The Pit Boss One-Shot-Mechanics are unfair!

Blizzard is only pleasing the streamers, to avoid trashing the game so early on :stuck_out_tongue:


I totally aggred.

It’s not about making the game easier or not, it’s that the balance of the defense stats, that the defensive stats mean something that looking for them for my gear feels valuable, you can have 35k-50k life, 75 all resist, and armor cap, and all those stats feel obsolete in the game, there is no point in improving them or having them, the question is why do I want those stats in my gear, if they don’t help me at all, in any case everything is going to make you one shot, because what Defensive stats feel like garbage and non-functional.

This urgently needs to be improved.


<— Wireless internet bois so I don’t even see what killed me most of the time before it’s to late.

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The big problem is that defensive stats mean something, that looking for them in your gear is useful, it feels as if those affixes don’t exist since it doesn’t matter, are complete obsolete and not balanced.

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Yep. One shots are no good. No one really wants them. I’m sure some can “put up” with them but they still don’t want them.

Surely player retention is worse because of this nonsense.

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My Barb is fairly kitted with most 8/12 master worked items and I have decent defensive and DR stats… but no amount of DR that will avoid those shadow boss screen splash effects that they do if you can’t see them in time.


Yea, when you improved you gear to have nice defensive stats and you realize that they are of no useful to us and are obsolete, it is terrible.

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Hot take : Diablo 4 is just a really, really bad game.

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Hahahaha coconut trees, unfortunately true xD - I run around with rank 12+ dark shroud + shako (20% dmg reduction) with all maxed out resist and armor and still those tornadoes and the shadow 1 shots me. Just gotta dodge 99% of the time and shoot an arrow in between :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: I can survive liliths spikes tho, but not the shadows or tornadoes at pit 90+

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You sound like a range player, necro maybe xD ? try to dodge with barb. Barb supposed to be face character not run around every 2 second and maybe hit 1 or 2 times character. ıts my dmg is enough to kill those bosses fast but its taking too long and it casts 1 projectile that i can not see couse ım literaly inside the boss so i die instanly ? after dodging 30 times.


Its a joke, high level pits have become try to judge one shots your gear is irrelavant. Welcome to end game content.


Pit bosses have to be nerfed ASAP. Quit all those uber boses shadow mechanics . It shouldn’t be such a challenge when it’s a routine we have to get into in order to farm nethirion.

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Its really funny how some people whine as soon as there is a hint of a challenge :sweat_smile::rofl::joy:. Try getting better.

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right? and here i am, comfy farming t80-90 for mats, and pushing tiers are t113, hoping to hit the t120.

lets really just hope that blizzard only does small adjustments (like eventually reducing the shadow frequenzy by like 10% or so). They should have enough backbone to celebrate this implementation. The general view on the season so far is great, the only ones complaining are the ones that cant dodge due to “invisible” mechanics… which are totally visible.

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I think the gripe is mostly with the shadow bosses that they summon having too many splash effects that are one shot and in my case I have rural wireless Internet and so my ping is not low enough to dodge those stupid room effects therefore I cannot beat certain shadow bosses because of their hit boxes on skills and my inability to not be in them. 6/10 times I throw my hands up and I just asked what the hell just hit me. I saw nothing…


I agreed one shot mechanic are stupid .,especially in high ping, I can do soul game with perfect dodge no damage , but only with 0 latency , sudden lag spike and dead are just frustating


then you really miss armor or magic resist cuz i play with one hand till pit80

2248 posts, you obviously get off trolling about, get a life

Max Res is 70% without modifications.
Max armor is 9230.

I have all. and 33k hps. and two DR items.

Here are some ideas for the Pit:

  1. Soft Caps and Diminishing Returns: Introduce soft caps or diminishing returns on enemy damage scaling. After a certain point, the increase in enemy damage per floor could reduce, making it more manageable. This keeps the challenge without making it impossible.
  2. Skill-Based Scaling: Scale enemy abilities in a way that challenges player skill rather than just increasing raw damage. For example, introduce more complex enemy attack patterns, environmental hazards, or mechanics that require strategic thinking and quick reflexes instead of just higher damage output.
  3. Better Reward Systems: Provide better rewards for progressing to higher floors, which in turn help players survive. These rewards could include unique items, powerful gear, or temporary buffs that significantly boost players’ defenses or health.
  4. Health and Shield Mechanics: Introduce mechanics that allow players to gain temporary shields or health boosts upon defeating certain enemies or completing specific objectives within the dungeon. This could provide a way to recover and continue progressing despite the increasing difficulty.
  5. Enhanced Strategy and Preparation: Allow players to engage in more strategic preparation before tackling higher floors. This could include selecting specific consumables that are particularly effective against the types of enemies and challenges they will face