The Diablo 4 White Knighting is amazing

To many people feel they need to defend a game that has imploded with horrible patch that has destroyed many players builds. You need to understand that you can not simply just craft new armor or items such as other games for your build and you have to farm for the ones you need. So everytime they do this its very destructive. Instead of nerfing and making builds useless why not balance the other unused skills making them usefull.Constructive criticism is healthy. I have multiple lvl 100 characters and most are underpowered now or not playable. If you are defending these nerfs then you are probably more of a casual player. And there is nothing wrong with that. But these nerfs limit build options overall.


I think most people are aware the game has many issues, but we can also recognize dumb complaints and whining.


Pretty much all complaints I’ve seen, the basically thousands at this point, seemed actually valid.


Are people making accounts just to complain now?


Can’t make a joke account unless you pay for the game twice. So basically, probably no.


whining about non-existent typos in patch notes, about nerfing OP mechanics (necessary to bring everyone to a happy medium), about reduced scaling after so many people said they hated the hard scaling, asking for X people to get fired…

Literally all pointless whining.


So he bought the game today?
(Bad timing if so.)

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You’re the type of person to order a burger, receive a salad, and eat it anyways


Who bought they game today? What? haha.No i just never seen a reason to log in here before until today.

Nothing seemed really OP. If something things seemed fine, with stuff that needed buff.

People didn’t really say they hated the hard scaling, they said they didn’t like scaling, period.

Asking for x people to get fired isn’t necessarily pointless.

Haven’t seen the typo whines, remaining my original post still valid.


Ah ok. I was about to feel really bad for you.

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Check your item rolls.

Some items got their CDR and vulnerable damage rerolled completely.

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No, I’m the type of person that will complain about real issues instead of making a fit over nothing and calling the manager.

I campaigned hard for balance issues during the beta and a lot of them were changed more or less the way I posted (using math). But I’m not going to yell like a Karen over nothing… like a lot of people here are.


They’re weak because they’re invested. They’re caught in the sunk cost fallacy and any attack on the game is an attack on their personal time and effort because they’re too smooth brained to separate the two, therefore they feel attacked.


Idc if they die on that hill to defend it. I don’t need their approval to quit this boring lackluster game which nostalgia baited everyone.


Okie doke, hope they brought you croutons


I have multiple lvl100’s and my main is barb…well was barb…Not sure now after patch haha.

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really? Vulnerability isn’t OP? Really?


To many people feel they need to bash a game that has sold more than any other in the franchise with a patch that has rebalanced many player builds. It’s getting old, we get it you don’t like it. Why are you still lingering like a turd that won’t flush?


I’ll still play. I’m used to it. Been adapting to bad patches on Diablo games for 26 years.

This one is definitely a bad one though. I can’t defend it.