The first time ive said this about any diablo game

I don’t like work nor chores. I do get paid to work though. Guessing you meant something else.

On a serious note the game is lacking currently. I agree there are not a lot of reasons to continue on… And hopefully they do address in the near future… Give a reason to grind harder content outside of saying I did that. But, grinding for better gear for no reason seems pointless (to me). I’d like to see some progressive/tiered content.

I do enjoy the game and hope to see continuous changes.

the game is designed around having a predictable grind to level 100. everything unpredictable has been removed. blizz just didn’t seem to notice that the unexpected things are what makes a game fun.

I mean, I didn’t say I played it for 20 years straight. I’m not a psychopath or something. I get bored, take breaks, play other games, don’t play games a while, come back to it… you know, like a normal person. D4 is refreshing to me, in comparison to Diablo 1, Diablo 2, and Diablo 3. I just played and enjoyed Diablo 2 the most. Maybe I should’ve conveyed that more clearly.

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Yea, same here. I have very good memories of Diablo 2, which is why I wanted to give Diablo 4 a chance, even though I completely skipped Diablo 3 because I preferred playing Path of Exile.

Diablo 4 is truly a work of art when it comes to graphical and sound design, and I have to give credit to the artist teams for that. However, it fails to capture the excitement and mechanics that kept us hooked on Diablo 2 for so long. I’ve been playing Diablo 4 up to torment level and around level 75, but I ended up feeling terribly bored. The loot didn’t excite me at all, and each run felt more like a chore of selling items rather than a thrilling hunt for great loot. There simply isn’t enough depth and possibilities, and even when I watch YouTube videos, none of the other class/build options trigger that “wow i want to play that” effect for me. They just seem dull and not very exciting. So, I won’t even bother starting over for the so-called ‘season’ they want us to restart for.

Some class branches are all over the place, seriously. I played a minion/blight necro build mostly supported by blight and mendeln ring, and it performed decently well, albeit very slowly. However, when I look at the recommended meta/cookie cutter necro build, which is Bone Spear, it’s nothing fancy. Okay, it deals high damage numbers, but what am I looking at? It looks like a mage next door throwing boomerang knives and clearing the whole screen. It’s not flashy at all and looks boring. And above all, in what world does it represent a Necro? Seriously, if you told me it’s a Rogue throwing knives variant build, I’d believe it. Kek…

Sorry but I love the game.

HOWEVER: I don’t deny that there are issues.

I very much dislike how expensive it is to reset paragon points (Plus, no reset all button).

I VERY VERY much HATE how expensive it gets re-enchanting an item.

You don’t get to see the options available.

And in diablo 3 ,you had major and minor effects…resists being minor effects. I don’t want to respec “Damage to close enemies” and LITERALLY ONLY get garbage options like “thorns” and “fire resist” as choices, having wasted so damn much gold trying to get “storm skill damage” or something. It’s heinously overpriced, and gold doesn’t flow in well enough for it to become viable to respec. And since item levels drop so sporadically with such a huge range at character level 100, finding upgrades is a massive pain in the azz.

Those are things I HATE about the game. I gave feedback on prior testings as did many others and nothing changed.

And, build balance needs so much more attention and major tuning than “Here’s 1 more point of Spirit per cast of wind shear! you’re welcome, plebs!”

“Oh they’re not using basic skills except when totally necessary? Let’s boost the damage of them by 3 whole percent!! Yay!” - yea, no. still not using them much unless i’m out of resource and HAVE to. And you sure can’t formulate a build around them.

Don’t even get me started on Gem effects. Gems need to be MUCH more rare than they are, and they need an entire complete overhaul. Those are the most boring effects on gems in ANY diablo game to date. Good heavens… Does ANYBODY socket for “% healing received?”

Is ANYBODY putting anything besides rubies in their armor and skulls in their jewelry??

Weapon gem effects are ‘ok’…but it would be so nice if they did things like this:

“+12% Physical damage done” - Diamond
“+12% Fire damage done” - Ruby
“+12% Shadow damage done” - Amethyst
“+12% Poison damage done” - Emerald
“+12% Ice damage done” - Sapphire
“+120 Healing done on Hit” - Skull
“+12% Lightning damage done” - Topaz

I mean, things like that are what I personally wanted from them, and balancing can be done of course, these are just speculative…

But what we have now with gems is so incredibly boring to me.

And GET RID of “Suppressor.”

GET RID of the Nightmare attribute that makes mobs drain resources on attack. God that is just AWFUL.

And please make poison puddles on the ground fade quicker after the mob dies.

Me: “Oh there’s poison on the ground with a legendary in the middle of it…it’s fine, . I’ll just cancel my plans for the rest of the day”


Not to mention the one shots from flames seconds after you have already killed the monster.


Blizzard forgot that the real endgame for any Diablo game needs to be the item hunt, that’s it. If you take that away, you have nothing. This is the mistake they’ve made with D4. I was watching my favorite Twitch streamers last night, and I said in chat: “I’d rather watch you guys play this weird game I’ve never seen before than play my $80 copy of D4”. The streamer read that out loud, and chat was basically like, “sad but true”.

welcome to arpgs where you repeat the same thing over and over for no reason, just like d2, d3, poe , le, la, GD, TL the hell you think you are playing and infinite story telling game?

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false, item hunt is mid game, min -max is the endgame… grinding for no reason for 10%-20% at best more unnecessary power.

IDK, I kinda like that this game is harder and stuff takes longer, to an extent.

In Diablo 3 every new season I was basically done in 4 days; full set of endgame gear with good rolls, pushing decently high GRifts. You get to the point where there’s nothing left but boring Paragon levels for marginal stat improvements to push slightly higher GRifts pretty fast.

This game’s Paragon board is way more interesting and the leveling process has a little heft to it.

I will admit that once you hit level 100 the game just abruptly ends, though. There’s virtually nothing.

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100% this. A very promising beta and campaign to lure in the $70-90 sales. Then game over. Feels like a con.
Similar to Marvel Avengers. $60 for a campaign that can be finished in 1 sitting, then endgame is fighting 2 b-tier marvel villains over and over.

And i stopped playing D4 after ~50h.
Just started a monk in D3 season. That game at least rewards me with cool items.
I just do not see why i should play D4 in the current state. There is nothing exciting and no rewards.

3272 post on a forum that is only a few weeks old?..when are you finding the time to play?

Its not about not being able to progress without gambling. POE is designed to be addicting with all their gambling mechanics. Every gambler like you tries to rationalize it by saying its a fair game but its not. All by design to get you addicted and spend money. This is why I don’t play any f2p games because they all do this.

You’re complaining about D4 and you haven’t even made it to wt4. Try starting wt4 when you’re level 58 thats a challenge for everyone. I’m level 92 still trying to improve my character so I can push higher nightmare dungeons and kill uber Lilith. I was getting one shot and dying in nightmare 65 for a couple days. I leveled some more, got a new bow, tuned up my build and breezed through the next time with 0 deaths.

You just mentioned no jackpots in this game with no rewards worth chasing. Face it you are just an addict looking for their next addiction. They hire psychologist to design their games in a certain way. You even said it yourself you’ve spent more money on a ‘f2p’ game than a game with a retail price. f2p games are designed this way.

I’ve gone and played D3 every now and then and still only play it for an hour at most. No challenge at all do to power creep.

Seems to me you like to contradict yourself as you say you never feel powerful, but then say you went 20 levels without dying and did not even upgrade your potions until level 40.

You say you want more of a challenge, but never even mention Nightmare dungeons, Helltide events or World bosses. Are you even actually playing the game? I mean your comment about the potions says a lot about that. Of course you also are contradicting yourself here because you say

So, it’s boring if you one shot everything, but also boring if you have to kite mobs to kill them? I do not get you man. There is no way for you to be happy according to what you wrote.

Yep. It’s just not fun.

I think it has a lot to do with the skill trees not really being skill trees. It’s basically the rune system with even less options.

I post when the game gets boring and then continue along my way.

I hate to say it, but even D:I is infinitely more fun to play.

I’m holding out for some big changes come season 1. They really need to fix the mob scaling system. It’s the worst part of the game right now.

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I think we are not playing the same game, you never feel strong? Lol you don’t understand the game yet if that is the case, enjoy the discovery, you are clearly lost. Thats why 99% people are just copying builds from the internet, they wanna know everything there is to know immediatly and thats what sucks the fun out of the game.

I think your problem is you believe you know how the game works and you absolutely don’t.

D2 was just spamming the same skill over and over and everyone and their moms used enigma, D3 had a more elaborate system but the game around that system was far worse than D2, now D4 is the best of both worlds.

Blizzard lets us down time and time again, I think its important to recognize when they hit the target so we don’t get worse games.

And remember the game is basically a baby, D3 wasn’t 10% of the game it is now when it launched.


I would have said the same thing…. at lvl 30 in WT1.