The first time ive said this about any diablo game

i agree.

for me the motivation to play was reaching lvl 100 and working on the endgame, just to find out: there is no reward for the endgame.

every game like this gives you better loot when you face harder enemies, this game only gives you an achievement but no better loot. the most effective way is to farm a T0 (lvl 95 mobs) dungeon over and over instead of fighting harder mobs in nightmare dungeons once all your glyphs are maxed.

i just found near perfect boots, a small upgrade, and spent 60 million gold without getting the enchant i was looking for. thats 6 hours of farming spent. and for what? to farm lvl 95 mobs 1% faster? to fight T100 nightmare dungeons for an achievement?

usually the carrot is better loot the harder the content is, but in d4 its just not. i dont see the point in playing.


It was fun up to level 70 - WT3 capstone dungeon was fun, grinding till level 70 and finding the first few ancestral items was fun. Tinkering and tweaking with my build was fun.

Now I got to level 80. Game literally FORCED me into meta build because of how CC and DMG is scaling. My only goal is to grind levels which is boring AF.

I guess season 1 will answer all the questions, either they will change the game in a good way or reaffirm me in my conviction that this game is a flop (except for the stuff that is great about it, which is the first play through)

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If its so bad then go play path of crap! Its simple, if its so bad why waste time on D4 go play those ‘better’ games.

unfortunately, unless you know the mechanics of damage and damage mitigation, then D4 will punish you for it. You can’t go off on a tangent without a build guide or the higher levels will mean constant dying. Once you figure out how to game actually works, then you can enjoy the game play better. The way I see it, everything outside of NM dungeons should be speed running through it. If your build is struggling with mobs 10 levels higher than you, then you need to tweak your gear stats / aspect and skill points. Paragon should only be used to slightly enhance the post 80 lvls. Below that, your lvl 70 should be capable of doing NM 26 with no issues.

Actually, I can’t wait for PoE2. I’m more hyped for it than I was for D3 or D4. I know it will be great for two reasons - GGG has 10 years of end game content to bring as a base, and GGG’s no.1 priority is to make a great game, unlike Blizz’s no.1 priority which is to make a lot of money. But we still have to wait :frowning:

Yeah, the game is not in a good state. Who knows if it’ll be fixed or not. There are some insane design choices. It doesn’t look good. They need a new vision like D3 got. D3 was real crap when it came out. It was certainty worse than DIV. They polished it up and made it feel like an arcade style ARPG, imo. Nothing like D2. Blizz always releases half-baked games.


I played Poe since release and if you think GGG cares more about quality than turning a profit than you’re delusional. Its called Gambling Gear Games for a reason and they’re entire goal is to get you to play as long as possible to spend more money just like every other game out there. Removing reforge prefix/suffix wasn’t to make the game better but to remove all determinism and force you to gamble. Running the same map 100 times in hopes of getting a doctor, gambling. Corrupting gems, gambling. Aisling and all other forms of ‘crafting’, gambling. Expedition shop, gambling. Ritual altars, gambling. Poe is a giant casino just like every other game owned by Tencent.


The CC in nightmare dungeons has ruined the current game and has broken it until they fix it.
What smooth-brain decided that 4 deaths is appropriate in a dungeon full of chain-stuns and one-shots?

It’s not a challenge.

It’s a complete joke of game design.

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If you are dying you are doing it wrong.
You should invest in survivability, not damage. And run dungeons your class and choice of skills can handle.

Its not about instagib, large density and feeling powerfull everyhit. its about overcoming the challanges.

And yet, with all this gambling, I somehow am able to reliably progress my character, with realistic goals and deterministic time till next upgrade, because, you know, if you throw dice a million times, it’s no longer gambling, it’s statistics.

By the time you need to gamble with the stuff you’ve mentioned, my build is already strong enough to enjoy 99% of the game. If I want to push further into uber pinnacle bosses farming/farming juiced/delirium maps, then I’ve already played for tens of hours and I have OPTIONS on what to do next. Gambling being one of the options.

D4 currently has NO OPTIONS for endgame goals. You find some good items in levels 70-75 and that’s it. There’s no rewards worth chasing. And if you don’t hit jackpot, you get literally nothing. In PoE you can at least farm up to that mirror if you know what you are doing.

I’ve spent more money on PoE than I paid for D4. Both games gave me enough bang for my buck and I don’t regret spending that money. D4 will eventually be a great game, but they are still few years of development behind and TBH, their cardinal sin was not learning from D3 and PoE triumphs and mistakes.

“You never feel strong, you NEVER feel like youre getting stronger.”

the funny thing is you’ll miss this once you eventually do get stronger and you can hold a single button down to clear the map.


So in previous diablo game you never moved to higher level zone? You stay in first zone whole time? Clown…

This contradicts that.

If killing mobs is easy, isn’t your character strong?

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I agree. The game just feels off. I went back to D2R and PoE for now. I was hoping the “chonky” patch was going to mak3 D4 better, but it didn’t really.

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Over the years blizzard has proven that they can do character development. I think the characters in OverWatch are phenomenal. But here with Diablo 4 I just scratch my head and wonder what happened. Not trying to be a jerk. Just my opinion.

It took you two decades to get tired of Diablo 2…That’s why D4 is refreshing to you.

This game hasn’t even been out a month and people are tired of it. That feels like core design flaws that need to be addressed. Soon.

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The OP makes it even weirder by claiming they never had to use potions and WT2 was too easy, yet they want to feel even stronger and steamroll the game. I don’t think anyone that’s 50+ can claim the paragon system, glyphs, gear upgrades, etc. don’t make them feel stronger, so I’m going to go out on a limb and guess OP isn’t level 50 yet.

One of my biggest complaints is toward the end of WT3 the gear upgrades come at a snail’s pace, if it all, which leaves you leveling for paragon to get enough power to clear the Capstone and start getting gear again.

Only graphics and sound everything else sucks especially endgame literally there is nothing left to do after max level it’s boring they could have added so much more like que for PvP 2v2 3v3 5v5 or que for PvE instead they just added some boring PvP zones and gave us emojies to communicate they could have added something like RDF in wow the game is online yet it doesn’t feel like that. The classes are bad it’s the same thing from diablo 3 only worse scraped content with 4 abilities it begs me to say it do you guys not have keyboards? C’mon 2023 game with 4 abilities. Items are bad, not enough stash tabs, not enough events overall the game is trash and the sad part is there are free games which are more fun than diablo 4 it’s a shame they want 100$ for this game. I really hope blizzard do something about it. Anyway just my opinion.

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People say this but the thing is, it’s not a great foundation. Nothing is designed to support the endgame, extended gameplay, seasons, or adding new content. The whole game is designed around level 1-50 and the campaign, and then it falls apart because the systems don’t fit together and don’t work beyond that.

A good foundation would be having a lot of thought put into the economy, items, endgame loop, social aspects, skill diversity, replayability, etc. They did the exact opposite. This game is designed to get reviewer/casual hype from the first 20 hours of the campaign to drive box sales and then after that who cares. They succeeded.

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D2 had loot that was meaningful and you were excited about it. D4 has the blandest loot ever. No power spikes, no mechanic changes. I’m pretty sure Blizzard made the loot carefully boring on purpose, so you don’t blast through the season too quickly. You have to stay long enough to be tempted to buy cosmetics.