’t get out of the way of something in time. that’s why we have healing mechanics to recover. If I do that too many times I run out of healing. One shotting me completely bypasses that system.


The point isn’t “Learn to dodge noob”
The point is, why is that the only mechanic that matters?

Literally the entire rest of the game is built around matching all these different skills with all this different gear.

Then, suddenly, that’s all irrelevant and the only thing that matters in one button.

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Lol Blizzard, WTF ?
First did a 60+ pit and this is absolutely impossible with this stupid Lilith mechanics.
Oneshot mechanics in casual farming content ???
Make them from pit level 150+ above, but not at these early levels.
Everyone should be able to beat a level 60 pit…


They should use tormented bosses Debuff mechanic.

So no more one shots before you have few stacks from previous one shot abilities.


Bash make game inbalance

I disagree. It is a one shot. I am in a tier 70 and the Spirit caller boss throws up a shield and becomes immune to damage and throws out white skulls that I cannot dodge. I have 44,000 life (without shouts or buffs), 85% armor at 13.3K, and max resists.

If I could at least tank 1 hit I could see a way to defeat him, but I get him down to 1/4 life his damage bar goes grey, he becomes immune and one shots me. I will stay in tier 65 where I can breeze through, I just think the insta kill is dumb.

If I stand and try and tank, he swirls some red stuff at me but if I run he floods the screen with white skulls that I cannot escape from. EIther way he becomes indestructible with the greyed out life bar.

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The boss abilities need to at least be more visible. 90% of the time I die because I cant see what is killing me. Mobs should one hit you eventually, but the scaling between the mobs leading up to the boss and the boss are way off.

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A tier 60+ pit boss should not be harder than tormented Duriel…

I just noticed that You get less mats the more You die from the boss? Got 30% damage reduction + 90% damage reduction and still getting one shotted. Nice design…not

Push, because this is so important.

What would be the point of the pit if it was so easy most people could push as high as Wudijo? If you can’t play that often and are not full 8/12, then dont expect to clear 100. If you don’t have many Ga gear, reset masterworked a few times and spent billions of gold, don’t expect to be where the top players are. Its kinda like life…everyone is different.

Also there are people that can clear Pit 100 without anything masterworked, they have Gotten Gud.