The Diablo 4 White Knighting is amazing

Exspecially fun with the current loot filter, which picks all items on the ground for you.

I don’t see anything close to that here on these forums. People voice their criticisms and concerns. Sorry if you are failing to defend Blizzard for their bad decisions.

Seriously, some of these nerfs were necessary, There were a lot of OP things. But. We rather need a complete overhaul of the mechanics and balance.
There has been a simple shift at the moment, and it looks like they plan to do the same every season.
First of all, they should decide what is what and build a balance based on this.
And in seasons, they can insert any content, but not balance scales.

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That’s actually something I do not understand in Diablo IV. The team behind the game only has 2 answers to everything problematic: Nerfing and deactivating. That’s a huge problem because it feels like the people behind the game are kinda overwehelmed by the situation. The philosophy in Diablo III was quite the opposite, especially later on. Was something unbalanced or too powerful, something else was buffed. This hadn’t made the build of the player useless and they could way better adapt to new changes.

The current team behind Diablo IV has a weird design philosophy. They have massive problems to grant people more power in a game with a focus on feeling more power with each level and skillpoint (I would also say finding new and better gear but that’s also something the creators of the game won’t give you).

If this continues in such a way, servers will be empty in a breeze. And that’s not even an exxageration at this point.

You call rouges & barbs reigning unmatched a happy medium, You are like the Devs, You don’t play this game.

Yes, amazing is correct :D.
mediocre fanboys is always amazing in all context but honestly i find in this forum top of the top :D…
i asked a simple questions, No reply :D.

ehhh, crappy fanboys :smiley: always fun :slight_smile:


still here some fanboys, white knights or whatever you want to call it that can replay to me on this ?.

at this point … every diablo player have literally EXPLOITED the game ?.
because some of you have unlocked wt4 at level 30… knowing that “this is not the intended way to play the game”. Now to defend this unacceptable situation people ( fanboys ) says “ehhh… but this is the way intended to be played the game”.

right ?.

Most of them are just lonely, bitter people.

Peoples identity get caught up in the things they like. Not seeing problems with D4 is just showing a lack of general intelligence and self awareness. Probably from people who would do very poorly in logic and reasoning courses.

We paid $80+ for this game LESS THAN TWO MONTHS AGO AND THEY’RE ALREADY “BALANCING” IT INTO THE GROUND. Every complaint and whining is 100% justified. Would you not complain after buying a car only for it to break down a month after buying it?

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I am a casual player and feel like you are right on. The nerfs to survivability, damage, exp gain. It directly hurts us and slows gameplay down terribly. I have been loving the game, even grinding for the time that I have, but it’s so slow, such a slog that it’s not even fun anymore.

The survivability and stat nerfs kill rogues. We already had almost no survivability, and have even less now. One misclick now and you die. Thank god I’m not playing hardcore.

Wow! Amazing that there isn’t a single exception.

Bet you blast the “white knights” with their ridiculous over the top opinions as well….

Thanks for offering your deeply considered thoughts……

Oh, and that name really helps reinforce what you are saying.

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Do you regularly offer nothing of substance in these forums?

Substance is what you think you offer? Ok.

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The patch is like going to Wendy’s to order a Baconator and getting a Bacon Double…


Give me my extra slice of cheese and 3 extra slices of bacon… Please?

It’s funny that not a single white knight from my block list appeared in this topic haha.


Let’s be real, 90% of them are blizzard employees, either directly or indirectly shilling.


so you’d have to play the game? ok…

Well, let’s start in order.
It wasn’t white knights who called for the nerfs, so they have nothing to do with it.
there are too big problems with the mechanics in the game, so if you look sensibly without nerfs it is impossible. First you need to level everything and then adjust. But for this you need to decide on the mechanics of how damage and defense work.
True, Blizzard, as always, runs ahead of the locomotive.

Explain why you think arguing with White Knights is going to make them quit liking the game.

What exactly is your point? Does the existence of people who like the (patched) game hurt you somehow?

Do you really think calling people “White Knights” is going to change their mind?