The first time ive said this about any diablo game

Man you crazy kids and your made up phrases. No cap dawg.

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They want people to play solo mostly to test the characters on their own. Lol. Thatā€™s why limited multiplayer accessibility.

I think the Bind to account is a serious mistake - BUT I cannot blame them. D2JSP ruined D2 and D2R in that u could get any item anytime if u had FG. No Way to make those games challenging at all because people Paid to Win and went level 1 to whatever as soon as they couldā€¦

D4 is a Grind and a painful one because u have to play the game SOLO for the most part. Party play is mostly NON Existant because the Lobbies are gone and if u dont have FRiends or Discord u are playing SOLO for the most part. I havent tried any of the WORLD BOSSES since the beta because I had such a bad time with lvl 5 or whatever people just trying to leeech the quest that Ive given up on party play.

The level scaling is BAD IMO = u never get powerful enough because it costs so much to change aspect and gold is a minimum so monsters always seem more powerful than u when u level upā€¦ Bring back Norm/ Nightmare/ Hell / Torment difficultiesā€¦

End of my Rant - I like the game - cant understand why they end the story at lvl 50 bothers meā€¦I did find a quesy after lvl 50 that explained a few things we see early on - They COme As 3 ā€¦ But thats all Ive seen about the story past level 50 so far ā€¦

D4 is so boring I canā€™t even bother to log in anymore, story is boring, gear is uninteresting, and having to grinding all the zones for nothing just to re-roll again.


I agree with this, plus only have 4 revives to complete a dungeon in WT4. Bull if there ever was bull. The poison damage and the flame affix of the enemies (the one that shoots out in 4 directions and homes in on you constantly) destroy you (and necro minions) in seconds. Nothing else does damage like that. However, if you get enemies that have life steal, frozen enchanted, resource burn, slow, on top of all that it is just death. They need to balance things a lot more in NMDs IMO. For instance, if they are going to give 5 to 6 different bonus mods to enemies, the player should get 5 or 6 bonus mods too. Adding a crap ton more to enemies abilities and like one to the player is not fun, lazy design, and is very annoying in my opinion. Not to mention the bonuses they give the player are extremely small and most of the time do not even do anything worthwhile. The suppressor mod affix sucks big time also.


I think the issue here is that people are levelling to 100 on what is basically a test server, Iā€™ve been doing something different and that has been in the process of levelling every class to 75 and testing out different builds, at different parts of the game to find the optimal build/gear combinations at certain critical parts of the game for seasonal play and building a guide based on that.

The biggest issue people are having is they exploited every exp glitch to 100, reached the cap and honestly ~ there isnā€™t anything to do except beat uber lilith who isnā€™t a challenge at all once you have some pretty BIS gear and a proper paragon tree, and climb the NM ladder which again, isnā€™t going to reward you with anything except a few titles.

The real challenge is doing mobs doing 20+ above you. Killing mobs 1-8 levels above you is like speed GR runs, its mind numbing. Do some NM pushing.

The highest Iā€™ve done is 6 levels above me in nightmare so far.

I have played POE recently. Still enjoying D4 very much.

Itā€™s a YOU issue.

Howā€™s your NM dungeon push going? And that Uber Lilith kill? If you donā€™t want to engage in the pinnacle challenges, or see how powerful paragon is, than you should stop playing. These are the endgame goals for launch, and there wonā€™t be more coming til seasons. I had a great time throughout the entire process of leveling to 100, finding my gear sets and trying the pinnacle challenges.

Iā€™ve had a blast dieing in 90+ NM dungeons with clan mates. We beat an 85 and it was so much fun. We died left and right, but resurrected each other and beat it. Some of us went hero mode and soloā€™d elite packs and resā€™d everyone else. I donā€™t even know these guyā€™s names yet, but it was a great time.

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Do you have DR stats in your gear? and at least Disobedience and another % DR aspect (not barrier type) ?

I had that issue early on, then I watched wudijoā€™s ā€œhow to stop dyingā€

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Iā€™ve never had less fun in an ARPG than I have with d4


I was never into greater rift pushing. I play loot hunters to hunt loot.

I play loot hunters to hunt loot. Slapping a giga boss in a boring game with no loot to look for doesnā€™t change this fact.

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Another d3 cornball having issues, nothing to see here

Cool, so no interest in seeing how powerful paragon is? Itā€™s pretty great. I really enjoyed getting exponentially powerful every ~10 levels. I enjoyed hunting for loot in this game because I wanted to do stuff with it, and my build is cool. Killing stuff with it is fun.

Go back and try those old Diablo games again. Might be interesting for you to see if your memory of them holds up to the reality.

I didnā€™t think people were still making the argument that you never feel strong because of mob scaling. Anyone who says this either has no idea how to take advantage of the MANY different ways to increase player power well beyond any mob your level or hasnā€™t played long enough to even realize this.

Everyoneā€™s end game is different, so I understand your style of game play, no stress playstyle and item loot hunting is fun. However, unfortunately for a lot of gamers this is not the D4 style. D4 is not based on D2 its more on D3 style which is GR / NM pushing, hence the GR pushers would enjoy this game, D2 lovers, not so much. I think thats why they created D2R to satisfy that nostalgia. I happen to do that from time to time, but when I have about 10 bers worth of gear, its not fun for me now. I have all the gear i ever wanted to collect after about 2months of play time. D4 will only take you about 10 days to get all the aspects and uniques avail to you. Hate to break it, but best thing for loot hunting is D2.

I login on my sorc, head to Helltide, and rage quit after the 4th time Iā€™m one-shot by a non-elite mob and lose half my cinders, making it nearly impossible for me to open a mystery chest before the helltide is over.

This is end game huhā€¦ wandering around helltides with poor mob density and spamming nightmare dungeons.

And they expect me to engage in Seasons, where I have to re-endure the slog of leveling up again?

Plz. Forget next season, just release a patch that improves the game overall.

side rant: D4 suffers from the same problem D3 had, where ranged characters are expected to fight in melee range to be most effective. Iā€™d much rather Blizzard and Frozen Orb enemies from a distance, but nope, the only effective ice build is to run smack dab into the middle of danger and frost nova. So dumb!


what lvl was your sorc and what level was the mob?

Iā€™m 71, mobs 73

Furthermore itā€™s either bugged or bad design: When I pop Deep Freeze in a sketchy situation, sometimes I hear and see the first pulse of the spell go off, but I die anyway. Deep Freeze is supposed to make me invulnerable. Sigh.