The new Glyph Tears of Blood ruins PVP (There is a fix!)

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I hear there are a lot of feedback regarding this glyph being disabled outside of AoZ. So that could also be our saving grace.

I also suggest you to join a community, my YT link is in this post and from there you can find my discord. Finding good pvp community definitely helps with finding good pvp matchups.


I dont think pvp even belonged in Diablo 4, its what makes for balancing issues to begin with. This is a traditionally and historically solo-coop game. what is there even to gain from defeating other players? im sick of seasons all together too. i dont want to make a new character every season to progress through the same story and gameplay ive already completed twice over. id like some fresh end game material for my main character. i wrote a whole thread on the desire for endless paragon, rune words, legendary gems, higher world tiers, new skills, new classes, the return of kanai’s cube. there a lot of old but good content that contributed to the success of the franchise all together. i dont like the “eternal realm of nothing to do” im thinking outside of seasons all toether. OHHH noooo an OP glyph and one shot pvp :smiling_face_with_tear: :smiling_face_with_tear: so sad

You cant have 0 balance changes for 3 months and expect anyone to give one iota about pvp anymore.

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You cannot, or at least should not, expect that your experience applies to everyone else. For example Diablo 2 has been about loot grinding (more often than not in party), trading, and pvp for me. It had (has?) an awesome pvp community in lld, mld, and hld. I had mld duels most often in non-ladder/eternal, as it took quite a bit time to perfect the chars. Therefore, it might please you that I do hope for a bigger role of eternal, however more in regard to pvp as I consider it be better without the seasonal mechanics. This didn’t result in one not playing ladder. Diablo 3 ruined this experience.

I think it’s kind of annoying that people try to be absolute about their way of playing, if Blizzard tries to bring everything together again after Diablo 3. Granted, not so much in regards to trading, but one can always have hope, seeing how much the game is still shifting.

In the case of this glyph, I don’t think that pvp in the current state of the game is their biggest priority. But as AoZ is more of a beta test, I hope that the concerns have been heard and will be implemented in the final version.

It is very sad indeed, thank you for your input.

Where can I easily read a summary on how some of the non-glyph issues are countered? The sum total of my pvp was melting a friend who had heart equipped pre nerf and shako, and it did not matter at all against my poison rogue.

I detest watching videos, I guess what I’m asking here is what is the difference between the glyph and the 3-8million dot ticks my poison does? It still is a one shot so I’m trying to grasp the difference.

Douches for everyone for Christmas.

How to balance PvP according to D4 dev team:

  1. Refrain from touching anything PvP-related with a ten-foot pole.
  2. Masterfully dodge questions about PvP.
  3. Gaslight people into thinking that PvP doesn’t exist.
  4. Voila! Problem solved!

On a more serious note, there have been persistent pleas from players regarding capping the new glyph in FoH during the latest campfire chat, yet unfortunately, these concerns were overlooked and ignored, as per usual.

Edit: I’m utterly flabbergasted by the sheer number of individuals in this thread who have zero clue about PvP. No wonder the PvP community is being overlooked; we are a silent minority.

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the glyph doesnt matter because of so many other things broken with pvp. between poison rogues and firewall sorcs who can take pvp seriously? if things are ever balanced in pvp i can see taking it more seriously but as of now its a joke and the glyph just makes it funnier

There used to be workarounds and counters for any broken class or build you could think of, creating a semblance of balance. However, that’s no longer the case with the new glyph.


Most fully optimized PvP builds really min maxes their DR and Life buckets.

When you really figure out your DR buckets and how to mitigate damage in PvP “PvP is a one shot fest” myth disappears. Of course there are super high damage squishy builds but they also die in one hit so which I believe that is fair.

If you watch some of the videos in my channel and especially the tournament ones you can somewhat see how fights go back and forth between PvP optimized builds and players.

Post glyph there is no PvP min maxing, damage simply became way too high for any PvP build adjustments etc.

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I see, thanks. I get most things except for the glyph, guess poison isn’t busted as much anymore (we were dueling on Eternal).

I can see some counters w/ broke builds on seasonal though.

pvp was never good as long as the core gameplay involves chars that can perma unstoppable.
PvP is always a counterplay game. And if half your skills arent even appliying, how can this ever be balanced?
The only balance was self imposed rules.

Send me a link to your build and paragon. On test dummy, my LB hitting from 200-400k. Without snap shotting I can easily clear Zir 9th, but hit wall on level 10. Timer runs out.

Guess you better get back to theory crafting.