The new Glyph Tears of Blood ruins PVP (There is a fix!)

People like you who talk confidently without any actual interest in knowing or investigating the truth are a scourge. Your self assured ignorance is a waste of time for every one else that feels compelled to interact with you to dispel your misinformation. Go find something else to be confidently wrong about.

Talks have to start somewhere, and the most significant outliers is a good place in my opinion.

We can learn from ToB and maybe devs can pay attention a bit more on how newly introduced mechanics impact pvp next time.

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I hope they do not. How does this change anything pvp? Everyone has the glyph. So it is not balance. If anything pvp be lasting longer because everyone is building a whole lot more tanky. So it is not because of there being too much damage.
So what is it? Because someone who worked hard on their glyph has an advantage? That is how the entire game works. You know why? Because it is a PVE game. YOu want fair balanced pvp go play a pvp game there is 1000 of them released to every 1 arpg.

If you were to actually be pvp`ing in D4, you would understand the pvp mechanics better and would not say “everyone is building lot more tanky”. There is no building tanky against this glyph.

Please let the people who actually pvp provide some feedback instead of stirring the pot here.

I appreciate your feedback, rest assured this proposed change would not impact the part of the game you care which is the PvE side of it.

So why is PvP unimportant with Blizz’ D4? I remember in D2 all I did as my endgame is PvP (after all the loot hunting and leveling). This was the time when SoJs were the currency (dupes). I left D2 when SoJs were still the means to get your gear.

Was this the case since D2?

I pvp plenty. And Pvp players constant call of nerfs been the bane of real gamers for over 2 decades.
And sure as heck do not want to have to respec and swap glyph every time i do.

I made a new post to try and combat the bad parts of AoZ. Please comment and give like or no like!

Salvaging AoZ into something coherant on Eternal :grin: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

For me, PvP is the end game. That’s why since they released AoZ, I started farming duriel even more. Basically, gave up all other activities, just to focus on Duriel. The purpose is to gather all the ubers I want and have them transferred to eternal after season 2. Then, WHEN they break the PvP again in season 3, I will move to the eternal and play only there until season 4. You would be surprised, but there are people playing PvP on the eternal.

The new glyph is balanced since every class can use it. I think the idea here if you spent more time leveling this glyph you should be rewarded with more power which makes sense. The unbalance thing in pvp is that there are damage sources and mechanics that are over tuned or bugged like elemental stuffs, weird vampiric powers etc… that devs wont bother to look and test to fix these things. If they can just put a much lower damage cap across pvp area then things would be great again.

Contrary to the common belief, pvp in season 1 was extremely well balanced for 3 classes (sorc, barb, rogue) - and there is an active commmunity that only pvp because well, we like to compete with others playhers and that’s the only true challenge for us.

Season 2 introduced bug mecanics with the vamp power (hemo not taking DR into account, Jagged spike oneshotting, domination executing players), but it was playable for everyclass.

Now the worst came for a pvp balance : an absurb damage multiplier without cap in pvp.

For those who don’t know, there are dmg caps in pvp. Try your hota build that clean t20+ zir, and you will see that you do no dmg. That’s overpowered cap. So all we ask is just to remember that the BIG multipliers needs to always be capped in pvp. That takes very little dev time and allows a part of your passionnate communauty to still play the game.


it’s definitely not just a PvE game. if it was a PvE game, why would Fields of hatred exist? why would the devs bother with all the pvp content? pvp has been a part since D2. I don’t understand people Crying about the curse of real players when we talk about pvp. if exceptions are granted for pvp zone, how can it affect PvE? why don’t you let the pvp community speak when their topic is here. obviously according to the comment you have no experience in pvp.

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Exactly my point. They made such exception for Selig, by fixing it so that it works only in PvE, but then they introduce the Tears of Blood without exceptions… What’s the point? Being immortal or 1-shotting… it’s more or less the same sh*t.

Edit: And by the way, I myself have Selig and I am glad that they excluded it from PvP!

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Yeah tested myself slapped some items from BCE Infinimist for Bloodwave and everything died the second I used BW lol.

The glyph is a mistake even in PvM because then you see 1 bilion dmg hota barbs and that smells D3 style numbers.

So for future they should make the challenge via different means not pushing dmg into stratosphere and/or maybe applying limit on such a glyph in PvP so its not op. Maybe only 33 % effectiveness or something like that.

To me that just says he is crying because he isn’t able to make as much money with the way the game is currently balanced not that the glyph makes the game less fun. I’d rather hear from normal players that weren’t influenced to think a certain way that was told to them by someone with a monetary bias to change the game to suit their business.

I have full time job and income, I make 0 dollars from Diablo and I make content for it because it is my hobby/passion. Additionally, I make PvP content which speaks to relatively smaller and niche community, my goal has always been to spread more information so people do not have as much of an entry barrier to PvP where they can find a build to get started.

So with that much dedication and time spent, I believe I conduct intensive testing to provide good and accurate information.

So no monetary bias here. I just want to continue to play the game I love.

Additionally the goal of the forum post is to share the feedback and idea so others can contribute, agree or disagree.

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Interact with what is being said, not who said it.
The glyph is bad for pvp. It’s a lazy design without forethought.


PvE game with pvp as a distraction. Not pvp focused. And it does effect me. If i go pvp I expect to use the items and skills i worked to get.
And just like d2 like .0001 percent of the total play time in d2 was done pvping as a whole. And sellig nerf was needed because it is bugged if you ask me they should of did it in pve too. Bunch doing t10+ but very few of us doing it without sellig.
Glyph is not bugged. It is not giving anyone an advantage atm. I guarantee you if people wasting time pvping their glyph not high enough to give them any kind of advantage.
People using it as an excuse to why they suck. “Cheater killed me his glyph MUST Be level 100!!”
Heck by the time this season ends there might be .01 percent of player with a glyph over 30.

Fair maybe? Yes, however balanced, definitely no.

It is currently the biggest outlier in PvP where damage goes through the roof causing even more one shot mechanics. It is clearly not healthy for the combat and fun of the PvP.

Rip pvp… most of these ppl have no clue. The replies in this thread are so cringe.

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Don’t be such a stalker then.