The Diablo 4 White Knighting is amazing

LOL! Sure… that’s hilarious

Never said the game sucked. I actually enjoyed it for the most part.

Listen, I agree, but following on a few of your statements earlier, I just want to put this into perspective. First quoting you here:

This is fair. But from another perspective, in another valid thread (apart from this one):

My point is, this thread addresses the fact that so many other valid threads - which are doing what you’re suggesting are inundated with a multitude of “white knights” that simply just don’t seem to get that there are valid concerns - and the community has been providing valid feedback and suggestions. None of which Blizzard seems to acknowledge or possess the ability to actually balance out issues.


bro has 1200 posts no wayyy lmaooo

I mean people still play world of warcraft. Im not suprised they will defend D3. Doesn’t make it a good game tho.

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this thread is cluttering the forums and making the threads with valid criticism invisible / pushed back to the bottom of the page.

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Show me worse. Show me any patch in history with this much REVOLUTION online. Only one i can think of even close to it was 20 years ago in SWG when they nerfed Jedi.

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My bad. Your quip about people just creating accounts to comment gave me the impression you were jumping in front of the complaint bullet for Blizzard. I was incorrect in that assumption.

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I don’t have to… the argument is ridiculous to begin with.

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Not really. I’m a Diablo fan I’m just not silly enough to think this patch wasn’t overkill. It’s definitely the worst patch so far.

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That Michael Jackson defense not going to work here bud.

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What makes their criticism more valid? All criticism is valid to some extent.

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Here’s what a non dev controlled board really thinks of the patch:


Ok, my criticism is this thread is a waste of space and it should die. So, I’ll let it…

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Lol surprised that not deleted Reddit mods been pulling a hunters laptop with the negative threads on their site.

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For every one white knight there are about 50 people throwing a more epic tantrum than my 3yr old niece can muster.

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Ive actually read and respect your ideas of how the game should play for you and how you see it should be. Im sorry if you see that a discussion about the game on a forum is such a waste of space. I honestly thought thats what this space was for…am i right?


This too. It’s up to the reader to pick apart which threads they choose to read. I can understand where Wyrmheart’s sentiments lie, in that this one gains popularity over others with consistent feedback and reply - but that’s the level of contention that this community is at right now.

Valid feedback is remiss amongst the threads because now it’s become “I like the game” vs. “the game sucks” and both sides are right - they just can’t agree that some like the game, in its current state (good for you) and some want better than what was marketed and you know, would like a delivery on service promises.

Where’s our in-game chat so we can discuss this there? Surely there was some thought put in that both PCs and current consoles support keyboards, no?


Casual player =/= casual opinion. Games should never be built to appease these chronic noobs. There’s nothing wrong with being that but let the devoted have their fun. I don’t show up where you are the expert and start moving parts around to suit my ineptitude.

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The biggest thing is being stuck in wt2 to lvl 50 and wt3 to lvl 70 with less overall xp, lower monster levels to lower high level leveling.

Thats the reality going forward unless they change it.

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