The Diablo 4 White Knighting is amazing

This aint some single player game mate, Diablo 2 and 3 were extremely fun due to the farmable and USEABLE uniques and crazy dumb builds you can make as per the ARPG standard.

Now its just Lost Ark with no End-Game and still only has one useable build even after all these changes aka the Exploit Vulnerable build lmao. What did they do to fix this? NERF EVERYTHING and take away all the fun, can you imagine a tower defense game where you only need to build one tower to upgrade, this is Diablo 4… I had hopes for Season 1 now… not so much.


Did you even read my post, or are you just being disagreeable because you dont want to have an adult conversation with me because I told you not to make stuff up so as to not make yourself look foolish.

Or did you not realize I was protecting you?

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I spent over a year on the Lost Ark forums :rofl:

Reasoning with D4 players is basically Hello Kitty Adventure Island in comparison

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I know that. All I am saying is to not post wild numbers. Its just stupid reasoning. I even agreed after this patch people are leaving. Thats just a given. Just no made up numbers.

I get what your saying. I don’t have the data your right. All im saying is you don’t really need the data to get a feel for whats going on. I will agree that making statistics up on the spot isn’t the best way to win an argument tho. I might have my own bias against blizzard on that matter. An exaggeration on my part was made, am I wrong tho? Probably not.

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no we are all this mad about it

Blizz is 100% lacking. WTF is happening over there lmao

And that, my good friend, is totally fine. In fact I value that, and support you. Until I played this afternoon on my druid, I was still defending the game pretty hard. then I pplayed my druid. I was pretty unhappy.

And no, you may not be wrong. It IS bleeding alot of people. I had high hopes for this game. The story was okay when it was on point and not side tracking you with weird side stuff that did nothing but make you run over there for no reason. I enjoyed the NM dungeons I got into.

And then today happened, and the forum pvp went from fairly fun and witty banter on both sides to…Someone threatened to beat me up and rape me, then threatened to murder me. I dont think even in the prime of a good ol fashion reddit post fight have I ever actually felt concerned. I was today.

Well that escalated quickly. God damn thats rough. Ppl who post on the pvp forums are a different breed alltogether.

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well its the gen forums but weve coined it the true end game Forum PvP. You should see me, kaboom, Quadrius, and bodach go at it sometimes. But there is a line we havent crossed and Id seriously game with any of them anytime.

I’m truely sorry you were threatened. We should all be allowed our concerns and recommendations for a game we feel passionate about. But threatening to cause harm over a game? We just want to see a great game stay great and get better. I enjoyed it for what it was and now not so much. I invested alot of time on my character builds only for them not to work like they were or should. Feels like a step back. Honestly at this rate i feel they should just have a build set for each character from the get go… I feel they are punishing creativity nerfing builds. That is what is fun…exploring builds to blast through content. I have been reading your posts in this thread and i appreciate you for keeping it civil.
edit obviouse sarcasm…i dont want one set build lol but they are truly going to make it that way on this path.

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You’re welcome. I hid my post history because Im back tracking and deleting stuff. I am passionate, and it gets the best of me on occasion. But today is not the day to have flame wars. Not after what happened.

I will NEVER stop defending people enjoying the game. I will however not lower myself and disrespect myself and stooping to a dumb level, not anymore. threats are real and should be taken seriously.

On what you said about fun? Absolutely. I prolly spec changed on my druid 900 times before level fifty. At lvl 75 though…I was being pushed into werewolf, or bear, and I didnt like that. I liked being a earthbender, or an air bender, or a lightning tossing sith lord. but when I logged in this afternoon, at lvl 100?? I died 15 times in 10 minutes. I have to go bear or wolf now, just to have fun?

or you can drop the elitist optimist shtick. nobody cares that you can identify which complaints are in bad faith. good job having common sense. proud of you

It sure is and abuse/other forms or criticism that is present is unhealthy.

The game needs some work no doubt about that though, still working through patch notes but I am not sure they are understanding the feedback on some of this stuff!

Did the patch break your controler/keyboard?

You’re not wrong in stating that the general feel of the patch is that we’ve all been nerfed in whatever build we enjoyed playing. But the game is still playable. We just need to learn to play it differently.

Playable by who? Are you pushing NMD 100 or killing Uber lilith? They are making it playable for their builds…the way they want to play. These nerfs should have been implemented early on. Wtf was all the beta for? Where are the test servers? Actual players farm their gear for stats that make their build the best it can be. They spend time doing so. So instead of adding a tier 5 to raise difficulty or buffing monsters they kill cooldowns and stats on weapons? Its lazy development.They are scared because they have no content and see people finishing the game. Maybe make some end game content. they literally destroyed alot of Hard Core players characters. If it hasnt effected you thats great…more power to you. Im glad you enjoy the changes. But if they wanted to make changes to have people to use other builds they should have buffed unused skills and make them more viable with builds. Instead they want characters with no defense and glass cannons. I hope you enjoy your Rogue now with the new aspect.

Im casual and this patch destroyed my char, just hit 70 for the first time…not happy and not looking forward to season or even playing .

damn that sucks…hard enough as is to respect and finding new gear. Hopefully they do an emergency patch or something…fingers crossed

XD :clown_face: :call_me_hand:

875 posts btw. maybe spend a bit less time on forums and a bit more time in game and I’m fairly sure you’ll also realize how pathetic patch notes for s1 are.

i’m one of the new people defending this patch. the game had and still has a LOT of problems, and this patch has created some new problems, but lowering the overall power level across the board (and particularly at the top end) is what i’ve been asking for all along. we aren’t supposed to be doing wt3 capstone solo at 58 and then being capable of doing nm dungeons 20 lvls above us all the way up to 100. the builds people think are “good” are supremely overpowered, and the builds people think are “weak” are where they actually should be. now that top builds have been brought down, everyone needs to recalibrate their expectations. especially given that the seasonal mechanics will raise everyone up again.

if you’re cruising through nm t55-60 at lvl 100 (or a few levels above whatever your level is now), you’re doing fine. and the number of builds that are doing fine, relative to the top builds, just got a lot bigger, not smaller (even if they are less powerful now than they were yesterday).