The new Glyph Tears of Blood ruins PVP (There is a fix!)

If you like fields of hatred you should play the OG division. Fields of hatred just a kind of bland copy of the design of the dark zone in division.
To me when they put pvp in these games they need to do like WoW did when they stole my idea about making pvp an entirely separate character.
And WoW is where i got my hate for pvp balance changes. I played a paladin the most nerfed class in the history of gaming i swear.
But originally it came from d2. The bowazon was by far the best most fun class diablo has ever made. And it was gutted because of pvp and the calls from them to nerf it.

I am just a fan of the Diablo franchise, its world, and its combat.

I empathize with you on the balance changes. And I agree with you, things do not need to be balanced heavily or monitored heavily.

It is not even the class balance we are talking about here. Its about removing some of the really broken outlying mechanics that significantly takes the fun out of PvP encounters.

PvP in Diablo 4 will never be fully balance, and if you go back to my original post, I state that clearly. It is not the full balancing we expect in PvP. Its about toning down broken PvE damage coming into PvP.

There is a PvP damage reduction for a reason, things like that to balance checking things so the absurd damage numbers do not translate into PvP where its one shotting everyone.

I get it. You know what is coming and trying to stop it but you wont. D3 is coming to d4 pvp.
Devs not competent enough to keep pushing out seasons and new gear and maintain the balance in pvp. Just that simple.
Btw do not think the new 35 as 20 movespeed aspect tomorrow going to help the too much damage in pvp either.

This new glyph is the blizzard’s genius way to balance pvp. Since other class can do 1 shot why not making all class do 1 shotting. In that way, their devs no longer worry and bother with pvp balance if they want to introduce new item/mechanics or incase there will be new pvp exploit discovered.

I ticked 80k on a barb yesterday. And since the glyph is released, did not find a one meaningful PvP encounter, hell I haven’t seen fields this empty.

Some may call this a “Genius way to balance pvp” Which I know you are being sarcastic but seems like a “Great way to kill PvP”.

It is very relevant, sure it misses alot of entries, but until blizz can implement a leaderboard in their own game its the most relevant piece of data we have on AOZ.

This guy has no clue =) Love it

You should be thankful Saura your necro is doing damage now. :joy: They have already stated PVP is “unfair” and they’re not balancing the game around it. They have more important things to do. Wasting your time.

shhhhh I will be doing damage no problem no need for broken glyphs from my side :smiley:

I choose to put a bit more faith into Devs for the game I love, least I can do is try.

Dont expect them to balance the PvP, as long as they keep some checks and balances with damage from PvE stuff going into PvP.

the longer the glyph has been out the less motivated I am to even log on… sigh

Same here man, tried some last night, and fields were fully empty with no meaningful pvp.

Any news from the dev team about disabling it on PvP?

Totally agree with you. I’m very sad about it, because for me the PVP, until now, is the real endgame activity. AoZ is only for one class, pvp is unfair and unbalanced but if one player take it seriously it have a lot of possibile solution for the most class (except druid for now). I HOPE BLIZZARD consider seriously that every implementation in the game have an impact about PvP (Selig yesterday, Blood Tears today). Ironicaly the implementation of AoZ for me became the end of this season…


Today i runing in Fields And 30 minutes nobody.i never seen such empty place. IT Is sad how big differnt before And after glyph. Somebody WHO love pvp IT Is terrible. Also tornament pvp Is super low Is not possible to get Proof that everybody Are fair players.this season could be very nice And Funny but this glyph…

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Definitely agree with you guys. But unfortunately no Dev acknowledgement just yet…

It truly saddens me to read this as I can’t help but agree with the dynamic of where the PVP scene is at…

“Can the devs do something?!”

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TOB has 100% ruined PvP

It is now a one shot fest that will only get worse as players level the glyph to higher levels.

It also exponentially widens the gap between classes because some can farm higher AoZ tiers much more easily.

I suggest to cap the multiplicative dmg of the glyph to 20% in the PvP areas.

That makes ToB glyph a bit more powerful than the other ones without being overturned for PvP.

Also, that would not take away from people who spent time leveling the glyph, because it would make it easier for them to reach the 20% cap with less points.

I would love to see some form of commitment from the Diablo devs to keep PvP alive. It could also be improved with matchmaking and organized games… thinking of a HOTS style arena with your Diablo 4 character as an example.

I really hope this is all sorted out because PVP is the real end game!! It is much more engaging in terms of gameplay and theory crafting!

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I miss fighting your rogue :frowning:

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No matter how much you love (or me) PvP, PvP will never be the real end game. The real end game is what caters to the majority of the population which falls under the casuals domain.

Until you can get a huge support from players crying about PvP, there is no way Blizzard will care about PvP.

A lot of players are simply afraid of PvP and lack the skills or guts to fight other players.

This is sad, I got the game two weeks ago, did everything to get my PvP build running, and now that I am finally Max LVL and decent gear, BOOM, PvP is empty.