The Pit Boss One-Shot-Mechanics are unfair!

Stay mad at the little video game. Just get better and stop whining.

listen, if i want to play a bs one shot game , i will play any soul games
D4 is supposed to be an arpg that if you are max armor, resist , max paragon and high life, nothing in the game should OS you, PERIOD.

ps: the masterworking mats should not be walled being the pit, the pit should just be a challenge mode for the best gamers to be challenged af. masterworking mats should drop from helltide, world boss and high nightmare dungeon too, its stupid to gate it only in the pit, its why a majority of people complain about the pit being BS


Agree. I thought Blizzard would at least allow more than meta builds to get through first 60-80 tiers of the Pit before adding one shots. To be honest - I think season 4 is probably the biggest L the game has taken soo far. And there are still plenty of broken builds that are cheating the PIT rather than devs offering fair challenge for the normal builds.


Yup - this is exactly why one shot mechs do not work in online gaming. I’m enjoying Last Epoch offline much more than this laggy peace of junk that is D4 right now.

Ya add me to the list of frustrated. I dont mind the occasional 1 shot mechanic that you need to dodge. But the Pit SPAMS them starting at around tier 70. Which wouldn’t be an issue if the material grind wasn’t insanely grindy, and thus requiring you to get higher tiers so its less of a grind.

Think I’m done for the season unless I play a different character and level again. Just isn’t fun.


F this game. bla bla bla

I saw a guy with sorc FO build face tanking a T80 boss. How?

Which is usually crap.


oh disagreeing makes an opinion crap…? well by your logic yours is bs then.

i hope one day youll learn to press your dodge key and dodge those mean one shot abilities. i believe in you. you can only become better! (… well, i hope so at least)

fun fact, itd take a bet that 80% of the people complaining about one shots were playing oneshot barbs pre s4 and are now super sad cause they cant steamroll content.

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No i will not learn to dodge these michanics, instead I have stacked dodge on my gear so with a insense, i have 51% chance to “dodge” them. However I can be hit by most abilities including waves at Pit 100 (with 2x life flasks).

my goal is not to get better at the game, but to stack more DR etc to not need too lol

that is not the issue the issue is the bosses are way over scaled . and youre wrong. the piut should eventually become a walk in the park thats how a good game is designed you get stronger and then hard content becomes easy. if you can become stronger and stronger and can never more efficiently kill a boss . thats called bad game design


He is getting paid to give that opinion.

so far that works. i couldnt clear t80 at a point. now i do it to comfy farm materials?

Last Epoch as in arpg as well.

I said that as well. I am fine with the 1-shot mechanics, but it is unfair to gate the last materials behind tiers of the pit that are:

  1. Quite difficult for non-meta builds.
  2. Especially when these non-meta builds are played by the average person because that’s what they enjoy and like.

In my opinion the solution is simple - just lower the tiers of the materials with 10. Virtually any build can handle tier 51-55.


I can breeze through the Pit but the boss one shots me. I really do not mind cranking down the difficulty, but I want to know WHAT kills me. I die instantly from something and the message screen says I was killed by myself.

I would be completely content if I were to die and could at least see “killed by Chief Marauder - Shadow Damage”, just so I could have an idea what happened, what to research, improve or avoid.

I love this season so far, excited to have room to build and get stronger, I do not like wondering what happened though.

Oh, love the fact that you can fast travel the horse in town!

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Imagine working up on your toon to build-up defences and will be non-sense on pit boss fights.Not getting motivated to play onwards.


This is my biggest problem with it. Build diversity is gone at endgame and not everyone enjoys glass cannon gameplay… and we are ALL glass cannon right now in the upper Pit tiers, no matter what our build is or how we’ve geared.

Some players are perfectly happy taking twice as long to kill a boss as long as it takes the boss twice as long to kill you as well, fair is fair. RPGs with build craft are supposed to provide that kind of choice… it’s the whole point.

The Diablo team seem to have this notion that we shouldn’t be allowed to make things more manageable at the expense of efficiency. It’s terrible for the game and I bet player retention isn’t looking good.


The msg you killed by your self is from DoT attacks either from ground affix or direct DoT on you. Most ppl die because they don’t move around at all and allow themselfs to be targeted. You need high healing apects for static fighting.

You can tank boss 1 shots. We can clearly see from 400k Hp tier 128 vids that the HP stats pretty stable while not moving at all. The above tier 50 video, he died on 3rd attack. Unless you have thick HP and tons of Damage reduction, do not fight bosses frontal. Move around more. We don’t have the all damage reduction, closed damage reduction stats on gear anymore so we are taking a lot more damage.

The capped armor is non issue. At 9230, the 85% works for mLvL 10,000. 300K vs 9k armor under this new formula is exactly the same.

Diablo games does not have build your own on high tiers. You either exceptionally good at mechanics therefore tailor your build around your understandings or follow a cookie cutter model (not necessarily 100% identical). For minion necro, the survival cookie cutter is 3s immunity from blood mist. Yes, bloodmist is not compulsory, those don’t use it doesn’t gets 1 shot left and right either.

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If the issues between being able to see attacks be telegraphed in order to dodge them, latency, hit boxes weren’t as wonky, one-shot mechanics were not incredibly frequent, and players all had access to the same amount of Movement - you would have a point but it does not work that way.

  • Shadow Lilith is hard to see many attacks.
  • The massive amount of particle effects and crap flying around the screen makes it difficult to see anything.
  • Many attacks have no real pattern or wind-up animation that is telegraphed. Pool effects for example are mostly instant.
  • Latency…well, the Shard system is certainly hit or miss. I have had issues with rubber banding with Fiber and an insane video card and no discernable packet loss. Plenty of animations flat out don’t work like you would think they would or should. I can start a Rupture and move off screen and still get the effect. This happens in reverse to me frequently where enemies and projectiles are nowhere near me but I get hit?
  • One-Shot mechanics happen so often you can barely get any damage in. There are no damage windows really, they just spam it. This is extremely challenging for melee with longer animations.
  • Not all classes and builds are created equal. Sure, there are some new Aspects and Tempering but they also use a Kiss/Curse system with Juggernaut and Metamorphisis that hampers your Evade CD. This is such a bad system and I am afraid they will only do more of this because they don’t have enough Item Slots. We will see Aspects get very strong but have a Curse or Negative Effect to offset. When you have Max Movement Speed, Max Evade Charges, Perma Unstoppable, and have Force Move Skills like Leap or Teleport, okay it is a lot easier to “Dodge” things, but it isn’t fun just spam clicking around the screen.
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I guess I’ll add disingenuous and presumptuous to your profile.