The new Glyph Tears of Blood ruins PVP (There is a fix!)

Players who didn’t put enough effort into their PvP builds believed that PvP was a “One shot fest”

This was definitely a false narrative, until the release of “Tears of Blood” glyph.

Although PvP was unbalanced, it still had many mechanics and a wide variety of builds that appealed to a reasonably large community. The PvP experience in season 1 was fantastic, and even though season 2 had bunch of broken PvE mechanics, it was still fun for the most part.

But this new glyph is literally ending the PvP experience for us. The false narrative is not false anymore, PvP has officially became a “One shot fest”.

I have recently tested the glyph in PvP and released a video about it >

PvP players like me are disappointed that this glyph is not disabled in PvP.

I’m sure people will say “PvP will never be balanced”. Sure, but it’s not the full balance we expect as a PvP community. It takes a lot of focus and dev hours to balance PvP, and even then most other PvP games can’t achieve full balance. We only ask for outlier and broken PvE mechanics filtered out of PvP, like how there are caps to crit and vuln.

Even though PvP was unbalanced, theory crafting was a lot of fun. Is there a broken thorn build? Sure. A broken poison build? Broken BL build? Sure, but you’d be surprised by how many people in the community are building builds that can somewhat counter these builds and score wins.

Please Blizzard, let us enjoy the rest of season 2 in the game mode we like, please disable this glyph in PvP.


Maybe if there was level 200 glyphs running around that would be an issue. The glyph is not even the best glyph you are wearing atm. My tears of blood is 20 right now it gives me 112 percent dmg and like 10 percent from the rare node so 122 percent total. My mastery glyph alone gives me 148 percent dmg plus whatever the 2ndary effect is.
If you had 500k lbs before the glyph you have about 520k after it is not that big of an upgrade.

Glyph at level 1 gives me 90%x. Show me a glyph that I am wearing that gives me more damage than this?

I have a video proof of me one shotting a really tanky rogue the moment I put the glyph on.

I am not sure if you are aware of the difference between multiplicative and additive damage differences.


Lol youre comparing additive damage to multiplicitave, TOB is the most powerful glyph in the game by a LARGE margin

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Until they make PvP balance and reasonable, I think this ToB glyph is okay. You won’t see folks running around with level 50s or 200s even. Even without the glyph, there are alreadys players one shotting (or melting other players as if they are nothing).

The key with the current state of PvP is if you are getting owned by someone, it’s best to exit and re-login and find a set of opponents that you can own instead. Sure, it sucks and probably hurts our pride, but like I said until they make PvP balance and reasonable, there is nothing to expect when it comes ro fairness.

Players who have builds that can one shot (kill fast) with ToB or not will still find it challenging against folks who can do the same. It becomes a matter of skill of who can time and land the first blow without getting hit.

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It is not multiplied. Blizzard says it is does not make it true. You getting straight the same exact AP from 100 percent on the new glyph as you do from 100 percent on imbiber.
Both adding directly to attack power. Both at exactly the same value.
And we know this type of damage is not even as good as others. For example a 70 percent exploit is still more damage than 100 percent imbiber.

The devs explicitly stated they won’t be balancing pvp. If they do though, it would become an enjoyable experience.

They won’t though, because they want people playing league of legends.


its is multiplied 100% on top of giving rare nodes 50% xp, and starting with the range of a lvl 15 glyph.

Yeah but it is not powerful as you suggest. You put a level 1 tears of blood on instead of a glyph it is not just added.
And like i said if you was in a good build doing 500k before you replace one of your glyphs with tears of blood you might be doing 520k it is hardly breaking pvp.

I don`t think it has anything to do with pride. I am simply approaching it from math perspective. Damage is already high in PvP, especially the dot damage. What is the logic of adding 100%x more damage into an environment where damage is already way too high?

If anything I actually benefit from the new glyph just pug stomping all day but the combat does not feel rewarding anymore due to the glyph. It is rare for me to stumble upon a lobby where I find any challenging fight, not that I get owned and having to change lobby, most interactions ending in 2 seconds do not offer fun pvp experience for anyone, win or lose.

I don’t think they meant or care about it for PvP so hence there is no logic. The fact they don’t care about PvP but also nerf Selig in PvP is an illogical behavior as well.

one is additive and one is multi lol learn the game mechanics bud

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Nice summary Saura!!!

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I am sorry but I do not think you have put simply enough hours and efforts in this game to understand its core mechanics.

Still appreciate your comment and feedback yet it is fully inaccurate.

Go learn them yourself and quit reading what others have said and test it yourself.
Heck simple just take glyph off. Do 500k with glyph 400without. If it was multipid you would be doing less than half the damage you was with it on.

Kid quit acting like watching a streamer gives you any kind of knowledge I have tested this myself. The multiplier they are talking about is what you get from 2.1 per node. The 100 percent you getting as a whole for the glyph is no different than any other additive damage
Doing t10 plus and my glyph is 21 and i Have hardly played and yeah that is not using the godmode sellig exploit either.
You people just like those complaining about dust. You read something and thought it would make you sound cool to whine about it even though you have no idea what you are talking about.

@Gaeandilth You are clearly a moron that does not know anything about how this glyph works. Why take so much time to make yourself look so ignorant? The TOB glyph scales to 4k multiplicative damage if you max core stats on the next board. Just stop posting bad information on this thread. Your simply explaining with more and more words why you are an idiot.


pvp from D3 died exactly on this principle. since I didn’t met s an enemy that could survive damage at glyph level 5, it’s sad. we probably don’t need to figure out the implications of a high-level glyph. I would expect them to add another glyph to reduce damage at least in PVP. the bonus does not seem to me to be fully multiplicative. because my damage increased by 50% with my glyph bonuses of 80%. anyway, I hope there will be more of us and Blizzard will release a hotfix.thanks for support man

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You like all the others clearly have not even played the game and tested and read some post on the stats. If that 120 percent dmg my glyph is now giving me was multiplicative My lb would be hitting for over a million damage right now. As it stands its hitting for 700k top end hits. With imbiber in the same slot at only 97 percent dmg it is hitting for 600k. That is not multiplied damage that is additive.
And if it as multiplicative you would be seeing billions of dmg hits with Grandfather because that would have the same double multiplied problem we had before with crit dmg/vuln.

Read the Glyph new glyph give you multiplicative damage, the mastery glyph is only aditive, is a big diference, with new glyph i close to 20 k damage plain with my char in town, that glyphs is the best glyph in the game and the most Powerful mechanic right now, i triple my damage with that glyph only