The Diablo 4 White Knighting is amazing

you like the game and you’re happy with d4. we get it.

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Him and the three other people left playing lmao

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I’m not. I think it has a lot to improve. I just want better feedback to be at the top of the forums, not buried under empty complaints.

It’s hard to control a thread, but you have to constantly redirect it or it becomes a yelling match. That’s the problem with this one. But… the attempt is appreciated.


People are allowed to have opinions. We are allowed to disagree with those opinions. We are also allowed to quit playing, like 95% of the playerbase already has. Sorry that upsets you so much, enjoy your dead game! Edit: Im sure overwatch 2 and wow are just one patch away from being good as well! Keep it up champ anyday now!

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remember the screaming when people got hit with taxes cause they made to much on the RMAH?

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Most folks just do not want to agree with the negative feedback but lack the critical thinking to explain why they don’t agree, or why that feedback is wrong so they hide behind the Shield.

That’s how you see comments like “That’s how every ARPG is” or “Well in D1/2/3…” and those are designed to be a safety net to make that person feel like the negative feedback isn’t true, or accurate.

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Not saying people arent leaving, not anymore. But dont make up wild stats. Makes you look foolish. I say that because you have ZERO source-able, credible numbers of that, besides forum posts. No one does. Blizzard doesnt have a concurrent player tally like steam.

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Source: It was revealed to me in a dream.

In all seriousness you have to be deluded to think the game isn’t bleeding players, and has been for some time. I might not have the data, but you know im right. Just look at steam. What do those numbers say?

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out of arguments? let’s attack someone personally! white knight, shine bright.

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No, I do not know you are right. I cant accept a gut feeling like that. Its like saying a medicine will work on and cure cancer, without showing data, or testing, or anything, by saying “because I said so”.

As for steam they show players currently online. Thats it. But it still shows nothing for diablo 4. Cause thats not on steam.

So what do the numbers of people online compared to the number of people who used to be online show? cmon man. You can’t seriosly be like this. The game is not only dying it’s literally already dead. Content creators have stopped making vids. Steamers have stopped streaming D3. The boards are on fire and blizzard has a terrible track record. You don’t need to be omnipotent to put 2 and 2 together.

rename the game to Blodiab 4, not worthy of the title.

It’s bleeding the upper player base, but I imagine it’s maintained a large audience of people who don’t care about any of this and just want to drink a beer and kill some demons.

Any single one of us here on the forums are already outside of the target audience simply for actually being here.

The 99% are not us, and those players don’t care about nor do they follow all the content creators and comments here and still are playing the game.

Eventually those players may reach a spot where they see the issues, but by then they’ll be starting a new season anyway.


People used to say this about wow and overwatch 2 as well. How did those two games turn out? Just cause you don’t see the fire doesn’t mean there isn’t one. It’s not even fire at this point, by the time BG3 and Starfield come out nothing will remain but ash.

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I used to post links to estimates but I gave up because it wasnt verifiable. It shows games lose players over time, like all games. Elden ring had 900000 concurrent players on steam opening month, now its 40k. Doesnt mean it was a bad launch, just most people arent playing.

I am that way because I am in science my guy. Show me verifiable sources. Till then its nothing but hot air from people who are upset on the internet. Which, frankly, alot of people are. But it does NOT say 95% of the players have left.

I also do no give streamers, or youtubers any credence, simply because they only play games that they know will get good attention. ARPG’s have been TERRIBLE for that. Which is why hardly any of them do it.

Please, be upset, your justified. While I HATE the fatalistic mentality of this forum, I wont deny someones say. Just dont make up stuff. Thats all.

LOL, I bet the million ppl who order this game didn’t think it was gonna be a flop either with nitemare dungeons that aren’t balanced, nor characters. Keep kissing the butts, we get it, you are a butt kisser, probably always have and will always be, while hiding out in your moms basement yelling give me a bologna sandwich maw. The only Turd I smell is you.

Well WoW ran for 19 years and is still active today, so I would have to say pretty well.

Overwatch 2 literally shot itself in the foot by announcing no PvE and only existing to get around the loophole of Overwatch couldn’t sell characters to you.

Yes, there is a fire, but that fire is not going to burn through the player base anytime soon, probably years before they have to put out an apology letter and promise to start doing better.

Yeah I was pretty bummed about no pve. I was really excited because the cutscenes had incredible story.

No one is upset. You are coming into the argument with your own bias. Which being a science guy you should know is a no-no. Most rational people can tell the trajectory this game is heading towards. You don’t need pages of data to see it. Good luck to you. They might one day turn it around and make the game fun to play, but im afraid by then nobody will care enough to return.

This is possibly the most logical statement I’ve seen on these forums. Just wanted to acknowledge and commend you on your keen perception and well written reply.