The first time ive said this about any diablo game

I would have said the same thing…. at lvl 30 in WT1.

So, you take a few steps, stop and then hop on the forums for 3 or 4 hours. NO WONDER YOU ARE BORED. Play the damn game instead of the forums, maybe you will get past the boring leveling stage and finally get to the good part.

But it gets boring very quickly. I find it more productive to try and provide feedback to get it in working order.

You know whats boring? Collecting all 21900239 Lilith altars that are completly pointless but mandatory.

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This is literally a hack-and-slash ARPG. That’s what you do. Rotation, kite if necessary, rinse, repeat. Searching for gear upgrades that will take you to the pinnacle boss(es). If you don’t like that kind of playstyle, you’re certainly not alone. But that’s the kind of game this is.

I don’t know why you say that you never feel strong. If you don’t know how to make a build that works (I know you don’t because you said that you never feel strong), simply follow one of the now-dozens of guides out there for leveling your chosen class. Guaranteed you’ll be able to pwn the Butcher and even make him flee. He’ll be kiting YOU. So, if you don’t feel strong, it’s down to your random skill and skill-upgrade choices. Don’t blame the devs for allowing you to make choices.

You mentioned PoE as a counter-example. Now think back to before you knew how to synergize anything in your PoE build. You felt weak and like you were wasting your time, right? D4 has similar synergies built in, but they’re not as straightforward (that is one of my complaints with the game: too many conditional mods on gear). I followed leveling guides from icy veins for my sorc and necro, and the experience was so much better than when I just tried what I thought sounded good. THEN… I started to understand the synergies and am working on my own build. That is what normal people do. Streamers and pro-gamers of all types are the top 0.1% They have honed their perception of synergy far beyond what your or I could do, so I take their advice when starting a new game. After a couple hundred hours, when I feel like I can see what’s doing what for my build, then I feel like I can maybe build from scratch or use someone else’s build as a jumping-off point.

Edit to add: my sorc and necro are both in mid-60s levels, and as an example of synergies, I’ll say that stacking stats is better than any other strategy i’ve found to keep my lightning sorc feeling strong, while that doesn’t work for all with my shadow-damage necro. Different builds have vastly different synergies at play.

I had a similar reaction.

The game was fine from like Level 1 to maybe Level 40 for me, but I hit a serious wall in the late 30s. I just wasn’t finding any items worthwhile for several levels and it’s not like I could upgrade my damage skills further. I had to hope upgrading a passive would give me a bump, but they never did, at least not enough to overcome the harder enemies that kept leveling with me.

The devs really need to revisit itemization and the skill tree. Need some significant changes. Otherwise Level scaling needs to be tweaked.

I’d prefer Level scaling to remain, because after Level 70, I want to be able to go anywhere on the map and feel like the content I’m playing is meaningful. If I go to the Fractured Peaks at Level 70, I don’t want to be fighting Level 25 mobs obviously.

Damage needs to be moved from items to our skills. Double our skill damage and cut weapon dps in half maybe?

I dunno. Something should be done though.

You ppl are going to ruin this for the people that actually made builds using skills that 0.27% of ppl are using.

They already said they are looking into mob density but when they add more it’s going to ruin the fun for everyone that doesn’t want to teleport into a room press frost nova and aoe 8 elites because they get off on big numbers based power fantasy.

Ofc they need to add something to play for because after you get everything (which I did at lvl 64-67) the only thing left is 2h of paragon board min maxing + the grind (lessened and that’s ok that they changed that) to 100 for no reason other than 1 in 500million for Shako that you won’t use because they will force you into seasons.

But the gameplay is fine.

Trading is just inventory management with extra steps.
The only good thing from that is scratching the itch of socially deprived ppl AND giving ppl a way to work towards something (by grinding…runes and trading for what they need)…and that’s missing here and should be replaced with something yes.
(I guess trading would also be preventing bad feelings of ppl getting some super rare thing and not being able to trade it, sort of.)

Also, sure they need to add trading AH or some interface so you can get perfect rolled rares in every slot if you can afford the…whatever (gem cost? rune cost when they add those? something). ← that would solve the working towards something thing (well move the target a bit further really…and not for ultra rare uniques which are a different thing).

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I mean, I didn’t feel this at all, maybe inbetween setting up a build/gear…but i hunted for so altars,made elixers and leveled gear hunted a few affixes, made a build, respeced a few times,as i branched out through the story i liked the scaled enemies,=more challenge.
But if i went back to early fractured peaks to gather mats that grow in the region, those enemies i steam rolled even though they scaled.
idk i am so stunned at some of the complaints, i feel like i am playing a different game sometimes, now blizzard is overcorrecting and the game feels too speedy and d3.
If anything d4 slow combat is the way to go, more engaging and tactical combat is it’s strength for the open world campaign stuff and it seems ruined atm.
Endgame,seasons, dungeon modifiers that’s the place to add old school, classic mechanics into D4.

Your first? Lies…


Well I apologize in advance to the Watching Paint Dry Simulator enthusiast crowd, but it’s just not a particularly popular mode of play for most people. I do intend on ruining that experience, yes. Hopefully.

I agree, making d4 into d3 with mob density and such is a mistake.
Seasons and modifiers for dungeons are the place to experiment.
The overcorrecting has already began and ruined my campaign experience, everything feels too fast and OP and like d3,and it will probably get worse.
They need to learn to read and play D4 it has more interesting direction if we can embrace the new and stop trying to blast this game like it’s d3.
That’s my hot take.

I don’t think you will, not really.
They already ignored the complaints about CC spamming mobs for example.

At best they will add more things to do (like copy Lost Ark chaos dungeons for ppl that want to be swarmed by stuff).

It does need extensive loot filters though. Because that way you don’t have to be bored sorting though the 32432143 ring that doesn’t even have crit% and is ilvl 699.

That’s boring.


100% Agree.
more is not more in D4.
On a personal level even more mental engagement and slower combat and sure s few weakling fallen swarms to smush, but the fun is learning to have a good fight with the higher ranked monsters on the battlefield.
When they land a brutal attack and i get punished i feels exciting and love the fight back it triggers.
D3 has its place and time,why make it more of the same.
More mobs means harder to have meaningful fights
Less intelligent Monster AI because no the problem/solution is a hack and slash fantasy due to mass mobbing.
Then with the power creep,Monsters that have skills to shut you down get aoe or health drained before they can fight back…this is why it’s not a HP sponge issue that ppl have called it.Longer fights sure, but the trade off in engagement is worth it.
But i feel we are losing the fight those that want this embraced in D4.
I hope not, but i am concerned.
Exploring the open world and finding surprise fights out their in a similar vein to a eldenring but in D4 was a great time.Just like almost dying to the butcher, but was able to tactically use my build to survive and get those health globes to out last him, even though he was so strong, and i got punished for not preparing my elixir’s and this is a good thing.
I i feel i am going crazy and we will loose the best things about D4 to the ppl that will jump to poe2 or back to d2r anyways.
All game do not need to be the same.

I have heard ppl talk about this “never feel stronger” bit. Perhaps it’s player / build specific, but as a now lvl 91 sorc I definitely don’t agree.

Every few runs brings more paragon pts post nightmare xp patch = power, plus glyph levels = power. I was previously fighting sigils 3 lvls above for max xp, now I’m doing 8 above (could likely do more, but this is efficient).

When I dip into non-nightmare runs (e.g., just a whispers run or helltides) it’s ezpz. Dipping further down to help a clanmate into T4 is a faceroll.

Good drops are too rare and that’s a concern as the level/paragon/glyph gravy train will be ending soon.

Uniques in particular are disappointing as most are worthless for my build but then also worthless beyond that, i.e., if I could salvage a Unique for 20 forgotten souls they would have at least some value. Even better would be a Unique Exchanger (perhaps fueled by unique mat from salvaging Uniques) to give you a one time chance per Unique to get a different one.

In summary… don’t agree with this point but imagine I will at 100 unless/until things change.

I feel that this game has fallen into the same situation as other pay to access live service games of feeling half-baked and all of their chips are on their live service “features”. And let’s be honest Activision/Blizzard doesn’t have a great track record of being great at live service.

Do I think the game is fun? Sure, to an extent, but that fun starts draining after a point with this game. And before people say “ah well you’re playing it too much”, I couldn’t get enough of Elden Ring for weeks and still mess with it from time to time, versus this game I’ve shelved until S1.

My worry for this game is that it’ll end up like D3, where we’re waiting two years (RoS release) for the game to really gain good traction.

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Wut the hell is even that?

I believe the technical term would be typo.
I think they meant Beyond.
:rofl: :crazy_face:

LoL I know im just being a fool :stuck_out_tongue:

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I would hope this is the first and last time you say this. :rofl:

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…and another one.

1 day

Last Post
23 hours

Thanks for playing …