The new Glyph Tears of Blood ruins PVP (There is a fix!)

Tears of Blood Glyph is multiplicative. They have stated the additive tooltip was a bug. You should apologize to everyone.

1.2.3a Build #47954 (PC) and #47956 (Console) - December 5, 2023


  • Fixed an issue where the resource draining effect from Melted Heart of Selig could cause performance issues in PvP.

Developer’s Note: The effect will no longer count as spending resource in PvP contexts to alleviate these performance issues.

  • Fixed an issue where the Tooltip for the Tears of Blood Glyph indicated that the damage bonus was additive when it was instead multiplicative.
  • Fixed an issue where Paragon glyph experience increased, which resulted in active glyphs to lose levels.
  • Fixed an issue where Tier 7 and Tier 8 Bloodforged Sigils had incorrect sigil dust rewards when being salvaged.

Is not tripling your damage unless you have it leveled up to like 100. Barely doubles it at 21.
It is better because it is to your max dmg and not base that is the only difference. Imbiber for example at 97 percent takes my dmg from 14k to 22k. Tear takes it from 14k to 30k at 121 percent. It is not multiplied though like crit dmg and vuln used to be.
This raise in damage is not that huge considering the extra points you put in around it could be used on a non physical cluster of nodes for example and would be 35 percent more damage on top of imbiber. So there is not a HUGE difference in damage till the glyph gets MUCH higher.
And i for one after leveling it to 21 the dmg you are gaining is not worth the effort.

Did u miss my entire post. You are wrong. 100% verifiable the tears of blood glyph is multiplicative in patch notes.

1.2.3a Build #47954 (PC) and #47956 (Console) - December 5, 2023


  • Fixed an issue where the resource draining effect from Melted Heart of Selig could cause performance issues in PvP.

Developer’s Note: The effect will no longer count as spending resource in PvP contexts to alleviate these performance issues.

  • Fixed an issue where the Tooltip for the Tears of Blood Glyph indicated that the damage bonus was additive when it was instead multiplicative.
  • Fixed an issue where Paragon glyph experience increased, which resulted in active glyphs to lose levels.
  • Fixed an issue where Tier 7 and Tier 8 Bloodforged Sigils had incorrect sigil dust rewards when being salvaged.

It multiplies the max dmg not the base it is not some 4000 percent dmg double multiplied behemoth people are claiming.

Its multiplicative. its in the patch notes. You are just going to try to ghost walk back all these comments?

Wait what now?? Are you our new soul arbiter of what is and is not happening in game now? :rofl:

You are funny. Towing the line that broke half way up the hill and now dragging a remnant and claiming its 100% fully intact. Just admit a wrong and move on. I have done it many times. It shows being an adult when proved wrong. Dont just keep trying to throw mud at our eyeballs.

I did make a mistake in saying it was exactly like any other additive dmg glyph. It is not. But to get that damage you give up damage and the glyph overall is not game breaking powerful at the levels we are now. It is not doubling the damage you had before it is about 20 to 30 percent more damage then you was doing before.

Diablo, fix your game and focus on the one peice of it thats actually unique everytime you play-- P V FREAKING P


Bro he IS THE STREAMER, this man is arguably the best or at minimum top3 Necro PvPer in the whole game.

These players have tested game mechanics that are hidden and bugged over 3 hours for every 1 hour u have even played the game. I cant wait you to shut me down with him as being ignorant noob while I clear AoZ on Rank1 level on Maxroll leaderboard :3

5/5 One of best comedians on this site, would watch hes show again!


There is difference in not caring about balance and throwing the whole gamemode under the bus like in Diablo 3, please do not repeat these steps. The only advantage this game has over incoming PoE 2 is PvP and PS5 couch co-op. If PvP is not utilized to its potential I dont see any reason for people to stick to this as an alternative ARPG after PoE 2 launches. And I dont even like PoE. I like Diablo. And all of this makes me very sad.

Never watched a streamer and never will. But i do know the average age of streamers. And they have not been alive long enough to have gamed as much as I have. since i been doing it since the 70s.
And yeah they might of beat my 1000 hours played in d4 but also remember that 1000 hours is also because i only played a couple weeks each season release. Only reason I do not have 2500+ in D4 is because it is garbage.

Tell me another story of the times when Dinosaurs walked the earth.

Had to walk uphill both ways to go see them.

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Im so old jokes now start!

Im so old when Carbon Dated it says TILT!

I doubt they keep this glyph around. I think it was added just to appease the community with a little extra content while they keep growing the game because right now players are still blowing through content too fast.

Once the game builds up like PoE and other games have they won’t need such stopgap measures.

Sorry if this is out of topic. I was actually watching last night the monk and sorcerer gameplay for POE 2. It did capture my interest. Are you saying there is no PvP in PoE 2?

I respectfully ask you to move your ignorance and arrogance to somewhere else. You clearly did not test the glyph and played enough with it in PVP.

So please let us have continue having the discussion around that.

This glyph not being capped or disabled in PvP is really really bad for the PvP.

I would like people to contribute with ideas on how to balance it or minimize its effect in PvP.

Maybe it does not need to be disabled or maybe it does.

I just hope that Blizzard hears us.

Easiest way to deal with this is either cap the level in PvP at level 21. So anything beyond 21 is ignored in PvP

Or just disable it

I still don’t see the issue with ToB between folks who are killing each other with ToB. No difference when I meet players with Ubers while I got 0 Uber. It’s just comical how stronger they are just because of their Ubers

It is significantly different.

I am not sure how fully pvp specced you are however, I have tested this in duels with really really pvp specced pvp invested players.

So duels went from 2 to 3 minutes, very back and forth with tons of skill expression to 10-20 seconds whoever landed the first big hit got the kill.

And this is for very PvP specced players. If you watch my video you will see me hitting 40k 60k to players. This is simply wayy overtuned for PvP. and My glyph was level 1.

It is much, much stronger than ubers. It completely trivializes pvp. Metamorphasis was bad enough removing CCs (which are integral to pvp interactions) and now with a level 10 glyph I can completely one shot with skills that could not before. Whoever lands the first hit wins and it’s done in 10 seconds, if that.

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Until they can balance PvP, fixing ToB is just really a bandaid of the underlying issues with PvP.

Another ToB version might come next season and we are back at the same ToB problem.