The Diablo 4 White Knighting is amazing

I stand with blizzard, I want them to keep doing exactly what they are doing. In fact I hope they double down, no, triple down.

No one is saying nerfs werenā€™t needed, but how they went about it is braindead. They basically looked at their metrics, heavily nerfed everything people were stacking, and slightly buffed everything they werenā€™t, without addressing in the slightest why the disparity existed in the first place. There are reasons under the hood, damage buckets etc., why vulnerable is being stacked. Itā€™ll still be stacked, now people just have less of it. The reason armor is preferred over resistances is because they have admitted resistances arenā€™t working right, which theyā€™ll fix in season two. So in the meantime? blanket massive armor nerf.

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what makes a complaint dumb? Who decides that?

I doubt anyone cares if they quit the game, but they should still be called out for the shills that they are. Why would I care if you want to waste your time playing a bad game? Go nuts.

Me, I have impeccable judgement having lived through the entire history of gaming.

So, this is how the argument always goes:
ā€œThe patch is bad because Xā€
I like X becauseā€¦
ā€œYouā€™re a White Knight.ā€

Every single time you all devolve into ad hominem almost immediately. How enlightening.

They made an abstruse system. First of all, it had to be simplified. Instead, they made a lot of unnecessary add-ons to it, because of which they cannot understand what breaks the system, and the system is simply uneven and it is elementary to fix it.

FYI shred druid can still one shot lilith and balwark druid build is cruising thru NM dungeons. maybe itā€™s just time for a build change for druid. Druid has become one of the most if not the most powerful class after this patch. but yah i agree barb is dead.

I am a casual player myself, but in no way those nerfs could be justified

To any Blizzard support reading this: Willing to post positive review of Season 1 patch for full/partial refund of Diablo 4.

Yea who thinks they needed to nerf the Sorc to make it MORE squishy?

Who was like, ā€œthis sorc is just a tank with its frequent one-shot deaths. We need to pump those numbers up. These constant one-shot deaths are ROOKIE numbers.ā€

Lolz, I know right

Name adds credibility!

My armor is so whiteā€¦ I think its all those tears that makes it so white and bright ! :smiley:

We didnā€™t test the endgame in server slam. We could only level to 20 (maybe 25?) and couldnā€™t play beyond the Fractured Peaks zone.

Their criticism of you certainly appears valid.

I am not sure what D4 is all about anymoreā€¦ is like a really bad (insert game) hereā€¦ honestly, it was ā€œfunā€ cb1/cb2 but leveling was a grind (even though I only had 1 toon) ā€” honestly do know how people manage to even get 2x100 unless they donā€™t have an 8-5 job or they are a streamer (?) ā€¦ But I agree that the changes are ā€œbadā€ I mean they should have modified the ā€œbadā€ gear and ā€œimproveā€ the builds that were already ā€œinferiorā€ ā€¦ I mean I donā€™t even get why bother giving necros minions if they are not truly usable. Open World with people from other platforms was a bad ideaā€¦ oh but you canā€™t even get a group or find a clan to begin with and why even make clans if you canā€™t find them because there is NO tool for it. (sociable/but not sociable???)

ā€¦ I still do not get the point of having an eternal character (there is nothing to ā€œworkā€ towards), for me at least was level, and didnā€™t even care about Lilithā€¦ and the Paragon seems questionable, and modifying the character is pointless since it consumes tons of goldā€¦ (not even sure why it requires gold, should be free) and thenā€¦ the space is really bad ( I am sorry I do not want to spend half an hour of my gaming time) going through loot and making space for different builds, I should be able to make different builds! and they all should be viable and at least do some of the same amounts of damage as whatever the people think is metaā€¦

That sounds like way more work than itā€™s worth but people are strange lol.

Iā€™m not defending anything Iā€™m just saying Iā€™m probably going to keep playing for the time being. Nothing is permanent and to me it isnā€™t the end of the world. Bare in mind I watched d3 come up from launch and only get really good after the expansion.

If you donā€™t like the game I suggest putting it down until some time in the future when you may feel like giving it another chance. These forums are full of shrill complaints (and I usually defend complaints against the complainers squared), but at some point it just doesnā€™t seem healthy.

But again, Iā€™m not even saying things arenā€™t bad right now. Iā€™m just saying they arenā€™t bad enough to force me to stop playing. I may reroll every instance I get out of WT1 but I can still play the first 50 levels so Iā€™m not out yet.

Just one of those guys thatā€™s convinced theyā€™ll be a millionaire if they lick enough dingleberries off bobbyā€™s butt. Brown nosed simps gonna lick.

I donā€™t think resorting to calling people ā€œKarenā€ who are upset at a game they once enjoyed being objectively much much worse than before is a good approach either.

Apart from the trolls Iā€™d guess the majority of the player base feels quite negatively about the impact this patch had. Players are upset. They use the forums to express that frustration (even if it falls on deaf ears).

Youā€™re just a contrarian. No one is going to read your commentā€™s and not think this guy is mainlining copium or a complete moron.