The first time ive said this about any diablo game

I think ive played every diablo game for thousands of hours each. A bit of a fan i guess. However this needs to be said. THIS GAME IS BEYOBD BORING. Theres no fun factor. I dont even underdtand the point to level up lol the damn bad guys get stronger than you do for each level!

Oh look mobs… spam roation spam roation. Kite… rinse and repeat. I evem started on vet for more of a challenge. I think i went 20 levels without dying. Probably more, but thats the last i remember looking. I didnt even borher upgrading my potions until 40s or so. I dunno somewhere around there. I only just upgraded it because i was bored. The game reminds me of a bad moba. Freaking hots is more fun than d4 lol.

You never feel strong, you NEVER feel like youre getting stronger. I dread leveling up because if my gear isnt up to point it becomes a kite simulator. Im at the point to where i would rather go do dishes or mow than get on here and play. It feels more like work than actual chores.

For anyone who thinks im being dramatic, overly sensative or whatnot go play diablo 3 or path of exile again for a refresher and its totally obvious this game is desperate for more than a kinda ok story. Most dm’s can put a better story together than blizzard to be honest.


This is the average take of a reasonable player. Of course you’ll get piled up on by toxic positivists, but what you’re saying is true. I almost dread finding a slight upgrade because it’s such a hassle switching things over. I hate going back to town because it’s annoying to look through every rare to see if there’s anything useful.

But again, I almost dread finding something useful because there’s no space for alternate build or class items.

I don’t know what I’m looking for in this game. Nothing is interesting that could possibly drop besides shako – and that won’t be dropping. Like I don’t know what I’m going for. Just playing for the sake of playing at this point I guess. I never had that problem in Diablo 2 whatsoever.


I will admit that D4 lacks the wow-factor of getting certain drops like elite uniques, set items, etc., even if it’s not for your class, just because you can trade those items for better gear. D2 and D2R had no shortage of uber-items that made significant impact to all sorts of builds (Shako, Annihilus, Gheed’s Fortune, Hellfire Torch, etc). D4? Most items are meh.


Yeah I mean, there are issues with the gameplay and the fun factor of the activities provided. But all of that is forgiven the moment there are items to go after. Something interesting out there. But all the findable uniques are seemingly …bad. and there’s just not many of them. Like I pretty much have all the uniques I could possibly want as a sorc. Frostburn, which I don’t even use, and Raiment. I guess the pants one too. And I’ve gotten them multiple times.

So much could be forgiven and fixed in the meantime if they would just add something to play for. Items to go after. I’m just dumbfounded how there isn’t anything.


I played D3 and PoE right before D4.

Still prefer D4.


Have to agree D2R have plenty of items that has good value and there is trade. D4 is boring there is not item hunt. Shako doesnt exist and there is nothing else. D4 miss the drive. 90% of uniques for sorc are garbage I dont use any. For druid is slightly better.

Rare items of low item level are so annoying, all vendor trash. You might find good item per 20 full inventory and maybe not. Its getting old.

Gameplay is good but the items lack the spark.


That was what made Diablo 2 repeatable for 20 years for so many people, the WoW factor. Dopamine hits you when you find a shako, specially early in the season you combate with your self if to sell or keep, Diablo 2 was an entirely other realm that only a few developers could ever create.
Well they listened to the player base, unlike D4 that seems to listen to people crying about not getting level 100.


I could tolerate the monotonous dungeon grind, where out of 120+ dungeons, only 31 are available in Nightmare version. However, the fun police has evidently ensured that there is so much lazy crowd control and area-of-effect enemy design in the game that it drains the enjoyment out of grinding.


Yeah I really don’t know why I should be logging in. I don’t know what there is to do other than just kind of run a fruitless hamster wheel. Like, I’m not going after anything. There’s nothing that exists in the game, besides something more rare than being struck by lightning, that I would want to go after. It’s unfeasible to have a shako as your target farm.

I’m genuinely interested what other people log in for. Just grinding glyphs/greater rift gems? We’re just doing that again?

I mean why not make the game an item hunt? Open up trade and have a self found mode for people that have a psychological hang up about this very basis of successful ARPGs. Make a smart loot a toggle.


I completley agree. My necro is level 58 in W3 and I’m bored. Slowly working on completing dull repetative tasks to grind out the last tier of rep for each zone. Everything just feels like a drag and a chore. Oh, and every three levels I gain, I become drastically weaker again, just like while leveling from 1-50. I’m on a treadmill to nowhere.


I finished lvl 100 sorc and same day made druid its now 82, mainly playing only for glyph exp. Not much else.

It’s just such a missed opportunity. There could be so much more to this game. I don’t know why they don’t just open up trading and have a self-found mode. And make some good items. Expand the unique pool and take some risks.


The only Diablo game that’s any better than Diablo 4 is D2R, but if you’re talking about being bored of a game, I’ve played D2R (or regular Diablo 2 LOD) off and on for 20 years already, so I welcome what Diablo 4 brings to the table. Diablo 4 needs work, but I think it’ll be a great game eventually. I can see how some people would just be flat out bored and dislike the game, and that’s fine. Those people should probably move on though.


Yeah, that’s what I’m hoping. It’s a great foundation for an amazing game. I would hate to see it not meet its potential. The only troubling part seems to be the developer philosophy. It is very confused. Like they know they want to be a mishmash of an MMO and an ARPG, but they don’t seem to have the game loop meta in place for endgame. Other than just grinding your greater rift legendary gems like in D3, glyphs. They just kind of borrowed aspects from both MMOs and ARPGs and put them together and hope for the best, almost. Roughly following Lost Ark’s model.

Which is why feedback like this is so important. Hopefully they will get it right in the future as they further develop this game.


No arguments here – D3 and DI were both lame dumpster fires. D3 game play was a few seconds of action followed by long cooldowns, rinse and repeat. Kinda like going down a slide with speed bumps >_<

D2 and D2R had resource replentishment like mana steal instead of hard cooldowns, making action as close to non-stop as possible.

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The end game become increasingly frustrating, yes.
(1-60 should be fun on its own though. I wouldn’t take a plevel though, remove a lot of smooth levelling)

However, there is something to be said to optimise your build.

Currently I am level 82. At 78 I was suffering from the depression of hard grinding without any rewards… a couple of skill synergy discovery, build optimization and couple of real lucky drop later, I feel ecstatic again, can’t wait for tonight (at work right now), mind bubbling with new ideas, can’t wait to tear through more hordes of monsters! :slight_smile:


Now that you brought it up, Lost Ark… what a crapshow that turned into, eh? Lost Ark is the classic example of a high potential game gone wrong over time. There is literally nothing interesting to do in that game other than the raids, and those are time-gated as badly as everything else in the game. I heard there was some big drama lately and the game is pretty much dying completely now.

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Yep you’re a big missed opportunity there because of the massive pay to win as well. I thought their combat was the most satisfying combat I’ve ever seen in an ARPG. Ah well.

I just want to see this game succeed. I think there’s lots of ways they could do it. But I just don’t think they have a clear vision yet. And I hope when I start settling on a true and in-depth direction, it does include some things that work.

They intentionally suppressed multiplayer accessibility in D4. No Group Finder tools. No LFG Global chat (or ANY global chat channels or lobbies).

They said they limited how many players you can see out in the open world and were aiming for isolation by design. (This despite making a MMORPG-style Open World.)

They told us to go to discord to make groups.

These decisions were the biggest mistakes they made and, to this day, they have not addressed the fact that the average Diablo 4 players WANTS these things in the game. They have not mentioned any plans to add these to the game yet and their complete silence on the subject is quite deafening.

Season 1 is already in the pipeline, so I don’t expect anything next month or for the next 3 months of Season 1.

If this isn’t added by Season 2, which will probably start in November or December, based on the 3 month cycle, the game will fall off and be forgotten by Christmas '23. Simple as that.


I just don’t see the loss of the power fantasy fully where both you, in the past, and the OP has an issue with.

I feel more powerful than level 10, 20, or 40 (etc. etc.). I couldn’t 1-shot elites at my level at level 50 (etc ) and now I can and do regularly.

There are issues with the grind and, yes, small upgrades become 2-10 minute chores which is a bit annoying, lol.

That is why I played D2 - because I enjoyed the game. Having a jah drop was just the bonus ./shrug

PvP shards to get the cosmetics, I still enjoy Helltides so those are just for fun. NM Dungeons are never going to be my thing so those won’t get me to come back.

Outside of that just playing other classes. Once I have Druid & Necro where I want them I might go back to D2R… we’ll see. So I guess my 3rd leg of what gets me playing is to get to the 95% power point on both classes.

Maybe by then I’ll want to do HC, maybe there becomes more or a new thing I want to grind.

Yep, all of us agree there. I see the potential and have no problem swinging from D4 to D2R and back while D4 is worked on

I didn’t put together that Season 2 hype could build into Q4 shopping. Season 2 was already when I was going to judge the dev team the most but I’m more convinced now of that take